博客 -- 氮化镓技术如何击败硅技术
Term: 電力変換
3 post(s) found

8月 03, 2022

CEO Corner——Alex Lidow驳斥氮化镓器件的价格高于硅器件的神话

Alex Lidow, Ph.D., CEO and Co-founder

早在2015年,Venture Beat就发表了一篇关于氮化镓芯片取代硅的文章。在那篇文章中,我断言氮化镓基功率半导体的广泛普及是可能的,因为GaN FET将比硅具有更高的性能和更低的成本。然而,人们仍然普遍误解氮化镓器件还没有达到那个里程碑……这是一个错误的神话。在这篇博客文章中,我将试图打破这个神话,并提醒大家,本次讨论仅限于额定电压低于400 V的器件的应用领域,因为这是EPC 的重点产品。

5月 10, 2021

Intelligent Power Amplifier Module based on GaN FETs

EPC Guest Blogger,

Guest GaN Talk Blog by: Pavel Gurev, Sinftech Rus LLC

This article originally appeared in Bodo’s Power Systems April 2021

In the past few years, gallium-nitride (GaN) FETs have become more widespread in power electronics. Due to their outstanding characteristics, GaN FETs play an increasingly important role in miniaturization of the switching converters with very high-power densities exceeding 100 W / cm3 and more. The efficiency of converters based on GaN transistors can reach 99.5%. Due to the extension of the conversion frequency towards the MHz range, the magnetic components (chokes, transformers) also decrease in size significantly. However, designers face numerous challenges in implementing practical GaN transistor designs. The best family members are presented in wafer-level chip-scale package; the drivers are also quite miniature.

9月 22, 2020

New 100 V eGaN Devices Increase Benchmark Performance Over the Aging Silicon Power MOSFET

Alex Lidow, Ph.D., CEO and Co-founder

Efficient Power Conversion(EPC)は、定格100 Vの成熟したシリコン・パワーMOSFETとeGaNトランジスタの間の性能の差を広げています。新しい第5世代「プラス」デバイスは、以前の第5世代製品と比べて、オン抵抗RDS(on)が約20%小さく、直流定格が高くなっています。この性能向上は、厚い金属層の追加と、はんだボールから、はんだバーへの変更によるものです。