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Advancements in GaN Motor Drive Inverters Revolutionize UAV Drones for Agricultural Applications

Advancements in GaN Motor Drive Inverters Revolutionize UAV Drones for Agricultural Applications

Modern agricultural techniques have been revolutionized by the integration of unmanned aerial- vehicle (UAV) drones, which are low-voltage battery-operated aircrafts. Smaller drones are utilized for terrain mapping and vegetation monitoring, while heavier, more robust variants are employed for tasks such as spraying and distributing fertilizers and insecticides as well as disseminating seeds and feed with payloads up to 50 kg loads. GaN-based inverters prove to be suitable for UAV agricultural drones since they extend the battery life by improving motor efficiency, courtesy of the higher PWM frequency with sinusoidal excitation. In addition to the efficiency considerations, the higher PWM frequency contributes to a reduction in the dimensions of the DC link, thereby reducing the size and weight of the inverter, which is vital in lightweight aircrafts.

Bodo’s Power Systems
December, 2023
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Sharge Selects GaN FETs from EPC for High-power USB PD Charger

Sharge Selects GaN FETs from EPC for High-power USB PD Charger

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.—  March 2023 – Efficient Power Conversion (EPC), the world’s leader in enhancement-mode gallium nitride FETs and ICs, has teamed up with SHARGE Technology (SHARGE) to design a 67 W USB PD charger with a power display screen. The Retro 67 fast charger uses EPC’s 100 V GaN FET, EPC2218, which can deliver 231 A pulsed current in a tiny footprint of 3.5 mm x 1.95 mm offering designers a significantly smaller, more efficient device than silicon MOSFET for USB PD fast chargers.

EPC2218 provides SHARGE’s All-GaN fast charger with higher efficiency, state-of-the-art power density and lower system cost.


立锜科技与宜普电源转换携手推出小型化、140 W快充解决方案

立锜科技与宜普电源转换携手推出小型化、140 W快充解决方案


宜普电源转换公司和立锜科技宣布推出4开关双向降压-升压控制器参考设计,可将12 V~24 V的输入电压转换为5 V~20 V的稳压输出电压,并提供高达5 A的连续电流和6.5 A的最大电流。与高功率密度应用的传统解决方案相比,新型RT6190控制器与EPC的超高效氮化镓场效应晶体管EPC2204相结合,使得解决方案尺寸可缩小20%以上,而且在20 V和12 V输出电压下,可实现超过98%的效率。在不需使用散热器和5 A连续电流下,20 V转5 V的最大升温低于摄氏15度,而12 V转20 V的最高升温则低于摄氏55度。


用于国际通用交流输入、240 W USB PD3.1”全氮化镓”快充参考设计, 实现功率密度基准

用于国际通用交流输入、240 W USB PD3.1”全氮化镓”快充参考设计, 实现功率密度基准

EPC9171 评估板可将90 V~265 V通用交流输入电压转换为可调 15 V至48 V直流输出电压。该参考设计可在 48 V 输出电压和 5 A 负载电流下,提供 240 W 的最大输出功率。

宜普电源转换公司(EPC)宣布推出EPC9171,可将90 V~265 V通用交流输入电压转换为15 V ~48 V直流输出电压,专为 USB PD3.1超快速充电器而设计。此参考设计可在 48 V 输出电压和 5 A 负载下,提供 240 W 最大输出功率。在初级侧和次级侧电路采用在高频率下开关的氮化镓功率器件,可实现约 1.1 W/cm3的功率密度。
