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Chip Makers Swept by Wave of Consolidation

Chip Makers Swept by Wave of Consolidation

Semiconductor firms have announced $100.6 billion in mergers and acquisitions this year. Chip makers have long used acquisitions to obtain new technology. But many recent deals resemble consolidation waves in older industries, motivated mainly by trimming costs in areas like manufacturing, sales and engineering.

Wall Street Journal
October 18, 2015
By: Don Clark
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Yole Développement市場研究公司將於本星期發表關於“矽襯底氮化鎵基技術及LED與功率電子市場”研究報告。分析員相信功率電子應用將普遍採納矽基氮化鎵技術。功率電子市場所涵蓋的應用包括交流-直流或直流-交流電源轉換,這些應用皆面對很大的電源損耗並隨著更高功率及更高工作頻率而增加。由於目前的矽基技術已接近其極限,因此很困難達到業界所需的更高要求。

詳情請訪問 http://powerelectronicsworld.net/article/0/79693-yole-power-to-dominate-gan-on-silicon-market.html


GaN power market to rise to $10 million in 2012, says Yole

Written by Peter Clarke - 3/7/2012 2:20 PM EST

LONDON - The market for power devices implemented in gallium nitride was less than $2.5 million in 2011, according to market research firm Yole Developpement (Lyon, France). However, there is a great deal of R&D activity and Yole sees the power GaN market growing to nearly $0 million in 2012 and $500 million in 2016.


GaN Power Device Market to Hit $350M in 2015

The latest report from Yole Développement “GaN Technologies for Power Electronics Applications: Industry and Market Status & Forecasts” says the Total Accessible Market is $16.6b and is envisioned to be split into Power ICs, Power Discretes and Power Modules.

Compound Semiconductor
October 28, 2010

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