Term: Lidar
22 post(s) found

2 28, 2018

APEC 2018:パワー・エレクトロニクスの世界におけるGaN革命

Rick Pierson, Senior Manager, Digital Marketing

世界で最小、最高効率、最低コストのDC-DCコンバータをご覧ください!eGaN技術がこれを可能にし、今年のAPECAmerican Power Engineering Conference)で展示する予定です。APECでは、世界中のパワーのエンジニアが集まり、パワー・エレクトロニクスの世界で利用可能な最新の革新や製品について見たり、学んだりできます。


1 01, 2018

CES 2018でEPCにおいでください

Nick Cataldo, Senior Vice President for Global Sales and Marketing

12 05, 2017


Rick Pierson, Senior Manager, Digital Marketing

そのクルマを見ましたか? その屋根上の鹿の角のように見えるものは何でしょう? ほとんどの人は、公道に関してナビゲートしている自動運転車を見逃すことはないでしょう。ほとんどの人が知っている大抵の自動運転車には、クルマの周囲の情報を知らせる重要な機能を果たす無数のセンサー、カメラ、さらにはレーザーでさえも装備されています。これらのセンサーやカメラは、安全運転のために重要な歩行者、自転車に乗っている人、車線、道路標識、照明、道路の三角コーンや、その他の視覚的な詳細を識別する1つの手段です。

6 05, 2017

LASER Safety in a LiDAR World

Rick Pierson, Senior Manager, Digital Marketing

This post was originally published on Velodyne LiDAR’s “360” Blog. Learn more about eGaN technology here and EPC GaN solutions for LiDAR here.

Have you ever been driving at night—perhaps on a twisty two-lane highway—when the headlights of an oncoming car seemingly “crash” into your retinas? Blue-tinged LED beams leap out from behind a curve, or crest over a hillside, and for an instant it feels like you may have gone blind. Your vision erupts with a painful jolt of white. You squint through patchy discolorations trying to locate the lane lines. A quick flip of your high beams results in an even brighter display from the oncoming car. And now there are two drivers swerving past one another who couldn’t read the top line at the eye doctor.

As nighttime images of the earth from the International Space Station confirm, ours is an increasingly illuminated world. And LEDs, or light emitting diodes, supply a cheap and efficient means for broad illumination, not just for vehicles but increasingly for street lighting. Yet some types of LEDs have recently raised concerns of associated health risks.

4 11, 2017

Four Ways GaN Technology Helps Save the Planet

Alex Lidow, Ph.D., CEO and Co-founder

Gallium nitride (GaN) is a better semiconductor than silicon. There are many crystals that are better than silicon, but the problem has always been that they are far too expensive to be used in every application where silicon is used. But, GaN can be grown as an inexpensive thin layer on top of a standard silicon wafer enabling devices that are faster, smaller, more efficient, and less costly than their aging silicon counterparts.

4 07, 2017

GaN applications: The next step in power management growth

Rick Pierson, Senior Manager, Digital Marketing

This post was written by EDN senior technical editor, Steve Taranovich for the Power-management Design Center , How To Article section on APEC 2017. Originally published on April 03, 2017.”

12 12, 2016

Mid-Year Checkup on My 2016 GaN Technology Predictions

Alex Lidow, Ph.D., CEO and Co-founder

Prognosticators do not often risk their reputations by giving their predictions a “checkup” midway through the period of their predictions. But, I am going to give it a shot and here we go…

12 04, 2016

See, Learn, and Discuss eGaN Technology at CES 2017

Rick Pierson, Senior Manager, Digital Marketing

Every year in January 2017, the world’s consumer electronics community gathers in Las Vegas at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) to see, learn and discuss the latest innovations and products available in the world of electronics.

More than 3,800 exhibitors spread out across 2.47 million net square feet of exhibit space, is the location where over 170,000 industry professionals, 50,000 outside of the U.S. wander, ogle, and “play with” the latest electronic devices.

10 13, 2016

Forget Everything You Thought You Knew About Semiconductors

Alex Lidow, Ph.D., CEO and Co-founder

In past postings , we looked at the applications that have emerged because of new capabilities available with #GaN technology. We also discussed the transformational nature of some of these applications in areas like medicine, telecommunications,human-machine interfaces, and the delivery of electrical power itself (wireless power transfer). GaN technology is entering an era similar to the 80’s and 90’s when the utility of technological improvement was apparent across broad commercial markets. Consequentially, consumers will be willing to pay a premium for the life-style improvements enabled by these improvements thereby accelerating growth of GaN applications for the foreseeable future.

9 29, 2016

GaN Technology for the Connected Car

Alex Lidow, Ph.D., CEO and Co-founder

GaN technology is disruptive, in the best sense of the word, making possible what was once thought to be impossible – eGaN® technology is 10 times faster, significantly smaller, and with higher performance at costs comparable to silicon-based MOSFETs. The inevitability of GaN displacing the aging power MOSFET is becoming clearer with domination of most existing applications and enabling new ones.