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汽车电子用于低压配电的演变—从 ICE 、MHEV 到目前的BEV汽车应用

汽车电子用于低压配电的演变—从 ICE 、MHEV 到目前的BEV汽车应用

汽车电子在过去30年内经历了几个时代的演变。 从主要采用机械或发动机驱动系统的纯内燃机 (ICE),到添加电力动力的轻度混合动力 (MHEV),再到全电池电动汽车 (BEV)应用。 在这三个时代中,用于转换和分配电力的架构甚至基本半导体元件都发生了重大的变化。 本文讨论了这个进化过程和对将来进化的方向做出了一些推测。

Power Systems Design


EPC Introduces 350 V eGaN Power Transistor − 20 Times Smaller Than Comparable Silicon

EPC Introduces 350 V eGaN Power Transistor − 20 Times Smaller Than Comparable Silicon

The EPC2050 offers power systems designers a 350 V, 65 mΩ, 26 A power transistor in an extremely small chip-scale package.  These new devices are ideal for applications such as multi-level converters, EV charging, solar power inverters, and motor drives.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. — April 2018 — Efficient Power Conversion announces the EPC2050, a 350 V GaN transistor with a maximum RDS(on) of 65 mΩ and a 26 A pulsed output current. Applications include EV charging, solar power inverters, motor drives, and multi-level converter configurations, such as a 3-level, 400 V input to 48 V output LLC converter for telecom or server power supplies.
