博客 -- 氮化镓技术如何击败硅技术
Term: シリコン
6 post(s) found

5月 10, 2023


Renee Yawger, Director of Marketing

氮化镓(GaN)器件是一种非常坚硬和在机械方面非常稳定的宽带隙半导体材料,用于生产功率器件、射频元件和发光二极管 (LED)。其开关频率远高于硅器件,使电力电子设计人员能够利用氮化镓器件创建更小、更高效、性能更高的系统,这是以前采用硅技术难以实现。

1月 28, 2023


Renee Yawger, Director of Marketing


8月 22, 2022

利用eGaN FET实现具有快速开关、高效率、小型化的350 V半桥模块 EPC博客

EPC Guest Blogger,

许多电源系统中使用的基本构建块是半桥,它由两个串联的功率FET及其各自的栅极驱动器组成。虽然分立式FET和栅极驱动器可以在板上实现这个相同的功能,但通常使用半桥模块比较有利。使用半桥模块有许多好处,包括使用单个预先通过认证的器件、更短的交付周期和具有更高的性能。有50多年历史的电源模块供应商Sensitron(sensitron.com)使用了EPC的eGaN FET,使它的新型产品更具吸引力。Sensitron与EPC合作,使用了新型EPC2050 GaN FET开发出350 V半桥模块SPG025N035P1B,这个半桥智能功率模块专为商业、工业和航空航天应用而设计,额定电流为20 A,可用于控制5 kW以上的功率。如图1所示,通过从Si和SiC器件升级至采用氮化镓器件,封装尺寸显著减小。

8月 03, 2022

CEO Corner——Alex Lidow驳斥氮化镓器件的价格高于硅器件的神话

Alex Lidow, Ph.D., CEO and Co-founder

早在2015年,Venture Beat就发表了一篇关于氮化镓芯片取代硅的文章。在那篇文章中,我断言氮化镓基功率半导体的广泛普及是可能的,因为GaN FET将比硅具有更高的性能和更低的成本。然而,人们仍然普遍误解氮化镓器件还没有达到那个里程碑……这是一个错误的神话。在这篇博客文章中,我将试图打破这个神话,并提醒大家,本次讨论仅限于额定电压低于400 V的器件的应用领域,因为这是EPC 的重点产品。

9月 14, 2021

Motor Drives Showdown – GaN vs. Silicon

Marco Palma, Director of Motor Drives Systems and Applications

This GaN Talk blog discusses the advantages of using GaN-based inverters instead of silicon-based inverters for motor drive designs to operate smoother while reducing size and weight. These advantages are critical for motor drives used in typical applications such as warehousing & logistical robots, servo drives, e-bikes & e-scooters,  collaborative and low voltage robots and medical robotics, industrial drones, and automotive motors.

Omdia forecasts that worldwide shipments of warehousing and logistics robots will grow rapidly over the next 5 years from 194,000 units in 2018 to 938,000 units annually by 2022, with the rate of growth slowing after 2021 as many major players will have adopted robotic systems by then.  Worldwide revenue for this category will increase from $8.3 billion in 2018 to $30.8 billion in 2022, providing significant opportunities for established participants and emerging players.

8月 21, 2020

New 200 V eGaN Devices Double the Performance Edge Over the Aging Silicon Power MOSFET.

Alex Lidow, Ph.D., CEO and Co-founder

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) is doubling the performance distance between the aging silicon power MOSFET and eGaN® transistors with 200 V ratings.  The new fifth-generation devices are about half the size of the prior generation.  This performance boost comes from two main design differences, as shown in figure 1.  On the left is a cross-section of the fourth generation 200 V enhancement-mode GaN-on-Si process.  The cross-section on the right is the fifth-generation structure with reduced distance between gate and source electrodes and an added thick metal layer. These improvements, plus many others not shown, have doubled the performance of the new-generation FETs.