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GaN vs. Silicon Smackdown

GaN vs. Silicon Smackdown

One way to tell when a new technology has passed the tipping point of adoption is by the voices advocating the status quo. The more conservative voices tend to cite older information that, given the fast change of trajectory that occurs at a tipping point, can lead to poor decisions for new designs. In the world of GaN power devices the tipping point occurred in the past two years when the rate of new GaN-based designs started to double year-on-year, and the legacy MOSFET designs started to face critical supply shortages due to their finely tuned, but less flexible supply chains. GaN devices, on the other hand, have remained in stock at most major distributors due to their relatively new and flexible supply chains utilizing older silicon foundries, but affording these foundries a new and vibrant future. In this article we will address some of the common misconceptions still showing up in articles and at conferences, usually presented by advocates of the status quo.

Bodo’s Power Systems
May, 2022
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以碳化硅(SiC)、氮化镓(GaN)材料为主流的宽带隙(WBG)半导体功率器件,在节能永续意识抬头的今日成为各种功率系统应用的宠儿。2022年Tech Taipei研讨会首度以WBG器件为题,邀请业界重量级业者,从设计、制造、测试等不同面向与现场超过400位听众分享最新技术与应用趋势...

EE Times Taiwan




我们将在本文讨论客户为何迟迟未采用氮化镓技术的一些最常见原因,氮化镓技术显然是较旧的硅基功率MOSFET的替代技术。在不深入研究详细的统计数据下,按最常发生推导出一系列原因,并理解某些应用比其他应用更侧重氮化镓技术的某些特性。我们的讨论仅限于额定电压低于400 V的器件,因为这是EPC公司的氮化镓场效应晶体管和集成电路的重点应用。



GaN Application Base Widens, Adoption Grows

GaN Application Base Widens, Adoption Grows

Mature, low-cost manufacturing and proven reliability spur use in EVs, smartphones, and consumer electronics.

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) has logged more than 100 emerging applications for its eGaN FETs and ICs. Alex Lidow, the company’s CEO, said the five fastest-growing applications are lidar systems for robotics, drones, consumer products, driver alertness systems, and autonomous vehicles; DC-DC converters for AI systems, servers, and telecom power systems; motor drives for e-mobility and robotics; satellite systems, including motor drives and DC-DC power supplies that require radiation hardness; and solar power point trackers.

Semiconductor Engineering
December, 2021
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GaN Devices for Smaller, Lighter, Smoother Motor Drives

GaN Devices for Smaller, Lighter, Smoother Motor Drives

Today, the permanent magnet motor, also known as DC brushless motor (BLDC), is widely used and offers higher torque capability per cubic inch and higher dynamics when compared to other motors. So far, silicon-based power devices have been dominant in the inverter electronics, but today their performance is nearing their theoretical limits. There is an increasing need for higher power density. Gallium nitride (GaN) transistors and ICs have the best attributes to satisfy these needs.

Power Systems Design
November, 2021
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应对用于超薄计算应用的超薄并具高功率密度的 48 V DC/DC 转换器的电源和磁性设计挑战

应对用于超薄计算应用的超薄并具高功率密度的 48 V DC/DC 转换器的电源和磁性设计挑战

在过去十年中,计算机、显示器、智能手机和其他消费电子系统变得更薄,同时功能也变得更强大。因此,市场对具有更高功率密度的更纤薄电源解决方案的需求不断增加。本文研究了额定功率为 250 W且超薄的48 V / 20 V转换器,它可以采用各种非隔离型 DC/DC 降压拓扑的可行性。我们研究了各种非隔离型拓扑的优缺点,从而了解拓扑如何影响功率晶体管和磁性元件的选择,特别是电感器,因为这两个器件产生转换器的大部分损耗。本文还详细分析了为这些应用设计薄型电感器所面对的挑战,包括电感器损耗的因素、电感器尺寸和设计权衡,包括对 EMI 的影响。我们是以选择、构建和测试了超薄多电平转换器拓扑。从该转换器获得的实验结果,用于进一步优化操作设置和元件的选择,从而实现超过 98%的峰值效率。

EPC公司Michael de Rooij
Würth Elektronik 公司Quentin Laidebeur

IEEE Power Electronics Magazine


Bodo 宽带隙专家演讲 – 氮化镓半导体专题 - 2021 年 6 月

Bodo 宽带隙专家演讲 – 氮化镓半导体专题 - 2021 年 6 月

由 Bodo Power Systems 主办的氮化镓行业专家圆桌会议的嘉宾包括:

  1. EPC公司的首席执行官兼共同创始人Alex Lidow
  2. Power Integrations公司的市场营销与应用工程副总裁Doug Bailey
  3. Nexperia 公司的氮化镓功率技术营销战略总监Dilder Chowdhury
  4. Navitas Semiconductor公司的市场营销战略高级总监Tom Ribarich

GaN in Space Applications

GaN in Space Applications

Gallium nitride power device technology enables a new generation of power converters in space operating at higher frequencies, higher efficiencies, and greater power densities than everachievable before. GaN power devices can also exhibit superior radiation tolerance compared with Silicon MOSFETs depending upon their device design.

Power Electronics Europe
December, 2020
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分立式功率晶体管,无论它是硅基还是硅基氮化镓,都进入了最后发展阶段。 硅基氮化镓集成电路可以在较小的占板面积内实现更高的性能,并且显著降低成本和减少所需的器件工程。 本文详细阐析氮化镓器件的崛起和硅基氮化镓集成电路如何重新定义功率转换。

Bodo’s Power Systems




就像生活要面对现实一样,老年人离开舞台而让位给年轻人,硅器件也是需要向现实低头。 随着氮化镓器件的问世和普及,正逐步淘汰旧有可靠的硅器件。 在过去的四十年中,随着功率MOSFET器件的结构、技术和电路拓扑的创新与不断增长的电力需求同步发展,电源管理的效率和成本一直以来得以稳步改善。 但是,在业界发展的新时代,随着硅功率MOSFET器件接近其理论极限,其演进速度下降了很多。 同时,新材料氮化镓的理论性能极限稳步发展,其性能极限比老化的MOSFET器件高出6,000倍,并且比目前市场上最好的氮化镓产品高出300倍。

2020年7 月16日


Gallium Nitride Integration: Breaking Down Technical Barriers Quickly

Gallium Nitride Integration: Breaking Down Technical Barriers Quickly

An integrated circuit made using GaN-on-Si substrates has been in production for over five years. The ultimate goal is to achieve a single component IC that merely requires a simple digital input from a microcontroller and produces a power output that drives a load efficiently, reliably under all conditions, in the smallest space possible, and economically. Discrete power transistors, whether silicon-based or GaN-on-Si, are entering their final chapter. Integrated GaN-on-Si can offer higher performance in a smaller footprint with significantly reduced engineering required.

IEEE Power Electronics Magazine
March 2020
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硅功率MOSFE追不上目前功率电子业界的演进步伐 -- 业界需要具备高效、高功率密度及细小的外型尺寸的器件。业界看到硅MOSFET已经达到它的理论极限,从而需要找出全新器件。氮化镓(GaN)是一种HEMT器件,具备附加增值的优势,被证明为可以支持全新应用的要求。

Power Electronics News


GaN in Space

GaN in Space

This article discussed an oft forgotten or little-noticed part of the spacecraft enabling travel into outer space---power management in the space vehicle. Wide bandgap semiconductors like gallium nitride (GaN), silicon carbide (SiC), as well as diamond, are looking to be the most promising materials for future electronic components since the discovery of silicon. These technologies, depending upon their design, offer huge advantages in terms of power capability (DC and microwave), radiation insensitivity, high temperature and high frequency operation, optical properties and even low noise capability. Therefore, wide bandgap components are strategically important for the development of next generation space-borne systems. eGaN devices are quickly gaining momentum in the space industry and we will see many more applications for them by NASA and commercial contractors in future programs like Artemis and other programs in countries around the globe pursuing efforts into Space.

Power Systems Design
November, 2019
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Bodo’s Power System

PSDtv - EPC on Why Silicon is Dead at APEC 2019

PSDtv - EPC on Why Silicon is Dead at APEC 2019

In this episode of PSDtv Alex Lidow, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) is at APEC 2019 in Anaheim and discusses why their GaN on Silicon devices make Silicon now dead.

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Gallium nitride is the silicon of the future

Gallium nitride is the silicon of the future

Last week, Anker debuted a tiny new power brick, crediting its small size with the component it uses instead of silicon: gallium nitride (GaN). It’s the latest example of the growing popularity of this transparent, glass-like material that could one day unseat silicon and cut energy use worldwide.

The Verge
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