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EPC Partners with Solace Power to Incorporate Highly Efficient, Low Cost eGaN FETs for Its Upcoming 250-Watt Wireless Power Platforms

EPC Partners with Solace Power to Incorporate Highly Efficient, Low Cost eGaN FETs for Its Upcoming 250-Watt Wireless Power Platforms

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) provides gallium nitride-based power devices for Solace Power’s 250 W wireless power platforms to enable higher power solutions and faster design cycle times.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.— September 2019 — EPC announces collaboration with Solace Power, a leading wireless power, sense and data company, to enable 250-watt wireless power solutions designed for 5G, aerospace, automotive, medical, and industrial applications. Solace Power’s intelligent wireless platform use EPC’s 200 V enhancement-mode gallium nitride (eGaN®) power transistors. This modular platform shares the same Equus™ architecture and enables up to 250 Watts of transmitted power with superior six degrees of spatial freedom.




美國加州MILPITAS - 2016年5月 25日美通社專訊 --佔領電源管理和精確模擬解決方案的市場領導地位的Intersil Corporation (納斯達克指數NASDAQ代號: ISIL) 宣佈計劃進一步擴大其業界領先、面向衛星應用的耐輻射產品系列,在衛星及其他惡劣環境採用具備高可靠性的氮化鎵(GaN)電源轉換積體電路。



Freebird Semiconductor Partners with EPC for Development of Radiation Hardened Gallium Nitride Power Conversion Systems for Satellite and Harsh Environment Applications

Freebird Semiconductor Partners with EPC for Development of Radiation Hardened Gallium Nitride Power Conversion Systems for Satellite and Harsh Environment Applications

Freebird Semiconductor and Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) have entered into an agreement whereby Freebird will develop products for use in high reliability space and harsh environment applications based upon eGaN® power transistors and integrated circuits.

NORTH ANDOVER, MA. — April 2016 — Freebird Semiconductor Corporation, North Andover, Massachusetts announces the signing of an agreement with Efficient Power Conversion Corporation (EPC), the leading provider of enhancement-mode gallium nitride power transistors to develop products for use in high reliability, space, and harsh environment applications based upon EPC’s eGaN® technology.




Integrated Device Technology, Inc. ((IDT®) (美國納斯達克上市代號: IDTI)宣佈與宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)合作開發基於氮化鎵(GaN)技術的全新方案。氮化鎵被公認爲在速度及效率方面極具優勢的一種半導體材料。這合作謀求探索結合兩家公司的技術——EPC的eGaN®技術及IDT領先業界的解决方案。

