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Experts Weigh in on GaN & SiC at APEC 2024

Experts Weigh in on GaN & SiC at APEC 2024

In this video from Power Electronics News, a lineup of distinguished speakers from semiconductor companies shares insights into groundbreaking developments in gallium nitride– and silicon carbide–based power devices.

The GaN speakers address two critical questions shaping the future of wide bandgap:

  1. The significance of substrate material choice for GaN-based power devices. They elaborate on how this choice impacts device performance, reliability and manufacturability and discuss how researchers are tackling substrate-related challenges.
  2. Specific market segments where GaN devices are outperforming traditional silicon-based solutions, driving adoption and revealing the technology direction of their respective companies. The speakers include:
    • Robert Taylor, applications engineer/general manager industrial applications at Texas Instruments
    • Michael de Rooij, VP of applications engineering at EPC
    • Balu Balakrishnan, CEO of Power Integrations

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歡迎蒞臨APEC 2023展覽會與GaN專家會面 以瞭解最新一代功率半導體如何針對各業界需求,實現最佳功率密度

歡迎蒞臨APEC 2023展覽會與GaN專家會面 以瞭解最新一代功率半導體如何針對各業界需求,實現最佳功率密度

EPC的GaN專家將在其APEC展位展示各種應用所採用的最新一代GaN FET 和 IC。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)是增强型氮化鎵FET和IC領域的全球領導者,將於3月19日至23日在奧蘭多舉行的IEEE APEC 2023會議上發表多項技術演講,詳情請參閱下方時間表。此外,我們還會在奧蘭治縣會議中心的732號展位展示最新一代的 eGaN®FET和IC,其應用範圍包括高功率密度計算電動汽車機器人太陽能、電池充電等。歡迎蒞臨參觀“GaN之牆”,我們提供市場上最廣泛的氮化鎵功率半導體產品組合,可現成交付。


EPC在APEC 2022展會上展示GaN技術如何 爲48 V應用帶來革命性突破

EPC在APEC 2022展會上展示GaN技術如何 爲48 V應用帶來革命性突破


宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)團隊將於3月20日至24日在休斯頓舉行的IEEE應用電力電子會議和博覽會(APEC 2022)上進行多場關於氮化鎵技術的演講和專業研討會,詳請如下。 此外,我們將在1302號展位展出採用新型eGaN®FET 和 IC的客戶的最新產品。


EPC公司將在2021年APEC虛擬會議暨博覽會上,展示在多種應用中 使用eGaN FET和積體電路的高功率密度解决方案

EPC公司將在2021年APEC虛擬會議暨博覽會上,展示在多種應用中 使用eGaN FET和積體電路的高功率密度解决方案

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC) 的氮化鎵專家將在APEC展示最新的增强型氮化鎵場效應電晶體和積體電路的發展,並探討氮化鎵技術的卓越性能如何改變了具高功率密度的運算、車用、電動運輸和機器人等應用的電源供電。

EPC團隊將在6月14日至17 日舉行的APEC虛擬會議暨博覽會上,進行多個關於氮化鎵 (GaN) 技術和應用的技術演示和網絡研討會,並且提供相關的教育教程。此外,EPC公司也參加了此次活動的虛擬展覽,展示出其客戶的終端產品中採用了最新的 eGaN FET和積體電路,從而推動了氮化鎵(eGaN)技術的普及。


Power Product News from ‘Virtual APEC’

Power Product News from ‘Virtual APEC’

Starting on page 13 of this story, EPC discusses with David Morrison the latest GaN developments meant for APEC. Alex Lidow, CEO and co-founder of EPC, discussed his company’s new power stage ICs, their development of GaN-based reference designs using a multi-level topology and various demos that were originally bound for APEC.

How2Power Today
April, 2020
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APEC 2019影片

APEC 2019影片

宜普電源轉換公司的基於氮化鎵的元件乃前沿技術。在本影片,宜普公司的首席執行長Alex Lidow於APEC展會現場與 Alix Paultre分享多個design in項目,從而展示基於氮化鎵的元件的各種優勢。

Embedded Computer Design



宜普電源轉換公司首席執行長兼共同創辦人Alex Lidow於APEC 2019展覽會的Ridley Engineering展覽攤位進行演講,題目是“矽已經死亡”。


PSDtv - EPC on Why Silicon is Dead at APEC 2019

PSDtv - EPC on Why Silicon is Dead at APEC 2019

In this episode of PSDtv Alex Lidow, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) is at APEC 2019 in Anaheim and discusses why their GaN on Silicon devices make Silicon now dead.

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Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) to Showcase Industry-Leading Performance in High Power Density DC-DC Conversion and Multiple High-Frequency Applications Using eGaN Technology at APEC 2019

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) to Showcase Industry-Leading Performance in High Power Density DC-DC Conversion and Multiple High-Frequency Applications Using eGaN Technology at APEC 2019

EPC will exhibit live demonstrations showing how GaN technology’s superior performance is transforming power delivery for entire industries including computing, communications, and automotive.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. — March 2019 — The EPC team will be delivering eleven technical presentations on gallium nitride (GaN) technology and applications at APEC 2019 in Anaheim, California from March 17th through the 21st. In addition, the company will demonstrate its latest eGaN FETs and ICs in customers’ end products that are enabled by eGaN technology.


EPC at APEC 2018 by EE Online

EPC at APEC 2018 by EE Online

EPC CEO & Co-Founder, Alex Lidow gives Lee Teschler from EE World Online a tour of the EPC booth at APEC 2018 where EPC demonstrations included a high-power density 48 V – 12 V non-isolated converter capable of delivering over 700 W. In addition, a range of 3-D real-time LiDAR imaging sensors used in autonomous vehicles were displayed. Also, a single desktop implementing a high power resonant wireless charging solution capable of generating 300 W to wirelessly power a wide range of devices including cell phones, notebook computers, monitors, wireless speakers, smart watches, and table lamps.

View videos below.

How eGaN Transistor Technology Improves LiDAR Performance
Why Gate Drivers are Joining eGaN Transistors on the Same Chip
Graphics-Intensive Applications Benefit From Power-Dense eGaN® DC-DC Converters

APEC 2018: 關於EPC氮化鎵元件的專業教育研討會

APEC 2018: 關於EPC氮化鎵元件的專業教育研討會

Alex Lidow與他的團隊隊員Michael de Rooij、David Reusch及John Glaser於今天早上的專業研討會上,與專業工程師(PE)分享實用的議題 -- “發揮氮化鎵場效應電晶體及積體電路的最高性能,不僅僅替代MOSFET器件”,使得整個教室被擠得水泄不通。

Planet Analog


EPC to Showcase Industry-Leading Performance in High Power Density DC-DC Conversion and Multiple High Frequency Applications Using eGaN Technology at APEC 2018

EPC to Showcase Industry-Leading Performance in High Power Density DC-DC Conversion and Multiple High Frequency Applications Using eGaN Technology at APEC 2018

EPC will exhibit live demonstrations showing how GaN technology’s superior performance is transforming power delivery for entire industries including computing, communications, and automotive.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. — February 2018 — The EPC team will be delivering seven technical presentations on gallium nitride (GaN) technology and applications at APEC 2018 in San Antonio, Texas from March 4th through the 8th. In addition, the company will demonstrate its latest eGaN FETs and ICs in customers’ end products that are enabled by eGaN technology.


宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)將於APEC 2017國際研討會展示基於eGaN技術的應用如何改變了我們的生活方式

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)將於APEC  2017國際研討會展示基於eGaN技術的應用如何改變了我們的生活方式

宜普電源轉換公司將於國際著名功率電子與應用研討會(APEC®2017)展示超過25多種基於卓越氮化鎵技術的演示電路,以及它如何改變了我們的生活方式。我們的技術專家將以GaN® FET和集成電路技術爲主題,舉行合共七場技術演講。

宜普電源轉換公司的團隊宜普電源轉換公司的團隊將於2017年3月26日至30日在美國佛羅里達州Tampa舉行的APEC 2017研討會,舉行以氮化鎵(GaN)技術及應用為主題的七場演講。此外,EPC將展示最新的eGaN FET及積體電路,以及分享客戶採用eGaN技術的最終產品。


Highlights from APEC 2016 – GaN, 48V POL, wireless charging and more!

Highlights from APEC 2016 – GaN, 48V POL, wireless charging and more!

Emerging applications such as 48V-to-point-of-load (POL), wireless power and USB Type-C had a lot of interest. Google joined the Open Compute Project a few weeks ago and proposed a computer server-rack architecture based on a 48V power-distribution bus to improve overall system efficiency. While the 48V bus has been around for a long time, the push (and challenge) is for high-efficiency 48V-to-POL voltage regulators. EPC showcased TI’s 48V-to-1V EVM which uses the LMG5200 GaN module (driver and FETs), announced at APEC last year, and a new TI analog controller (TPS53632G).

TI E2E Community
Pradeep Shenoy
Mar 28, 2016
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我就是這麼想,在加州Long Beach舉行的APEC會議上,與多位工程師及與會者見面以找出本屆APEC的內幕消息。我們比較了APEC與去年研討會的盛況、目前業界的主要發展方向及各公司對APEC研討會的評價。

作者:Kasey Panetta





How2Power Today
David Morrison





EE Times
半導體產業分析師、顧問Stephan Ohr





宜普電源轉換公司的團隊將於2016年3月20日至24日在美國加州Long Beach舉行的2016年APEC研討會,舉行以氮化鎵(GaN)技術及應用為主題的六場演講。此外,EPC將展示最新的eGaN® FET及積體電路,以及分享客戶的基於eGaN技術的最終產品。 在探究各個應用領域的發展之同時,即場演示包括與Qi及AirFuel標準相容並支援多模式解決方案的無線電源系統、單級48 V轉1 V DC/DC轉換器、利用LiDAR技術製作即時3D圖像的照相機及與LTE相容的波峰追蹤電源。歡迎蒞臨我們的展位(#2244)參觀。
