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Lidar: A Gold Rush Is On to Help Your Car See Better

Lidar: A Gold Rush Is On to Help Your Car See Better

Developers are hard at work on the machine learning necessary for safer and more-autonomous vehicles. But all the AI in the world won’t be enough if the car relies on inadequate sensors. That was clearly demonstrated in one fatal Tesla crash that occurred in part because the car’s camera didn’t correctly identify an oncoming truck. To ensure smart vehicles have a reliable model of surrounding objects — particularly the ones the cars identify as “threats” — most rely on one or more lidars, or laser-based remote sensors.

Extreme Tech
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CES 2018 in Photos: What We Remember Most

CES 2018 in Photos: What We Remember Most

LAS VEGAS — Once again the marathon that is CES is drawing to a close. Four days of trade show plus two days of media events. All sprawled across five miles of Las Vegas in some insane number of hotels and conference venues. As usual, I stuck it out so you don’t have to. Here are some of the images that struck me as interesting, weird, or just plain worth remembering:

Extreme Tech
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EPC’s Wireless Power Fix: Get a Load of This Antenna

EPC’s Wireless Power Fix: Get a Load of This Antenna

Wireless power, the ability to deliver electricity to gadgets without plugging those gadgets into a cable, is a hotbed of innovation at the moment. The dominant standard, called “Qi,” is ever under attack from other efforts.

This week saw interesting developments from Energous (WATT), which aims to transfer power via radio frequency transceivers, with limited results so far, and some controversy about its business.

There are other contenders. On Wednesday in Las Vegas, during the Consumer Electronics Show, I met with Alex Lidow, who is founder of a privately held chip company EPC of El Segundo, California.

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Why experts believe cheaper, better lidar is right around the corner

Why experts believe cheaper, better lidar is right around the corner

This article takes a deep dive into lidar technology. It explains how the technology works and the challenges technologists face as they try to build lidar sensors that meet the demanding requirements for commercial self-driving cars.

The bottom line is that while bringing lidar costs down will take a significant amount of difficult engineering work, there don't seem to be any fundamental barriers to bringing the cost of high-quality lidar down below $1,000—and eventually below $100. That means the technology—and ultimately, self-driving vehicles that depend on lidar—should be well within reach for ordinary consumers.

Ars Techinca
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宜普电源转换公司(EPC)推出比等效MOSFET小型化8倍的 40 V氮化镓功率晶体管

宜普电源转换公司(EPC)推出比等效MOSFET小型化8倍的 40 V氮化镓功率晶体管

宜普公司为功率系统设计师提供比等效MOSFET小型化8倍的40 V、5 mΩ氮化镓功率晶体管(EPC2049),应用于负载点(POL)转换器、激光雷达(LiDAR)及具低电感的马达驱动器。

宜普电源转换公司(EPC)宣布推出EPC2049功率晶体管,应用于负载点(POL)转换器激光雷达(LiDAR)包络跟踪电源D类音频放大器及具低电感的马达驱动器。 EPC2049晶体管的额定电压为40 V、最大导通电阻为5 mΩ及脉冲输出电流为175 A。


宜普电源转换公司(EPC)于CES 2018展览展示 基于GaN技术的大面积无线电源及高分辨率激光雷达

宜普电源转换公司(EPC)于CES 2018展览展示 基于GaN技术的大面积无线电源及高分辨率激光雷达

EPC公司将于国际消费电子展CES® 2018并于AirFuelTM联盟展览摊位展示氮化镓(GaN)半导体如何实现大面积电源。此外,EPC在其Hospitality Suite将展示家居无线电源系统,以及基于氮化镓器件并应用于全自动汽车、领先业界的激光雷达系统。

EPC公司将于2018年1月9日至12日在美国拉斯维加斯举行的国际消费电子展(CES 2018)展示eGaN®技术如何实现两种改变业界游戏规则的消费电子应用 -- 分别是无线充电及自动驾驶汽车的激光雷达 应用。


无线充电 - 基于氮化镓场效应晶体管(GaN FET)的大面积无线电源解决方案

无线充电 - 基于氮化镓场效应晶体管(GaN FET)的大面积无线电源解决方案

如果要无线充电得以普及, 无线充电系统必需从小型充电垫发展成为大面积无线电源。这就需要磁共振系统的线圈、系统架构及功率放大器各方面的基本改变。基于氮化镓器件的放大器已经被证明为可以在广阔的负载范围内发送60 W功率至发射线圈并实现超过90% 的效率。

作者:张远哲及Michael A. de Rooij
Power Electronics Europe杂志
2017年11月/ 12月刊


面向激光雷达应用并采用EPC氮化镓(eGaN)技术的150安培开发板可以驱动5 纳秒脉宽的脉冲电流

面向激光雷达应用并采用EPC氮化镓(eGaN)技术的150安培开发板可以驱动5 纳秒脉宽的脉冲电流

EPC9126HC开发板采用具备超快速功率转换特性的氮化镓场效应晶体管(eGaN FET),由于可以驱动高达150 A及可低至5 ns脉宽的脉冲大电流,因此可以提高激光雷达(LiDAR)系统所侦测的资料的质素,包括资料的准确性、精确度及制作速度。

宜普电源转换公司(EPC)宣布推出全新的100 V、150 A大电流脉冲激光二极管的驱动演示电路板(EPC9126HC)。面向全自动汽车应用的激光雷达系统需要制作三维地图,因此,侦测四周的目标物件的速度及准确性变得非常重要。从EPC9126HC演示电路板可以看到,与等效MOSFET相比,具备快速转换特性的氮化镓场效应晶体管(eGaN FET)所提供的脉冲功率可以快十倍的速度驱动激光二极管,从而提升激光雷达系统的整体性能。


Efficient Power Conversion Corporation’s (EPC) eGaN Transistor Wins 2017 Impact Award from Electronics Component News Magazine

Efficient Power Conversion Corporation’s (EPC) eGaN Transistor Wins 2017 Impact Award from Electronics Component News Magazine

EPC2040, an eGaN® power transistor optimized for LiDAR applications, placed first in the Passive Components & Discrete Semiconductors category of ECN magazine’s prestigious 2017 Impact Award.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif — November  2017 Efficient Power Conversion Corporation’s (EPC) is proud to announce that Electronic Component News (ECN) — a leading trade publication for electronic design engineers — has awarded the EPC2040, enhancement mode gallium nitride (eGaN) transistor its ECN Impact Award for 2017 in the Passive Components and Discrete Semiconductors category.


EPC Announces Development Board Operating Up To 10 MHz for High Efficiency at High Frequency Point-of-Load DC-DC Conversion

EPC Announces Development Board Operating Up To 10 MHz for High Efficiency at High Frequency Point-of-Load DC-DC Conversion

The EPC9086 high efficiency half-bridge development board can operate up to 10 MHz featuring a 30 V EPC2111 eGaN® half bridge in combination with the recently introduced high speed Peregrine Semiconductor PE29102 gate driver.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.—October 2017 — Efficient Power Conversion Corporation (EPC) today announces the availability of The EPC9086 development board, a high efficiency half-bridge development board that can operate up to 10 MHz.  The EPC9086 board measures 2” x 2” and contains a 30 V, 15 A EPC2111 enhancement-mode gallium nitride half bridge in combination with the recently introduced PE29102 gate driver from Peregrine Semiconductor.


Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) Announces MIGVAN as Sales, Marketing, and Technical Support Partner for Israel

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) Announces MIGVAN as Sales, Marketing, and Technical Support Partner for Israel

MIGVAN now represents EPC’s Israel sales, marketing, and technical support to assist customers in adopting eGaN® FETs and ICs for leading-edge power conversion systems using gallium nitride

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.— October 2017 — To support its accelerating growth throughout Israel, Efficient Power Conversion Corporation (EPC) is proud to announce the appointment of MIGVAN as its sales, marketing, and technical support representative.  MIGVAN Technologies & Engineering Ltd, founded in 1988, is devoted to promoting and selling advanced technology electronic components and subsystems to the Israeli electronics industry.


EPC Announces a Full Range of Wireless Power Demonstration Kits That Can Be Used to Design Systems That Power Anything from Lamps to Laptops

EPC Announces a Full Range of Wireless Power Demonstration Kits That Can Be Used to Design Systems That Power Anything from Lamps to Laptops

Superior characteristics of eGaN® FETs and ICs, such as low output capacitance, low input capacitance, low parasitic inductances, and small size used in these demonstration kits show that GaN FETs and ICs are ideal for increasing efficiency in highly resonant, AirFuel™ Alliance compatible wireless power transfer systems.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.—October 2017 — Efficient Power Conversion Corporation (EPC) today announces the availability of two new demonstration kits -- the EPC9127, a complete wireless power kit including a 10 W, class 2 amplifier, category 3 receiver device and the EPC9128, consisting of a 16 W, class 3 amplifier and two receiver devices (categories 3 and 4). These systems, coupled with previously announced EPC9120, 33 W class 4 and the EPC9121 multi-mode kit capable of operating to either an AirFuel Class 2 standard with a category 3 device or a Qi (A6)/PMA standard with a compatible receiving device provide a full range of wireless power demonstration kits to allow for complete, wide-spread implementation.


宜普电源转换公司(EPC)于2017年无线电力峰会 分享基于氮化镓器件的大面积无线充电解决方案

宜普电源转换公司(EPC)于2017年无线电力峰会 分享基于氮化镓器件的大面积无线充电解决方案

宜普公司将于2017年无线电力峰会展示创新的桌面无线充电系统。该桌面是利用基于氮化镓器件的磁共振技术在大面积上同时对多个接收无线电源的设备充电,包括手机、 笔记本电脑及桌灯!

无线充电的将来发展及最后能否得以普及,要看最终用户可否在无线充电桌面上放置任何电子设备进行充电而不需要插上插头来接通电源。宜普公司将于10月5日至6日在美国科罗拉多州的丹佛市的Embassy Suites酒店所举行的2017年无线电力峰会,与工程师分享如何实现大面积无线充电解决方案。


宜普电源转换公司(EPC)产品荣获《今日电子》/21IC中国电子网 2017年度“Top10电源产品–最佳应用奖”

宜普电源转换公司(EPC)产品荣获《今日电子》/21IC中国电子网 2017年度“Top10电源产品–最佳应用奖”




The New "Silicon" of Silicon Valley

The New "Silicon" of Silicon Valley

EPC CEO & Co-Founder, Alex Lidow was a featured guest on Cheddar TV sharing how GaN technology is enabling new and disruptive technologies, such as LiDAR for self-driving cars and power conversion transistors and ICs for wide-area wireless power and medtech.

September 11, 2017
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NextbigFuture访问了EPC公司的首席执行官Alex Lidow。 EPC公司是制造氮化镓晶体管的领导厂商,目前带领业界开启无线充电新时代。在5至10年内,我们将有可能看到全屋或写字楼从采用昂贵的电源线改为在广泛地方采用无线充电解决方案供电。



The Race to Cut the Power Cord is Already Happening

The Race to Cut the Power Cord is Already Happening

The year is 2022. You sit down at your office desk, back from Ikea with your new lamp. You take it out of the box, place it on the table, and it illuminates the workspace immediately. You then take your MacBook out of your backpack, place it to the right of the lamp, and it starts charging instantly. It sounds unreasonable to think that all this could become reality in just a few years. But behind closed doors, this technology already exists.

“A couple of months ago, we demonstrated an entire table top where everything on it was powered wirelessly,” Alex Lidow, CEO of EPC, tells Inverse. “A lamp, computer monitor, computer, cell phones being charged… all sorts of stuff.”

Inverse Innovation
August, 2017
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EPC公司推出全新开发板EPC9083 - 面向无线充电及激光雷达应用、采用200 V eGaN FET、60 W E类放大器拓扑,可以在高达15 MHz频率下高效地工作

EPC公司推出全新开发板EPC9083 - 面向无线充电及激光雷达应用、采用200 V eGaN FET、60 W E类放大器拓扑,可以在高达15 MHz频率下高效地工作

宜普电源转换公司(EPC)推出全新的EPC9083开发板,帮助功率系统设计师容易并且快速地对E类放大器内、可在高达15 MHz频率工作的200 V氮化镓晶体管进行评估,其应用领域包括无线充电、激光雷达、电流模式D类放大器及推挽式转换器。

宜普电源转换公司(EPC)宣布推出高效、灵活及采用氮化镓晶体管的差分模式开发板(EPC9083),可以在高达15 MHz频率工作,包括无线充电应用的6.78 MHz频率。 推出开发板的目的是帮助功率系统设计师以简易方法对氮化镓晶体管的性能进行评估,使得他们的产品可以快速量产。
