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新型80 V、15 A eToF™激光驱动器GaN IC 可实现更高功率密度和更具成本效益的激光雷达系统设计

新型80 V、15 A eToF™激光驱动器GaN IC 可实现更高功率密度和更具成本效益的激光雷达系统设计

宜普电源转换公司(EPC)推出新型氮化镓集成电路EPC21701,这是一款80 V激光驱动器 IC,可提供15 A脉冲电流,适用于飞行时间(ToF)激光雷达应用,包括真空吸尘器、机器人、3D安全摄像头和3D传感。

EPC宣布推出EPC21701,这是一款单芯片激光驱动器,包含80 V、40 A FET、栅极驱动器和3.3逻辑电平输入,用于飞行时间激光雷达系统,包括用于机器人、监控系统和真空吸尘器。它专为用于手势识别、飞行时间 (ToF) 测量、机器人视觉或工业安全的激光雷达系统量身定制。


Chasing the Speed of Light

Chasing the Speed of Light

As the level of automation increases in machines, detailed awareness of the surroundings becomes necessary. Time-of-flight based 3D imaging systems have become the eyes of machines. eGaN® technology has been the workhorse of laser drivers for these systems, enabling the resolution to make intelligent decisions.

Bodo’s Power Systems
October, 2022
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