Energy is the backbone of human civilization. We use it in every action and a million ways, from making toast at breakfast to relaxing to music or TV to unwind at night. But we are seeing the world starting to show strain from this high level of energy use and production. Rising sea levels and climate change have posed an existential threat to humanity's gains in the last few centuries. At Efficient Power Conversion Corp, we are focused on building technology that reduces the power used by every appliance and piece of electronics everyone relies on to live in the modern world. We do this not by improving the electronics but by improving how power gets delivered to them. Roughly 1/3 of power is wasted between the wall socket and the chips in a computer. We aim to cut that in half and then cut it in half again.
We are opening a new IC Development Center in Pavia – Italy, to design products to achieve these goals. If you want to be part of a nascent development center building up a new semiconductor development center from scratch while joining the pioneers in GaN technology and taking firsthand ownership in shaping your workplace, then join us in this mission to help keep the world a cooler place.