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EPC推出首款具有最低1mOhm導通電阻的GaN FET

EPC推出首款具有最低1mOhm導通電阻的GaN FET

EPC推出採用緊凑型QFN封裝( 3 mm x 5 mm)的100 V、1 mOhm GaN FET (EPC2361),助力DC/DC轉換、快充、馬達控制和太陽能 MPPT等應用實現更高的功率密度。

2024 年 2 月27日 — 全球增强型氮化鎵 (GaN) 功率 FET 和 IC領域的領導者宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)推出 100 V、1 mOhm (EPC2361)。 這是市場上具有最低導通電阻的 GaN FET,與 EPC 的上一代産品相比,功率密度提高了一倍。


EPC GaN FET助力DC/DC轉換器實現高功率密度和高效率基準

EPC GaN FET助力DC/DC轉換器實現高功率密度和高效率基準

EPC GaN FET與Analog Devices驅動器和控制器相結合,為客戶簡化氮化鎵基設計、提高其效率、降低散熱成本、助力運算、工業和消費類應用的DC/DC轉換器實現最高功率密度。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC )宣佈推出採用EPC GaN FET和Analog Devices, Inc.(ADI)控制器的各種参考設計。


A high efficiency, 3 kW capable, 2-phase, 3-level Converter using paralleled eGaN FETs

A high efficiency, 3 kW capable, 2-phase, 3-level Converter using paralleled eGaN FETs

As the revolution of renewable energy as well as transportation electrification progresses, the need for residential energy storage systems is increasing. A high efficiency DC-to-DC converter is usually required to exchange energy generated from renewable sources, such as solar panels, with a battery. The fast-switching speed and low RDS(on) of gallium nitride (GaN) FETs can help save energy by reducing power consumption inside the DC-to-DC converter. This article shows how to design a high efficiency 100 – 250 V to 40 - 60 V DC-to-DC converter.

Power Electronics Europe
May, 2023
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40 V Rad Hard GaN FETs Set New Performance Standards for Demanding Space Applications

40 V Rad Hard GaN FETs Set New Performance Standards for Demanding Space Applications

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) expands its family of radiation-hardened (rad-hard) gallium nitride (GaN) products for power conversion solutions with two new 40 V devices rated at 62 A and 250 A to address critical spaceborne and other high-reliability applications.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.— July 2023 — EPC announces the introduction of two new 40 V rated radiation-hardened GaN FETs.EPC7001 is a 40 V, 4 mΩ, 250 APulsed, rad-hard GaN FET in a small 7 mm2 footprint. EPC7002 is a 40 V, 14.5 mΩ, 62 APulsed, rad-hard GaN FET in a tiny 1.87 mm2 footprint.  Both devices have a total dose radiation rating greater than 1,000K Rad(Si) and SEE immunity for LET of 83.7 MeV/mg/cm2 with VDS up to 100% of rated breakdown. These new devices, along with the rest of the Rad Hard family, are offered in a chip-scale package.  Packaged versions are available from EPC Space.


GaN-based Design of a 2 kW 48 V/12 V Bi-directional Power Module for 48 V Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicles

GaN-based Design of a 2 kW 48 V/12 V Bi-directional Power Module for 48 V Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicles

With the increase in government mandates to combat climate change, automakers are moving quickly to leverage new technology to respond by switching from the internal combustion engine to electric-drive vehicles. This article presents the design of a 2 kW, two-phase 48 V/12 V bi-directional converter using GaN FETs that achieves 96% efficiency and is targeted for the 48 V mild hybrid system.

PSD North America
March, 2023
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立錡科技與宜普電源轉換携手推出小型化、140 W快充解决方案

立錡科技與宜普電源轉換携手推出小型化、140 W快充解决方案


宜普電源轉換公司和立錡科技宣佈推出4開關雙向降壓-升壓控制器參考設計,可將12 V~24 V的輸入電壓轉換爲5 V~20 V的穩壓輸出電壓,並提供高達5 A的連續電流和6.5 A的最大電流。與高功率密度應用的傳統解決方案相比,新型RT6190控制器與EPC的超高效氮化鎵場效應電晶體EPC2204相結合,使得解決方案尺寸可縮小20%以上,而且在20 V和12 V輸出電壓下,可實現超過98%的效率。在不需使用散熱器和5 A連續電流下,20 V轉5 V的最大升溫低於攝氏15度,而12 V轉20 V的最高升溫則低於·攝氏55度。


EPC Launches a New Generation of eGaN Technology that Doubles Performance

EPC Launches a New Generation of eGaN Technology that Doubles Performance

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) introduces the 80 V, 4 mOhm EPC2619 GaN FET in tiny 1.5 mm x 2.5 mm footprint, offering higher performance and smaller solution size than traditional MOSFETs for high power density applications, including DC-DC conversion, motor drives, and synchronous rectification for 12 V – 20 V.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.— November 2022 — EPC, the world’s leader in enhancement-mode gallium nitride (GaN) power FETs and ICs, launches the 80 V, 4 mOhm EPC2619. This is the lead product for a new generation of eGaN devices that have double the power density compared to EPC’s prior-generation products.


35 A ePower功率級積體電路讓您實現更高的功率密度和簡化設計

35 A ePower功率級積體電路讓您實現更高的功率密度和簡化設計

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)推出ePower™功率級積體電路,它整合了整個半橋功率級,可在1 MHz工作時實現高達35 A的輸出電流,為高功率密度應用提供更高的性能和更小型化的解決方案,包括DC/DC轉換、馬達控制和D類音頻放大器等應用。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈推出100 V、35 A的積體電路,專爲48 V DC/DC轉換而設計,用於高密度運算應用和面向電動汽車、機器人和無人機的48 V BLDC馬達控制器

EPC23102 eGaN 積體電路可實現100 V的最大耐受電壓、實現高達35 A的負載電流和高於1 MHz的開關速度。


EPC推出具有最高功率密度和效率的100 V抗輻射電晶體, 用於要求嚴格的航太應用

EPC推出具有最高功率密度和效率的100 V抗輻射電晶體, 用於要求嚴格的航太應用

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)擴展了其抗輻射氮化鎵產品系列,新推的100 V產品用於要求嚴格的機載和其他高可靠性環境下的電源轉換解決方案,進一步爲這個產品系列添加第五個成員。

EPC公司宣佈推出100 V、7 mΩ、160 APulsed的抗輻射GaN FET EPC7004。尺寸小至6.56 mm2,其總劑量等級大於1 Mrad,綫性能量轉移(LET)的單一事件效應(SEE)抗擾度為85 MeV/(mg/cm2)。EPC7004與EPC7014EPC7007EPC7019EPC7018元件都是採用晶片級封裝,這與其他商用的氮化鎵場效應電晶體(eGaN® FET)和IC相同。封裝元件將由EPC Space提供。




本文介紹了基於氮化鎵元件、具有120 VDC輸入電壓、工作頻率爲 6.7 MHz 的兩相 DC/DC轉換器。 120 VDC 是國際太空站 (ISS) 二次電路系統中的標準電壓水平。

使用具備高功率密度和開關超快等優勢的GaN FET ,Tell-I 公司新開發的 SDK 電路板使用兩相來超越正常的開關速度。 多相配置支持用於 ISS 等系統的標準120-V 匯流排電壓,讓交錯轉換器在 3 MHz、5 MHz 和 6.87 MHz 下實現高效開關。使用四個 EPC2019 GaN FET和支持小型閘極驅動及功率迴路的兩個 LMG1210 閘極驅動器,可實現最佳和緊凑的佈局。

Power Electronics News


EPC 新推 350 V的氮化鎵功率電晶體,比同類矽元件小 20 倍及成本更低

EPC 新推 350 V的氮化鎵功率電晶體,比同類矽元件小 20 倍及成本更低

氮化鎵功率電晶體EPC2050專爲功率系統設計人員而設計,在極小的晶片級封裝中實現 350 V、80 mΩ 最大 RDS(on)和26 A 峰值電流,是多電平轉換器、電動汽車充電、太陽能逆變器、光達和 LED 照明的理想元件。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈推出 EPC2050,這是一款 350 V GaN 電晶體,最大 RDS(on) 為 80 mΩ,脉衝輸出電流爲 26 A。 EPC2050 的尺寸僅為 1.95 mm x 1.95 mm。與採用等效矽元件的解決方案相比,基於EPC2050的解決方案的佔板面積小十倍。


EPC與ADI公司携手推出 基於氮化鎵場效應電晶體、高達2 MHz的開關頻率、最高功率密度的DC/DC轉換器

EPC與ADI公司携手推出 基於氮化鎵場效應電晶體、高達2 MHz的開關頻率、最高功率密度的DC/DC轉換器

EPC公司和ADI公司推出參考設計,採用完面優化的新型模擬控制器來驅動EPC公司的氮化鎵場效應電晶體(GaN FET)。新型類比LTC7890同步氮化鎵降壓控制器與EPC公司的超高效eGaN® FET相結合,可實現高達2 MHz的開關頻率,從而實現高功率密度和低成本的DC/DC轉換。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈推出EPC9160,這是一款雙輸出同步降壓轉換器参考設計,開關频率為2 MHz,可將9 V~24 V的输入電壓转换为3.3 V或5 V的輸出電壓,兩個輸出的連續電流可高達15 A。由於開關頻率高,轉換器的尺寸非常小,兩個輸出都只有23 mm x 22 mm和電感器的厚度只有3 mm。


Automotive Buck/Reverse-Boost Converter with GaN for Efficient 48 V Power Distribution

Automotive Buck/Reverse-Boost Converter with GaN for Efficient 48 V Power Distribution

Demonstrating the design of a bi-directional DC-DC converter for automotive 48 V power distribution, showing how GaN technology is a powerful enabler for efficient electrification. The trend towards increasing electrification in the automotive industry enables car makers both to deliver new innovations to market cost-effectively and to meet increasingly stringent emissions legislation. Raising the vehicle’s main bus voltage to 48 V helps meet the demands of power-hungry systems such as the start-stop motor/generator of a mild hybrid vehicle, as well as loads such as electric power steering, electric supercharging, and vacuum and water pumps.

Bodo’s Power Systems
December, 2021
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基於eGaN FET的2 kW、48V/12V DC/DC轉換器, 讓輕度混合動力汽車實現更高效、更小、更快的雙向轉換器

基於eGaN FET的2 kW、48V/12V DC/DC轉換器, 讓輕度混合動力汽車實現更高效、更小、更快的雙向轉換器

EPC9163是一款兩相48 V/12 V雙向轉換器,可提供2 kW的功率和實現96.5%的效率,是適用於輕度混合動力汽車和備用電池裝置的小型化解決方案。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈推出EPC9163,這是一款 2 kW、兩相的48 V /12 V雙向轉換器演示板,可在非常小的佔板面積上實現96.5%的效率。該演示板的設計具有可擴展性 – 並聯兩個轉換器可以實現4 kW的功率,或者並聯三個轉換器以實現6 kW。該板採用8個100 V 的eGaN® FET(EPC2218),並由模塊控制,該模塊採用Microchip公司的dsPIC33CK256MP503 16位數位控制器。


Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) and BrightLoop Converters Combine Design Expertise to Produce Smaller, Lighter Converters for Performance eMotorsport Vehicles

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) and BrightLoop Converters Combine Design Expertise to Produce Smaller, Lighter Converters for Performance eMotorsport Vehicles

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. — December 2020 — BrightLoop Converters has greatly reduced the size, cost and improved reliability of its latest BB SP DC-DC buck converters thanks to Efficient Power Conversion Corporation’s (EPC) EPC2029 enhancement-mode gallium nitride (eGaN®) FET transistors. By switching from silicon (Si) transistors to gallium nitride (GaN), BrightLoop was able to increase the switching frequency of their design from 200 kHz to 600 kHz, while keeping the same efficiency. This design change increased the power density of the solution by a factor of approximately two and this resulted in lower cost by enabling the implementation of a smaller enclosure.

EPC’s EPC2029 is an 80 V, 48 A eGaN® FET featuring a 1 mm ball pitch. The wider pitch allows for placement of additional and larger vias under the device to enable high current carrying capability despite the extremely small 2.6 mm x 4.6 mm footprint.


Designing An Ultra-Thin Stepdown Converter: Multiphase Vs. Multilevel

Designing An Ultra-Thin Stepdown Converter: Multiphase Vs. Multilevel

Over the past decade computers, displays, smart phones and other consumer electronics systems have become thinner while also becoming more powerful. As a result, the market continues to increase its demand for thinner power supply solutions with greater power density. This article examines the feasibility of adopting various non-isolated dc-dc stepdown topologies for an ultra-thin 48-V to 20-V, 250-W power solution.

May, 2020
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