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Predicting GaN Device Lifetimes In Solar Microinverters And Power Optimizers

Predicting GaN Device Lifetimes In Solar Microinverters And Power Optimizers

Microinverters and power optimizers are widely utilized in modern solar panels to maximize energy efficiency and conversion. Such topologies and implementations usually require a minimum of 25 years of lifetime, which is becoming a critical challenge for market adoption. Low-voltage gallium nitride (GaN) power devices (VDS rating < 200 V) are a promising solution and are being used extensively by an increasing number of solar manufacturers.

In this article, a test-to-fail approach is adopted and applied to investigate the intrinsic underlying wear-out mechanisms of GaN transistors. The study enables the development of physics-based lifetime models that can accurately project the lifetimes under the unique demands of various mission profiles in solar applications.

August, 2023
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A high efficiency, 3 kW capable, 2-phase, 3-level Converter using paralleled eGaN FETs

A high efficiency, 3 kW capable, 2-phase, 3-level Converter using paralleled eGaN FETs

As the revolution of renewable energy as well as transportation electrification progresses, the need for residential energy storage systems is increasing. A high efficiency DC-to-DC converter is usually required to exchange energy generated from renewable sources, such as solar panels, with a battery. The fast-switching speed and low RDS(on) of gallium nitride (GaN) FETs can help save energy by reducing power consumption inside the DC-to-DC converter. This article shows how to design a high efficiency 100 – 250 V to 40 - 60 V DC-to-DC converter.

Power Electronics Europe
May, 2023
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Solarnative Uses GaN Devices to Solve the Challenge of Solar Power Installation with its New Microinverter that Integrates into the Module Frame

Solarnative Uses GaN Devices to Solve the Challenge of Solar Power Installation with its New Microinverter that Integrates into the Module Frame

GaN FETs help Solarnative achieve industry-leading power density for solar microinverters, enabling module frame integration to solve the challenges of solar power installation.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.— November 2022 Solarnative uses GaN devices in its new microinverter to achieve industry-best power density.  The Power Stick is the smallest inverter in the world, with dimensions of 23.9 by 23,2 by 404 millimeters. With an AC output power of 350 W, the volume of 0.19 liters corresponds to a power density of 1.6 kW per liter. By comparison, the IQ 7A microinverter from a market leading supplier delivers 349 watts with a volume of 1.12 liters, corresponding to 0.31 kW per liter – not even one-fifth of the Solarnative device. Despite the extreme size reduction, the European efficiencies are quite comparable, at 96.0 percent for the Power Stick and 96.5 percent for the IQ 7A.


BRC Solar的新一代太陽能優化器採用EPC的100 V氮化鎵元件(eGaN FET)

BRC Solar的新一代太陽能優化器採用EPC的100 V氮化鎵元件(eGaN FET)

BRC Solar公司的新型M500/14功率優化器採用EPC公司的100 V 氮化鎵元件(EPC2218),它的佔板面積小,可實現更高的頻率和額定功率。

BRC Solar公司憑藉其功率優化器徹底改變了光伏市場的發展、提高了光伏電站和系統的發電量和性能。其新一代M500/14 功率優化器採用了宜普電源轉換公司的EPC2218(100 V的場效應電晶體),實現了更高的功率密度,因為GaN FET的低功耗和小尺寸使關鍵負載電路更加緊凑。而GaN FET的小寄生電容和電感可實現沒有雜訊的開關和良好的EMI特性。GaN FET的另一個優點是沒有反向恢復損耗。
