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Podcast: GaN and Silicon Carbide | Meeting New Efficiency Standards in The Green Revolution

Podcast: GaN and Silicon Carbide | Meeting New Efficiency Standards in The Green Revolution

As energy efficiency standards increase, high-voltage Silicon Carbide and low-voltage GaN are replacing traditional silicon, enabling cooler, lighter, and more powerful electronics. Join Guy Moxey and Alex Lidow, EPC CEO and Co-founder, and explore how Wolfspeed and EPC technologies complement one another in the race towards a more sustainable future.

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以碳化硅(SiC)、氮化镓(GaN)材料为主流的宽带隙(WBG)半导体功率器件,在节能永续意识抬头的今日成为各种功率系统应用的宠儿。2022年Tech Taipei研讨会首度以WBG器件为题,邀请业界重量级业者,从设计、制造、测试等不同面向与现场超过400位听众分享最新技术与应用趋势...

EE Times Taiwan


Thoughtful Board Design Unlocks the Promise of GaN

Thoughtful Board Design Unlocks the Promise of GaN

Power transistors with faster switching speeds will enable power supplies with smaller form factors and higher energy transfer efficiencies. Indeed, the elimination of heat sinks will give designers the ability to visualize entirely new form factors for power bricks and modules, including those enabling wireless power transfers. Gallium-nitride (GaN) transistors fabricated on silicon substrates can boost efficiencies and help shrink the footprint of power supplies.

Electronic Design
March, 2016
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