How to GaN Webinar Series


機器人和無人機為什麼使用氮化鎵元件? (Conducted in English)

我們誠意邀請您參加EPC綫上研討會,瞭解爲甚麽具備卓越性能的氮化鎵場效應晶體管和集成電路成爲當今機器人和無人機系統中多種應用的理想解决方案。 此外,我們將與您分享爲什麽氮化鎵元件被廣泛用於如倉庫自動化、醫療機器人、送貨無人機,甚至家用機器人例如吸塵器等應用。



  • 實現更小/更輕盈、具有更高精度的馬達控制。
  • 實現可看見更遠的距離、具備更高的分辨率、更小型化且成本更低的飛行時間/光達系統。
  • 實現具備更高的效率,同時更小型化、更輕和成本更低的DC-DC電源。


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Mark Gurries

Speaker: Mark Gurries is a FAE providing EPC technical support to the western half of the USA. Mark works directly with customers providing all forms of technical support from education to doing designs for large customers to help them realize the full benefits of GaN FETs over silicon based solutions in multiple different type of applications.

Prior to joining EPC in 2016, Mark was a senior design engineer with 31 years of experience in product design and IC’s in the DC-DC market. Notable companies that Mark has worked for are Apple designing notebook power supplies and Linear Technology defining IC functions and specifications while designing IC demoboards and datasheet application notes. Since then Mark has moved on to smaller startup companies. Mark started his career in 1985 working for a couple of mil spec product manufactures designing and/or manufacturing power supplies. Mark has 5 patents and written over 11 technical articles in multiple electronic publications.



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