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GaN HEMT Package Improves Paralleling Of Devices In Space Power Applications

GaN HEMT Package Improves Paralleling Of Devices In Space Power Applications

As more processing power and more complex loads are placed on-orbit or into deep space missions, it is sometime necessary to parallel two or more power switches. However, conventional power device packages, such as the FSMD-A/B/C/D and their I/O pad provisioning make it difficult to accomplish paralleling these devices in a performance-conscious manner. When paralleled, the gate and source-sense pads on these packages either serve to block the most efficient/shortest interconnect from package-to-package for the drain and source connections or for the gate and source-sense pads. So in parallel configurations, there is always a compromise between optimized drain-source load-circuit performance and gate-source-sense drive-loop performance. This article introduces the FSMD-G discrete HEMT package and explains how the reconfiguration of its I/O pads overcomes these limitations when paralleling GaN HEMTs.

September, 2023
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In-situ RDS(on) Characterization and Lifetime Projection of GaN HEMTs under Repetitive Overvoltage Switching

In-situ RDS(on) Characterization and Lifetime Projection of GaN HEMTs under Repetitive Overvoltage Switching

Transient voltage overshoot is a common phenomenon in GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) under high slew rate switching conditions. The dynamic parametric instability under such stress is a critical concern for GaN applications. This work, for the first time, accurately characterized the evolution of dynamic on-resistance (RDS(on)) in GaN HEMTs under repetitive voltage overshoot up to billions of switching cycles. The dynamic RDS(on) increase was found to be the dominant device degradation under overvoltage switching. Such findings were obtained from a high-frequency, repetitive, unclamped inductive switching (UIS) test with active temperature control and accurate in-situ RDS(on) monitoring. A physics-based model was proposed to correlate the dynamic RDS(on) drift with the peak overvoltage, and a good agreement with experimental data was achieved. This model was further used to project the lifetime of GaN HEMTs. For 100 V rated GaN HEMTs switched under 100 kHz and 120 V spikes, the model projects less than 10% dynamic RDS(on) shift over 25 years of continuous operation. This work addresses the major concerns of overvoltage switching reliability of GaN HEMTs and provides new insights of the electron trapping mechanism.

IEEE Xplore
Ruizhe Zhang, Ricardo Garcia, Robert Strittmatter, Yuhao zhang, Shengke Zhange
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面向快速发展的关键应用的GaN HEMT,它的性能优于MOSFET

面向快速发展的关键应用的GaN HEMT,它的性能优于MOSFET

硅功率MOSFET未能跟上电力电子行业的发展变化,而效率、功率密度和更小的外形尺寸等因素是行业的主要需求。 硅MOSFET器件的性能已达到其理论极限,并且由于电路板的空间非常宝贵,因此功率系统设计人员必需找出替代方案。 氮化镓(GaN)器件是一种高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT),这种半导体正为新兴应用不断增值。





硅功率MOSFE追不上目前功率电子业界的演进步伐 -- 业界需要具备高效、高功率密度及细小的外型尺寸的器件。业界看到硅MOSFET已经达到它的理论极限,从而需要找出全新器件。氮化镓(GaN)是一种HEMT器件,具备附加增值的优势,被证明为可以支持全新应用的要求。

Power Electronics News




著名企业领袖 - 宜普电源转换公司(EPC)首席执行官Alex Lidow于2009年在市场推出第一个氮化镓晶体管。 经过了10年的氮化镓产品销售,DESIGN & ELEKTRONIK 杂志编辑Ralf Higgelke与Alex会面并谈论氮化镓技术的最新发展。



Development Boards Make Evaluating eGaN FETs Simple

Long talked about, wide bandgap gallium nitride-on-silicon (GaN-on-Si) transistors are now commercially available. They are being touted for replacing silicon-based MOSFETs, which are turning out to be inefficient for many high-performance power supply designs. Recently, several suppliers of GaN-on-Si-based HEMTs and FETs have emerged in the marketplace, among them Efficient Power Conversion (EPC). To expedite the evaluation of eGAN FETs for power supply designs transitioning from silicon MOSFETs to eGaN FETs, EPC has released several development boards in the last few years.

By Ashok Bindra
Digi-Key Article Library
July 15, 2014
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宜普电源转换公司(EPC)将于GOMACTech研讨会与工程师分享采用氮化镓(eGaN)晶体管的直流-直流转换器工作在10 MHz频率、峰值效率为89%并可在严峻环境下工作

宜普公司首席执行官及共同创办人Alex Lidow 将与工程师分享专为工作在10 MHz频率范围而设的全新增强型氮化镓(eGaN®)高电子迁移率晶体管系列,由于这些晶体管在经过辐射照射后仍然具高可靠性,因此它们是高可靠性应用的理想器件。

