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GaN FET可實現5130 W/in3 的基準功率密度,支持人工智慧和先進計算應用

GaN FET可實現5130 W/in3 的基準功率密度,支持人工智慧和先進計算應用

EPC9159是一款1 kW、48 V/12 V的LLC轉換器,佔板面積僅為17.5 mm x 22.8 mm,可實現 5130 W/in3 最先進的功率密度。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈推出EPC9159參考設計。這是一款48 V/12 V的LLC轉換器,專為48 V高功率密度伺服器電源和DC/DC轉換器而設計。該參考設計可在17.5 mm x 22.8 mm的微小封裝內提供高達1 kW的功率,其功率密度為5130 W/in3。這是在初級側和次級側電路中採用於高開關頻率工作的氮化鎵(GaN)功率元件才可以實現的。


EPC GaN FET配以ADI控制器可實現最高功率密度穩壓DC/DC轉換器

EPC GaN FET配以ADI控制器可實現最高功率密度穩壓DC/DC轉換器

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)和Analog Devices(ADI)公司携手新推的参考設計採用經過全面优化的新型模擬控制器来驅動EPC的氮化鎵場效應電晶體,可實現超過96.5%的效率。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈新推EPC9158,這是一款工作在500 kHz開關頻率的雙輸出同步降壓轉換器参考设计,可將48 V~54 V的輸入電壓轉換為12 V穩壓輸出,可提供高達每相25 A電流或50 A總連續電流。ADI的新型LTC7890同步氮化鎵降壓控制器与EPC的超高效GaN FET相结合,可為高功率密度應用提供佔板面積小且非常高效的解決方案。該解決方案在48 V/12 V 、50 A連續電流下可實現 96.5%的效率。


EPC第十五階段產品可靠性測試報告 根據實際應用經驗,預測氮化鎵元件壽命

EPC第十五階段產品可靠性測試報告 根據實際應用經驗,預測氮化鎵元件壽命

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)發佈第十五階段產品可靠性測試報告,進一步豐富了關於氮化鎵元件可靠性的知識庫和展示了 EPC eGaN 產品的穩健耐用性已在實際應用中得到驗證。

EPC 宣佈發佈其第十五階段產品可靠性測試報告,記錄了持續使用測試元件至失效的方法,並針對太陽能優化器光達感測器DC/DC 轉換器等實際應用,加入了具體的可靠性指標和預測數據。


採用新型車規級EPC GaN FET設計更高解析度光達系統 以實現更先進的自主式系統

採用新型車規級EPC GaN FET設計更高解析度光達系統 以實現更先進的自主式系統

EPC推出80 V、通過AEC-Q101 認證的氮化鎵場效應電晶體(GaN FET)EPC2252,為設計人員提供比矽MOSFET更小和更高效的解決方案,用於車規級光達、48 V/12 V DC/DC轉換和低電感馬達控制器。

作為增强型氮化鎵 (eGaN®)FET和IC的全球領導者,宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)進一步擴大已有現貨供應的車規級氮化鎵電晶體系列,推出80 V、11 mΩ、在 1.5 mm x 1.5 mm封裝內提供75 A脉衝電流的EPC2252,比矽MOSFET更小和更高效,適用於自動駕駛和其他先進駕駛輔助系統應用中的車規級光達、48 V/12 V DC/DC轉換和低電感馬達控制器。


New Automotive Qualified GaN FETs for Vehicle Electronics and Advanced Autonomy from EPC

New Automotive Qualified GaN FETs for Vehicle Electronics and Advanced Autonomy from EPC

EPC introduces two new 80 V AEC-Q101 qualified GaN FETs, offering designers significantly smaller and more efficient solutions than silicon MOSFETs for automotive 48 V- 12 V DC-DC conversion, infotainment, and lidar for autonomous driving.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. — November 2022 — Efficient Power Conversion Corporation, the world’s leader in enhancement-mode gallium nitride (eGaN®) FETs and ICs, expands the selection of automotive, off-the-shelf gallium nitride transistors with the introduction of 80 V, 6 mΩ EPC2204A that delivers 125 A pulsed current in a 2.5 mm x 1.5 mm footprint and the 80 V, 3.2 mΩ EPC2218A that delivers 231 A pulsed current is a 3.5 mm x 1.95 mm footprint, offering designers significantly smaller and more efficient devices than silicon MOSFETs for automotive DC-DC for 48V-12V conversion, infotainment, and lidar for autonomous driving.


EPC新推最小型化的40 V、1.1 mΩ 場效應電晶體,可實現最高功率密度

EPC新推最小型化的40 V、1.1 mΩ 場效應電晶體,可實現最高功率密度

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)新推40 V、1.1 mΩ的氮化鎵場效應電晶體(EPC2066),為設計工程師提供比矽MOSFET更小、更高效的元件,用於高性能、佔板面積受限的應用。

全球行業領先供應商宜普電源轉換公司為業界提供增强型氮化鎵(eGaN®)功率場效應電晶體和集成電路,新推40 V、典型值爲0.8 mΩ的EPC2066氮化鎵場效應電晶體,為客戶提供更多可選的低壓氮化鎵電晶體和可以立即發貨。




以碳化矽(SiC)、氮化鎵(GaN)材料為主流的寬能隙(WBG)半導體功率元件,在節能永續意識抬頭的今日成為各種電源系統應用的寵兒;2022年Tech Taipei系列研討會首度以WBG元件為題,邀請業界重量級業者,從設計、製造、測試等不同面向與現場超過400位聽眾分享最新技術與應用趨勢...

EE Times Taiwan


EPC推出基於氮化鎵元件的12 V/48 V、500 W 升壓轉換器演示板, BOM尺寸矽與元件相同,可實現高效率和高功率密度

EPC推出基於氮化鎵元件的12 V/48 V、500 W 升壓轉換器演示板, BOM尺寸矽與元件相同,可實現高效率和高功率密度

瑞薩電子(Renesas)的两相同步GaN升壓控制器與宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)的超高效eGaN® FET相结合,實現了高功率密度和低成本的DC/DC轉換。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈推出12 V輸入、48 V輸出、500 W的DC/DC演示板(EPC9166)。該演示板展示出瑞薩電子ISL81807 80 V两相同步升壓控制器和宜普公司最新一代EPC2218EPC2218 eGaN FET,在開關頻率爲500 kHz的12 V输入到48 V穩壓輸出轉換中,效率超過96.5%。輸出電壓可配置为36 V、48 V和60 V。該板在没有散熱器的情况下,可提供480 W的功率。


EPC公司推出65 A ePower晶片組,重新定義功率轉換

EPC公司推出65 A ePower晶片組,重新定義功率轉換

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)推出ePower晶片組系列。該系列集成了100 V氮化鎵驅動器和場效應電晶體,可實現高達65 A的輸出電流,爲高功率密度應用提供更高的性能和更小型化的解決方案,包括DC/DC轉換和馬達控制等應用。

宜普電源轉換公司宣佈推出100 V、65 A的積體電路晶片組,專爲48 V DC/DC轉換而設計,用於高密度運算應用和用於電動汽車、機器人和無人機的48 V BLDC馬達控制器。


應對用於超薄計算應用的超薄、具高功率密度的 48 V DC/DC 轉換器的電源和磁性設計挑戰

應對用於超薄計算應用的超薄、具高功率密度的 48 V DC/DC 轉換器的電源和磁性設計挑戰

在過去十年中,計算機、顯示器、智能手機和其他消費電子系統變得更薄,同時功能也變得更强大。因此,市場對具有更高功率密度的更薄電源解决方案的需求不斷增加。本文研究了額定功率爲 250 W、超薄的48 V / 20 V轉換器,它可以採用各種非隔離型 DC/DC 降壓拓撲的可行性。我們研究了各種非隔離型拓撲的優缺點,從而瞭解拓撲如何影響功率電晶體和磁性元件的選擇,特別是電感器,因爲這兩個元件產生轉換器的大部分損耗。本文還詳細分析了爲這些應用設計薄型電感器所面對的挑戰,包括電感器損耗的因素、電感器尺寸和設計權衡,包括對EMI的影響。我們是以選擇、構建和測試了超薄多電平轉換器拓撲。從該轉換器獲得的實驗結果,用於進一步優化操作設置和元件的選擇,從而實現超過98%的峰值效率。

EPC公司Michael de Rooij
Würth Elektronik 公司Quentin Laidebeur

IEEE Power Electronics Magazine


EPC新推80 V和200 V eGaN FET,擴大其高性能eGaN系列的產品陣容

EPC新推80 V和200 V eGaN FET,擴大其高性能eGaN系列的產品陣容

這些新一代氮化鎵場效應電晶體(eGaN FET) 滿足了目前電動出行(eMobility)、交付和物流機器人,以及無人機市場所需的緊凑型 BLDC 電機驅動器和具成本效益、高解析度的飛行時間(ToF)的新需求。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)是增强型矽基氮化鎵 (eGaN) 功率電晶體和積體電路的全球領導者。新推的EPC2065 和 EPC2054具備更高的性能和更低的成本等優勢。


Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) Announces New Family of Radiation-Hardened Enhancement-Mode Gallium Nitride (eGaN) Transistors and Integrated Circuits for Demanding Space Applications

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) Announces New Family of Radiation-Hardened Enhancement-Mode Gallium Nitride (eGaN) Transistors and Integrated Circuits for Demanding Space Applications

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) introduces a new family of radiation-hardened (rad-hard) gallium nitride (GaN) products for power conversion solutions in critical spaceborne and other high reliability environments.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.— June 2021 — EPC announces the introduction of a new family of radiation-hardened gallium nitride transistors and integrated circuits. With higher breakdown strength, faster switching speed, higher thermal conductivity and lower on-resistance, power devices based on GaN significantly outperform silicon-based devices. The lower resistance and gate charge enable faster power supply switching frequencies resulting in higher power densities, higher efficiencies, and more compact and lighter weight circuitry for critical spaceborne missions. Gallium nitride is also inherently radiation tolerant, making GaN-based devices a reliable, higher performing power transistor option for space applications.


Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) Receives Elektra Award 2020 for Semiconductor Product of the Year (Analogue) for ePower Stage IC

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) Receives Elektra Award 2020 for Semiconductor Product of the Year (Analogue) for ePower Stage IC

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) announces that the EPC2152 ePower™ Stage IC has received the 2020 Elektra Award for Semiconductor Product of the Year (Analogue).

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.— March 2021 — EPC’s ePower™ stage, EPC2152 Integrated Circuit (IC), has been honored with an Elektra Award 2020 in the Semiconductor Product of the Year – Analogue category. The award presentation was announced on March 25th during a virtual awards ceremony hosted by Electronics Weekly. These prestigious annual awards have been running for over 19 years to reward and recognize companies and individuals for their excellent performance, innovation, and contribution to the global electronics industry. Judging is carried out by an independently and unbiased, diverse, and knowledgeable panel of industry experts.


EPC Automotive Qualified 65 V eGaN FET Enables Higher Resolution for Lidar Systems

EPC Automotive Qualified 65 V eGaN FET Enables Higher Resolution for Lidar Systems

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) expands AEC Q101 product family with the addition of the EPC2219, 65 V gallium nitride transistor with integrated reverse gate clamp diode optimized for high resolution lidar systems.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.— March 2021 — EPC announces successful AEC Q101 qualification of the 65 V EPC2219 designed for lidar systems in the automotive industry and other harsh environments. 


GaN is as Easy to Use as Silicon: EPC Introduces a 48 V to 12 V Demo Board Featuring EPC eGaN FETs and New Renesas DC-DC Controller

GaN is as Easy to Use as Silicon: EPC Introduces a 48 V to 12 V Demo Board Featuring EPC eGaN FETs and New Renesas DC-DC Controller

The combination of the Renesas dual synchronous GaN buck controller and ultra-efficient eGaN® FETs from EPC (Efficient Power Conversion) enables high power density and efficiency with the same BOM size and cost as silicon.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.—  February, 2021 — EPC announces the availability of the EPC9157, a 300 W DC-DC demo board in the tiny 1/16th brick size, measuring just 33 mm x 22.9 mm x 9mm (1.3 x 0.9 x 0.35 in). The EPC9157 demo board integrates the Renesas ISL81806 80 V dual synchronous buck controller with the latest-generation EPC2218 eGaN FETs from EPC to achieve greater than 95% efficiency for 48 V input to 12 V regulated output conversion at 25 A.  


The 48 V Revolution: Why GaN Plus Digital Control for Ultra-thin Laptops

The 48 V Revolution: Why GaN Plus Digital Control for Ultra-thin Laptops

This article discusses how GaN-based solutions coupled with digital control increase efficiency, shrink the size, and reduce system costs for high density computing applications like ultra-thin laptops and high-end gaming systems. As computers, displays, smartphones and other consumer electronics systems become thinner and more powerful over the past decade, there is increasing demand for addressing the challenge of thinner solutions while extracting more power out of limited space. To address this challenge, the comparative advantages of various non-isolated DC-DC step-down topologies for ultra-thin 48 V – 20 V power solutions that are designed to fit inside a notebook computer or an ultra-thin display are examined.

Power Electronics News
January, 2021
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EPC Releases Physics-Based Models That Project eGaN Device Lifetime in New Reliability Report

EPC Releases Physics-Based Models That Project eGaN Device Lifetime in New Reliability Report

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) publishes Phase-12 Reliability Report adding to the extensive knowledge found in their first eleven reports. With this report, EPC demonstrates field experience of 226 billion eGaN ® device hours and a robustness capability unmatched by silicon power devices.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.— January 2021 — EPC announces its Phase-12 Reliability Report, documenting the strategy used to achieve a remarkable field reliability record. eGaN devices have been in volume production for more than eleven years and have demonstrated very high reliability in over 226 billion hours of operation, most of which are in vehicles, LTE base stations, and satellites, to name just a few applications with rigorous operating conditions.
