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CNIPA Validates Key Claims of EPC’s GaN Power Technology Patent

CNIPA Validates Key Claims of EPC’s GaN Power Technology Patent

根据国家知识产权局官网20204年4月2日的消息,宜普电源转换公司(Efficient Power Conversion Corporation, EPC,以下简称宜普公司)一件名为“增强型GaN高电子迁移率晶体管器件及其制备方法”的专利(专利号ZL201080015388.2)的核心权利要求6、9、10、13、14、17、18、22-26在无效程序(案件编号:4W116775)中被维持有效。该件专利的无效请求人是英诺赛科(苏州)科技有限公司(以下简称英诺赛科公司)。

According to the information on the official website of the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) on April 2, 2024, the key claims 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18 and 22-26 of the Chinese patent titled “Enhancement mode GaN HEMT device and method for fabricating the same” (Patent No. ZL201080015388.2) owned by Efficient Power Conversion Corp (“EPC”) have been maintained valid during an invalidation procedure (case number: 4W116775), which was requested by the petitioner Innoscience (Suzhou) Technology Co., Ltd. (“Innoscience”).


Power Packaging for the GaN Generation of Power Conversion

Power Packaging for the GaN Generation of Power Conversion

Since the launch of GaN-on-Si enhancement mode power transistors in March 2010 there has been a slow but monotonic shift towards adoption and replacement of silicon-based power MOSFETs. Initial adoption came from risk-taker visionaries in applications such as lidar, high-end audio amplifiers, robots, vehicle headlamps, and high-performance DC-DC converters. For the expansion of GaN for power conversion to get beyond the early adopters, a more user-friendly format than the WLCP needed to be developed. This format, however, needed to preserve the key attributes of small size, low RDS(on), high speed, excellent thermal conductivity, and low cost. In other words, the best package would be the least amount of package technically possible. Enter the PQFN…

Bodo’s Power Systems
March, 2023
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BRC Solar的新一代太陽能優化器採用EPC的100 V氮化鎵元件(eGaN FET)

BRC Solar的新一代太陽能優化器採用EPC的100 V氮化鎵元件(eGaN FET)

BRC Solar公司的新型M500/14功率優化器採用EPC公司的100 V 氮化鎵元件(EPC2218),它的佔板面積小,可實現更高的頻率和額定功率。

BRC Solar公司憑藉其功率優化器徹底改變了光伏市場的發展、提高了光伏電站和系統的發電量和性能。其新一代M500/14 功率優化器採用了宜普電源轉換公司的EPC2218(100 V的場效應電晶體),實現了更高的功率密度,因為GaN FET的低功耗和小尺寸使關鍵負載電路更加緊凑。而GaN FET的小寄生電容和電感可實現沒有雜訊的開關和良好的EMI特性。GaN FET的另一個優點是沒有反向恢復損耗。


Chipset handles 48-V DC-DC conversion in high-density computing, BLDC motor drives

Chipset handles 48-V DC-DC conversion in high-density computing, BLDC motor drives

EPC announces the introduction of a 100 V, 65 A integrated circuit chipset designed for 48 V DC-DC conversion used in high-density computing applications and in 48 V BLDC motor drives for e-mobility, robotics, and drones.

The EPC23101 eGaN IC plus EPC2302 eGaN FET offers a new ePower Chipset capable of a maximum withstand voltage of 100 V, delivering up to 65 A load current, while capable of switching speeds greater than 1 MHz.

EE World Online
December, 2021
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Power Systems Design
2021年3月 (第36-39頁)


Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) and BrightLoop Converters Combine Design Expertise to Produce Smaller, Lighter Converters for Performance eMotorsport Vehicles

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) and BrightLoop Converters Combine Design Expertise to Produce Smaller, Lighter Converters for Performance eMotorsport Vehicles

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. — December 2020 — BrightLoop Converters has greatly reduced the size, cost and improved reliability of its latest BB SP DC-DC buck converters thanks to Efficient Power Conversion Corporation’s (EPC) EPC2029 enhancement-mode gallium nitride (eGaN®) FET transistors. By switching from silicon (Si) transistors to gallium nitride (GaN), BrightLoop was able to increase the switching frequency of their design from 200 kHz to 600 kHz, while keeping the same efficiency. This design change increased the power density of the solution by a factor of approximately two and this resulted in lower cost by enabling the implementation of a smaller enclosure.

EPC’s EPC2029 is an 80 V, 48 A eGaN® FET featuring a 1 mm ball pitch. The wider pitch allows for placement of additional and larger vias under the device to enable high current carrying capability despite the extremely small 2.6 mm x 4.6 mm footprint.


與矽MOSFET相比,宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)最新推出的100 V eGaN FET產品系列 為業界樹立了全新的性能基準

與矽MOSFET相比,宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)最新推出的100 V eGaN FET產品系列 為業界樹立了全新的性能基準

新一代100 V 氮化鎵場效應電晶體(eGaN® FET)是48 VOUT同步整流、D類音訊放大器、汽車資訊娛樂及雷射雷達系統的理想功率元件。

增強型矽基氮化鎵(eGaN)功率場效應電晶體和積體電路的全球領導廠商宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)最新推出的兩款100 V eGaN FET(EPC2218EPC2204),性能更高並且成本更低,可立即供貨。採用這些先進氮化鎵元件的應用非常廣闊,包括同步整流器、D類音訊放大器、汽車資訊娛樂系統、DC/DC轉換器(硬開關和諧振式)和面向全自動駕駛車輛、機械人及無人機的雷射雷達系統


宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)的200 V 氮化鎵產品系列(eGaN FET)的性能提升一倍

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)的200 V 氮化鎵產品系列(eGaN FET)的性能提升一倍

新一代200 V 氮化鎵場效應電晶體(eGaN® FET)是48 VOUT同步整流、D類音訊放大器、太陽能微型逆變器和功率優化器,以及多電平、高壓AC / DC轉換器的理想功率元件。

增強型矽基氮化鎵(eGaN)功率場效應電晶體和積體電路的全球領導廠商宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)最新推出的兩款200 V eGaN FET(EPC2215EPC2207 ),性能更高而同時成本更低,目前已有供貨。採用這些領先氮化鎵元件的應用十分廣闊,包括D類音訊放大器、同步整流器、太陽能最大功率點追蹤器(MPPT)、DC/DC轉換器(硬開關和諧振式),以及多電平高壓轉換器。


EPC和Microchip公司攜手開發用於高功率密度運算應用和資料中心的 300 W、1/16磚式48 V/12 V DC/DC轉換器演示板

EPC和Microchip公司攜手開發用於高功率密度運算應用和資料中心的 300 W、1/16磚式48 V/12 V DC/DC轉換器演示板

美國微芯科技公司(Microchip Technology Inc.)的數位信號控制器(DSC)與宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)的超高效氮化鎵場效應電晶體(eGaN®FET)的結合,可實現最佳功率密度(730 W/in3),從而實現高效、低成本的DC-DC轉換。

EPC公司宣佈推出1/16磚式、300 W DC/DC穩压器(EPC9143)。 EPC9143功率模組把Microchip dsPIC33CK數位信號控制器(DSC)和最新一代eGaN FET(EPC2053)集成在一起,實現25 A、48 V/12 V和96%效率的功率轉換。


Just How Fast is GaN Fast?

Just How Fast is GaN Fast?

A recent design for an ultra-high speed, low-impedance pulse generator to evaluate oscilloscope probe performance and for determining the feasibility of an in-socket load for ASIC emulation using EPC eGaN™ FET, EPC2037 reveals just how fast these power devices are.

Signal Integrity
March 12, 2020
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宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)推出基於車規級氮化鎵(eGaN )技術的飛行時間(ToF)演示板,可在高達28 A並具1.2納秒脈寬的脈衝電流驅動雷射

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)推出基於車規級氮化鎵(eGaN )技術的飛行時間(ToF)演示板,可在高達28 A並具1.2納秒脈寬的脈衝電流驅動雷射

EPC9144演示板內的車規級EPC2216氮化鎵場效應電晶體(eGaN® FET)可支援大電流納秒脈衝的應用,提供高速的大電流脈衝 – 電流可高達28 A、脈寬则可低至1.2納秒,從而使得飛行時間及flash雷射雷達系統更準確、更精確及更快速。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈推出15 V、28 A大電流脈衝雷射二極體驅動電路板(EPC9144)。


宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)於CES 2020展覽展示 基於氮化鎵技術的應用,包括全自動駕駛車輛、無線電源、 無人機、機器人及高端音訊系統

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)於CES 2020展覽展示 基於氮化鎵技術的應用,包括全自動駕駛車輛、無線電源、 無人機、機器人及高端音訊系統

於Venetian酒店的hospitality suite現場,EPC將為工程師展示改變世界的創新應用與氮化鎵(GaN)技術如何共創全新領域。基於氮化鎵元件的解決方案具備更高效、更小尺寸及更低成本等優勢。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)將在2020年1月7日至10日,於美國拉斯維加斯舉行的國際消費電子展(CES 2020)為工程師展示eGaN®技術的龐大潛力,它可以推動多種消費電子應用的發展,從而改變市場的遊戲規則,包括全自動駕駛車輛、機器人、無人機、無線電源、世界第一流的音訊系統及車用解決方案。

於CES 2020 展覽,歡迎蒞臨Venetian酒店內的EPC演示套房,與氮化鎵專家一起參觀、學習及討論氮化鎵技術如何推動改變世界的創新設計的發展。


Marco Palma Joins Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) as Senior FAE Manager for Europe

Marco Palma Joins Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) as Senior FAE Manager for Europe

In support of a widening customer base in Europe, Efficient Power Conversion Corporation has expanded its technical leadership team to assist customers in the adoption of eGaN® FETs and Integrated circuits for applications including DC-DC, Lidar, motor control, and beyond.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. — October, 2019 — To support its accelerating design activity, and to provide local technical support to EPC’s customers in Europe, Efficient Power Conversion Corporation (EPC) is proud to announce that Marco Palma, a seasoned expert, has joined the EPC technical leadership team as Senior FAE Manager for Europe. 


車規級氮化鎵場效應電晶體(15 V 的EPC2216)使得ToF雷射雷達系統“看得”更清晰

車規級氮化鎵場效應電晶體(15 V 的EPC2216)使得ToF雷射雷達系統“看得”更清晰

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)的車規級並通過AEC Q101認證的氮化鎵電晶體系列增添全新成員 -- 經過優化的15 V EPC2216,實現不昂貴的高性能雷射雷達系統。

宜普公司宣佈15 V的EPC2216成功通過AEC Q101認證,專為需要高準確性的雷射雷達應用而設計,例如全自動駕駛汽車,以及其他的飛行時間(ToF)應用,包括人面識別、自動化倉庫、無人機及地圖製作。





EPC公司宣佈推出領導業界的增強型氮化鎵元件的晶圓,使得客戶易於集成功率系統。EPC公司的氮化鎵場效應電晶體(eGaN® FET)及積體電路一直以來都是以單個並包含錫條或錫球的晶片級元件出售。


Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) Expands 100 V eGaN FET Family Offering Designers Best-in-Class Performance and Cost for 48 V DC-DC Conversion

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) Expands 100 V eGaN FET Family Offering Designers Best-in-Class Performance and Cost for 48 V DC-DC Conversion

EPC introduces 100 V, 3.8 milliohm EPC2053 eGaN® FET, joining the EPC2045, EPC2052, and EPC2051 to offer a comprehensive 100 V family of GaN transistors that are more efficient, smaller, and lower cost for high performance 48 V DC-DC conversion.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. — April 2019 — Efficient Power Conversion Corporation, the world’s leader in enhancement-mode gallium nitride on silicon (eGaN) power FETs and ICs advances the performance capability while lowering the cost of off-the-shelf gallium nitride transistors with the introduction of the EPC2053 (3.8 mΩ, 100 V) eGaN FET.


宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)的第十階段可靠性測試報告的亮點是 車規級氮化鎵元件超越AEC-Q101應力測試的認證標準

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)的第十階段可靠性測試報告的亮點是 車規級氮化鎵元件超越AEC-Q101應力測試的認證標準







2018年11月28日— 為了支援在亞太地區正在加速的銷售增長,宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈擴大亞太地區的銷售和FAE團隊,以支援其不斷擴大的客戶群,積極獲取全新的業務發展及抓緊全新的市場商機。
