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Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) to Sponsor Inaugural ‘GaN Con’ with Yole Développement (Yole) and SEMI Covering the Entire Power GaN Industry from Manufacturers to End Users

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) to Sponsor Inaugural ‘GaN Con’ with Yole Développement (Yole) and SEMI Covering the Entire Power GaN Industry from Manufacturers to End Users

In this conference GaN market and technology status will be addressed and its future evolution will be debated by mixing visions from designers, manufacturers, and end users.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. — January 2019 — Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) is joining forces with Yole Développement (Yole) and SEMI to sponsor the first ever ‘GaN Con,’ an industry networking event covering the entire power GaN industry from manufacturers to end users. The theme of GaN Con is “Power GaN: From promises to possible market explosion” and is focused on the emerging GaN market and the state-of-the-art for its underlying technology.


車規級eGaN FET使得雷射雷達系統看到更清晰、更高效, 並且降低48 V車用功率系統的成本

車規級eGaN FET使得雷射雷達系統看到更清晰、更高效, 並且降低48 V車用功率系統的成本

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)進一步擴大車規級氮化鎵產品系列 -- 再多兩個產品成功通過國際汽車電子協會所制定的AEC Q101離散式元件應力測試認證。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈再多兩個車用氮化鎵(eGaN)元件成功通過AEC Q101測試認證,可在車用及其他嚴峻環境支持多種全新應用。EPC2206EPC2212是採用晶圓級晶片規模封裝(WLCS) 、分別是80 VDS 和100 VDS的離散電晶體。


宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)於CES 2019展覽展示 基於GaN技術的家居無線電源系統及針對全自動駕駛車輛的高解析度雷射雷達技術

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)於CES 2019展覽展示 基於GaN技術的家居無線電源系統及針對全自動駕駛車輛的高解析度雷射雷達技術

EPC公司將於國際消費電子展CES® 2019 的hospitality suite展示基於氮化鎵(GaN)元件的家居無線電源系統及應用於全自動駕駛車輛的、領先業界的雷射雷達系統。

EPC公司將於2019年1月8日至11日在美國拉斯維加斯舉行的國際消費電子展(CES® 2019)展示eGaN®技術如何實現兩種改變業界遊戲規則的消費電子應用 -- 分別是無線電源及應用於全自動駕駛車輛的雷射雷達(LiDAR)。





2018年11月28日— 為了支援在亞太地區正在加速的銷售增長,宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈擴大亞太地區的銷售和FAE團隊,以支援其不斷擴大的客戶群,積極獲取全新的業務發展及抓緊全新的市場商機。




工研院舉辦無線電能傳輸研討會,邀請了來自AirFuel 無線充電聯盟、宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)、jjPLUS和IHS Markit的業界領袖進行專家演講。

2018年10月30日 - 人們對5G、筆記型電腦、機器人、機械工具和醫療設備等新應用的中高功率無線充電(WPT)需求不斷增加,無線電力的下一個殺手級應用將會是什麼?



Characterization of Wide Bandgap Power Semiconductor Devices Published by The Institution of Engineering and Technology

Characterization of Wide Bandgap Power Semiconductor Devices Published by The Institution of Engineering and Technology

Based on the authors' years of extensive experience, this is an authoritative overview of Wide Bandgap (WBG) device characterization.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. – September 2018 – Efficient Power Conversion Corporation (www.epc-co.com) announces the publication by the Institution of Engineering and Technology of Characterization of Wide Bandgap Power Semiconductor Devices co-authored by EPC Senior Applications Engineer, Dr. Edward A. Jones. This textbook provides essential tools to assist researchers, advanced students, and practicing engineers in performing both static and dynamic characterization of WBG devices, particularly those based on using silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) power semiconductors. The book presents practical considerations for real applications and includes examples of applying the described methodology.


宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)產品榮獲《今日電子》雜誌/21IC中國電子網 2018年度“Top10電源產品–技術突破獎”

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)產品榮獲《今日電子》雜誌/21IC中國電子網 2018年度“Top10電源產品–技術突破獎”

宜普电源转换公司(EPC)的两个车规级氮化镓晶体管(EPC2202及EPC2203)成功通过了国际汽车电子协会所制定的AEC Q101分立器件应力测试认证,推动一系列面向车用及其它严峻环境的应用的发展。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)的第一批通過國際汽車電子協會所制定的AEC Q101分立器件應力測試認證的氮化鎵場效應電晶體(EPC2202EPC2203),榮獲《今日電子》雜誌與21IC中國電子網頒發2018年度“Top-10電源產品獎—技術突破獎”。該獎項在2018年9月13日於北京舉行的21iC電源技術研討會上頒發。


宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)推出100 V、尺寸比等效矽元件小30倍及工作在500 kHz頻率時可實現97%效率的氮化鎵(eGaN)功率電晶體

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)推出100 V、尺寸比等效矽元件小30倍及工作在500 kHz頻率時可實現97%效率的氮化鎵(eGaN)功率電晶體

專為功率系統設計師而設的EPC2051功率電晶體是一種100 V、25 mΩ並採用超小型晶片級封裝的電晶體,可實現37 A脈衝輸出電流。EPC2051是多種應用的理想元件,包括48 V功率轉換器、雷射雷達及LED照明等應用。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈推出100 V的EPC2051氮化鎵場效應電晶體,其佔板面積只是1.1平方毫米、最大導通阻抗(RDS(on))為25 mΩ及脈衝輸出電流高達37 A 以支援高效功率轉換。


EPC公司於PCIM Asia 2018 與功率設計工程師交流無線電源及雷射雷達技術的發展和應用

EPC公司於PCIM Asia 2018 與功率設計工程師交流無線電源及雷射雷達技術的發展和應用

矽基增強型氮化鎵場效應電晶體及積體電路的領先供應商宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)於中國上海與功率管理工程師會面並討論關於1)針對大於30 W功率高度諧振無線功率接收器、內建同步整流FET的E類整流器; 及2)採用eGaN® FET、120 A、少於10納秒脈衝及佔板面積小於3平方釐米的千瓦級雷射驅動器。

我們誠摯邀請工程師蒞臨中國上海,出席我們於2018年6月26日(星期二)上午10時至10時50分、在1099號國展路上海世博展覽館1層2號展館內舉行的PCIM Asia 2018研討會的演講。


jjPLUS與宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)於臺北國際電腦展的InnoVEX新創特展 演示大面積並同時對多個設備進行無線供電的解決方案

jjPLUS與宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)於臺北國際電腦展的InnoVEX新創特展 演示大面積並同時對多個設備進行無線供電的解決方案


先進無線通訊及嵌入式無線電源解決方案的設計生產商捷佳科技股份有限公司(jjPlus)將於臺北國際電腦展的InnoVEX 2018新創特展,展示新一代磁共振無線電源傳輸(WPT)技術。作為jjPLUS公司的技術合作夥伴EPC公司在6月6日至8日攜手參展,於TWTC的3號館、展覽攤位G0309a與工程師會面。jjPLUS與EPC公司皆是AirFuel聯盟的工作委員會會員,也同時於2018年3月在深圳首次舉行的AirFuel無線充電大會暨開發者論壇演講。


Simultaneously Power (or Charge) Cell Phones to Laptops Wirelessly with EPC’s Complete Class 4 Transmitter Paired with A Regulated Category 5 AirFuel Alliance Compatible Wireless Power Demo Kit

Simultaneously Power (or Charge) Cell Phones to Laptops Wirelessly with EPC’s Complete Class 4 Transmitter Paired with A Regulated Category 5 AirFuel Alliance Compatible Wireless Power Demo Kit

Superior characteristics of eGaN® FETs and integrated circuits, such as low output capacitance, low input capacitance, low parasitic inductances, and small size make them ideal for increasing efficiency in highly resonant, AirFuel™ wireless power transfer systems.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.— May 2018 — Efficient Power Conversion Corporation (EPC) today announces the availability of a complete class 4 wireless power kit, the EPC9129. The system can transmit up to 33 W while operating at 6.78 MHz (the lowest ISM band). The kit comes complete with two receivers, each with a regulated output − one capable of 5 W capable and a second capable of delivering 27 W at 19 V.


Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) Announces Spirit Electronics as Distribution Partner for Defense and Aerospace Market

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) Announces Spirit Electronics as Distribution Partner for Defense and Aerospace Market

Spirit Electronics now provides distribution support to assist customers in adopting eGaN® FETs and ICs for leading-edge power conversion systems in the defense and aerospace market.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.— May 2018 — To support its accelerating growth in the defense and aerospace markets, Efficient Power Conversion Corporation (EPC) is proud to announce the appointment of Spirit Electronics as a distribution partner focusing on these key market segments.  Spirit Electronics, in operation since 1979 and located in Phoenix, Arizona and Irvine, California, supplies products and services to the Department of Defense, aerospace, and telecommunication industries.  


EPC to Showcase High Power Density DC-DC Conversion for Computers and Cars, as well as Multiple High Frequency Applications Using eGaN FETs and Integrated Circuits at PCIM Europe 2018

EPC to Showcase High Power Density DC-DC Conversion for Computers and Cars, as well as Multiple High Frequency Applications Using eGaN FETs and Integrated Circuits at PCIM Europe 2018

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) will exhibit live demonstrations at PCIM Europe 2018 showing how GaN technology’s superior performance is transforming power delivery for entire industries including computing, communications, and automotive.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. — May 2018 — The EPC team will be delivering five technical presentations on gallium nitride (GaN) technology and applications at PCIM Europe 2018 in Nuremberg, Germany from June 5th through the 7th. In addition, in Hall 7, Stand 539, the company will exhibit its latest eGaN® FETs and ICs in customers’ end products that are enabled by eGaN technology.





宜普電源轉換公司“2018年中國路演”於3月14日在深圳舉行的首屆AirFuel無線充電大會暨開發者論壇出發,繼而由其首席執行官兼共同創辦人Alex Lidow於3月15日在上海由中國SEMI舉辦的功率及功率暨化合物半導體論壇作開幕專題演講。路演的下一站是於5月17-19日在西安舉行的首次亞太區WiPDA論壇,與工程師作技術交流並展示其最新的eGaN®元件。之後,我們將於6月26–28日在上海舉行的亞太區PCIM會議演講,與工程師分享採用氮化鎵元件的無線電源傳送應用和面向全自動汽車的雷射雷達系統。




宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)的兩個車用氮化鎵電晶體成功通過了國際汽車電子協會所制定的AEC Q101離散元件可靠度驗證測試

宜普電源轉換公司宣佈其兩個車用氮化鎵(eGaN®)元件成功通過AEC Q101測試認證,可在車用及其他嚴峻環境實現多種全新應用。EPC2202EPC2203是採用晶圓級晶片尺寸封裝、80 VDS 的離散電晶體。面向嚴峻的車用環境的多個離散電晶體及積體電路也將在不久的未來推出。


EPC Introduces 350 V eGaN Power Transistor − 20 Times Smaller Than Comparable Silicon

EPC Introduces 350 V eGaN Power Transistor − 20 Times Smaller Than Comparable Silicon

The EPC2050 offers power systems designers a 350 V, 65 mΩ, 26 A power transistor in an extremely small chip-scale package.  These new devices are ideal for applications such as multi-level converters, EV charging, solar power inverters, and motor drives.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. — April 2018 — Efficient Power Conversion announces the EPC2050, a 350 V GaN transistor with a maximum RDS(on) of 65 mΩ and a 26 A pulsed output current. Applications include EV charging, solar power inverters, motor drives, and multi-level converter configurations, such as a 3-level, 400 V input to 48 V output LLC converter for telecom or server power supplies.





EPC公司的管理及技術團隊在中國深圳及上海於3月14至16日舉行的各大業界論壇及展會上,與工程師會面並作技術交流。EPC團隊分享了如何發揮氮化鎵場效應電晶體(GaN FET)及積體電路的最高性能、創新設計,從而為工程師及其客戶,打造共創共贏新局面。


EPC Introduces Two eGaN ICs Combining Gate Drivers with High Frequency GaN FETs for Improved Efficiency, Reduced Size and Lower Cost

EPC Introduces Two eGaN ICs Combining Gate Drivers with High Frequency GaN FETs for Improved Efficiency, Reduced Size and Lower Cost

EPC2112 and EPC2115 GaN-based monolithic integrated solutions offer power systems designers the ability to increase efficiency in an extremely small size.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. — March 2018 — Efficient Power Conversion Corporation (EPC) announces the EPC2112 and EPC2115 enhancement-mode monolithic GaN power transistor with integrated driver products. The EPC2112 is a 200 V, 40-mΩ eGaN® FET plus integrated gate driver. In comparison, the EPC2115 is an integrated circuit with dual 150 V, 70-mΩ eGaN FETs plus gate drivers. Both products are capable of operating up to 7 MHz and are available in low inductance, extremely small, 2.9 mm x 1.1 mm BGA surface-mount passivated die.


GaN Power Modules Deliver Over 1400 W/in3 for 48 V – 12 V DC-DC and Up to 10 MHz for Point-of-Load Power Conversion

GaN Power Modules Deliver Over 1400 W/in3 for 48 V – 12 V DC-DC and Up to 10 MHz for Point-of-Load Power Conversion

Efficient Power Conversion’s EPC9204 and EPC9205 power modules demonstrate the efficiency enhancements and significant size reduction achieved in DC-DC power conversion using high frequency switching eGaN® power transistors and integrated circuits.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.— March 2018 — Efficient Power Conversion Corporation (EPC) introduces two new GaN power modules for DC-DC conversion, increasing efficiency across the 48 V to point-of-load power architecture. The EPC9205 is a high-power density PCB-based power module for 48 V – 12 V conversions while the EPC9204 address the 20 V – point-of-load conversion with an ultra-thin profile PCB-based power module.


基於氮化鎵元件的48 V - 12 V非隔離穩壓式轉換器開發板,其功率密度每立方英吋超過1250W及效率可高於96%

基於氮化鎵元件的48 V - 12 V非隔離穩壓式轉換器開發板,其功率密度每立方英吋超過1250W及效率可高於96%


宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)的EPC9130開發板是一款48 V轉換至12 V的非隔離穩壓式開發板、具用五個相位、每相具12 A、最大輸出電流為60安培,開發板的輸出功率可以超過700 W。該板具超高功率密度(每立方英寸大於1250 W),其效率高於96%。
