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宜普电源转换公司扩大eGaN IC系列,推出应用于无线电源传送的理想IC -- 双路增强型120 V、60 mΩ功率晶体管

宜普电源转换公司扩大eGaN IC系列,推出应用于无线电源传送的理想IC -- 双路增强型120 V、60 mΩ功率晶体管

双路增强型120 V、60 mΩ氮化镓集成电路(EPC2110)可实现超高频开关,从而推动采用E类放大器拓扑的无线电源传送应用实现优越性能。

宜普电源转换公司(推出增强型氮化镓IC系列的最新成员-- EPC2110

EPC2110是一种具有120 VDS、20 A的双路共源极器件,它采用非常纤薄的封装(1.35 mm x 1.35 mm),于栅极施加5 V电压时的最高RDS(on) 为 60 mΩ。由于EPC2110具备超高开关频率、超低RDS(on)、异常低的QG及采用非常纤薄的封装,因此这种氮化镓IC可以实现高性能。




采用无线电源充电的产品不断增多及各种移动应用采用多种不同的无线电源标准使消费者容易混淆,而且阻碍无线电源应用的普及。本章讨论可支持多种模式并工作在各种高(6.78 MHz)低(100 kHz - 315 kHz)频率的放大器拓扑。

EEWeb - Wireless & RF 杂志


Wireless Charging Metrics Debated

Wireless Charging Metrics Debated

Wireless charging may have a standards battle to contend with, but there’s also a major a measurement problem. The quest for convenient living and energy conservation poses a ‘Ying/Yang’ dilemma living in the age of electronics. This is certainly the case with wireless power transfer technology. This rapidly emerging technology has the promise of “cutting the cord” and displacing the need for AC/DC wall adapters and perhaps eventually wall sockets. The question now is; will wireless power increase our carbon footprint by being less efficient than the traditional plug-in AC/DC wall adapters?” Are some wireless systems more efficient than others? These are two fundamental questions that need to be examined in an energy conscious world governed by energy efficient standards.

August 4, 2015
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New Chips Provide a Spark for Wireless Charging

New Chips Provide a Spark for Wireless Charging

EPC garners the attention of MIT Technology Review with its new products targeted for wireless charging applications. Recognizing EPC as a catalyst for jump-starting the market for wireless power systems, the author highlights the need for universally accepted technology standards. He reinforces his position quoting Alex Lidow saying that “…convenience, cost, and efficiency” are all factors needed for broad adoption of any standard…

MIT Technology Review
July 15, 2015
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The Mobility Imperative: Untethered Consumers!

The Mobility Imperative: Untethered Consumers!

Consumers want to be able to go wirelessly where they want, when they want. They want televisions to be seamlessly synchronized with tablets, phones, laptops, and automobiles. They want all their communication, information, and entertainment to be available immediately, with high resolution, all the time. Recently the automobile industry has caught on to this trend and has begun to show its vision of the future for the fully mobile lifestyle.

Consumers also do not want to worry about running out of battery life – no more looking for an open outlet at the airport. This untethered life is the Mobility Imperative and it is driving innovation in consumer products, which in turn, is pushing the limits of silicon-based semiconductor technology.

Nikkei Business Publications
July 10, 2015
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全新氮化镓技术推动了无线电源传送应用的发展。近来在A4WP及PMA的合并下,工程师们对该发展尤感兴趣。 本访问涵盖了饶富兴味的问题并解答了氮化镓器件何时会备受半导体业界广泛采纳。访问的内容包括氮化镓器件的优势、成本如何可以更低、最新器件的创新性、器件可以工作在高频的条件下而具备小尺寸、优越的散热管理、氮化镓的市场如何可以超越硅器件的市场及氮化镓技术的未来发展等。





氮化镓场效应晶体管(eGaN® FET)之前在松散耦合式无线电源传送解决方案中,展示了在采用零电压开关(ZVS)D类或E类放大器拓扑并工作在on-resonance条件下,该些晶体管具有较高的效率。然而,可行的无线电源系统需要满足这些系统的易用性的要求,结果是反射式线圈阻抗在负载和耦合变化时显著偏离谐振。由于这些系统仍然需要向负载供电,因此放大器需要在宽阻抗范围内驱动线圈。诸如A4WP第三等级的规范定义了可以满足易用性因素、宽泛的线圈阻抗范围,并且可以用作比较放大器的性能的起点。

本章根据A4WP第三等级的标准对ZVS D类及E类放大器拓扑在6.78MHz频率下进行测试并通过缩小了的阻抗范围来判断固有的工作范围极限。诸如器件的温度和电压极限等因素将确定每个放大器能够驱动线圈的负载阻抗范围。

Bodos China
宜普电源转换公司应用工程执行总监Michael de Rooij博士


等同于CMOS的竞争对手 -- 氮化镓(GaN)技术引燃了改变市场的创新动力

从业界的观点来看,只有可以为人类提供效益及性能优势的技术才能够生存。 主流技术CMOS就是一直为业界提供无比的益处而得以长存。 当下的问题是CMOS技术将会变成夕阳产业吗?新兴的氮化镓技术终于能够打破阻碍氮化镓功率器件普及化的成本障碍。根据2015年DesignCon研讨会的主讲嘉宾所描述,氮化镓技术可推动宽泛范围的新兴应用的发展,包括从无线充电、全自动汽车以至更高效的移动通信等应用。

EETimes Asia


WiGaN: eGaN FETs in Wide Load Range High Efficiency Wireless Power

Practical wireless power systems need to address the convenience factor of such systems. Standards such as the A4WP Class 3 have defined a broad coil impedance range that address the convenience factor and can be used as a starting point to compare the performance of the amplifiers. In this installment of WiGaN both the ZVS Class-D and Class-E amplifiers will be tested at 6.78 MHz to the A4WP Class 3 standard.

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宜普电源转换公司推出符合A4WP规格并可传送35 W功率及工作在6.78 MHz频率的高效无线电源传送演示套件

由于氮化镓场效应晶体管(eGaN® FET)具备卓越性能例如具低输出电容、低输入电容、低寄生电感及小尺寸,它是高度谐振并符合Rezence 无线充电联盟(A4WP)规格的无线电源传送系统的理想器件,可提高系统的效率。

宜普电源转换公司宣布推出无线电源转换演示套件。该套件备有40 V(EPC9111)及100 V(EPC9112)器件并包含以下三个组件:


宜普电源转换公司推出采用高频氮化镓(eGaN)场效应晶体管 并工作在6.78 MHz频率的高效无线电源传送演示系统

由于氮化镓场效应晶体管具备卓越性能例如低输出电容、低输入电容、低寄生电感及尺寸短小,它是高度谐振并符合Rezence (A4WP)规格的无线电源传送系统的理想器件,可提高该系统的效率。

宜普电源转换公司宣布推出采用创新、高性能零电压开关( ZVS) D类放大器拓扑、支持无线电源转换应用的演示板:EPC9506EPC9507 演示板。该板为放大器(发射)演示板,使用宜普公司具高频开关性能的氮化镓晶体管,使得无线电源系统可实现超过75%效率。


IEEE 功率电子协会(PELS)在线研讨会: 氮化镓晶体管-在无线电源传送应用击败硅器件

IEEE功率电子协会(PELS)将于6月4日举行在线研讨会,届时Alex Lidow及Michael de Rooij将讨论eGaN®功率晶体管如何提高无线电源传送系统的效率。



在采用D类及E 类放大器的无线电源传送系统应用对增强型氮化镓晶体管的性能进行评估

在过去几年间,无线电源传送应用逐渐流行,尤其是替便携式装置充电的应用。宜普公司在本章讨论使用松散耦合线圈、高度谐振的无线电源解决方案,符合A4WP标准并适合工作在免执照、給工業、科學及醫療用电器设备(ISM)使用的6.78 MHz或13.56 MHz頻率。

杂志:Bodo’s Power Systems
作者:Alex Lidow博士及Michael De Rooij博士



宜普公司专家将于三个业界技术研讨会演讲:第十三届慕尼黑上海电子展 - 国际电力电子创新论坛、IIC电子工程盛会 - 2014年春季论坛及台湾宽能隙电力电子研发联盟举办的宽能隙电力电子国际研讨会。



Efficient Power Conversion Corporation (EPC) Expands High Frequency eGaN Power Transistor Family Capable of Amplification into the Multiple GHz Range

EPC8010 100 V gallium nitride FET is optimized for high frequency applications with positive gain into the 3 GHz range.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. – January 2014 – Efficient Power Conversion Corporation, the world’s leader in enhancement-mode gallium nitride on silicon (eGaN®) power FETs extends its family of high-speed, high performance transistors with the EPC8010 power transistor. Sold in die form, the EPC8010 is a mere 1.75 mm2 with 100 VDS. Optimized for high speed switching, the EPC8010 has a maximum RDS(on) of 160 milliohms and input gate charge in the hundreds of pico-coulombs.


GaN — Still Crushing Silicon One Application at a Time

Enhancement-mode gallium nitride transistors have been commercially available for over four years and have infiltrated many applications previously monopolized by the aging silicon power MOSFET. There are many benefits derived from the latest generation eGaN® FETs in new emerging applications such as highly resonant wireless power transfer, RF envelope tracking, and class-D audio. This article will examine the rapidly evolving trend of conversion from power MOSFETs to gallium nitride transistors in these new applications.

Power Pulse
By: Alex Lidow
February, 2014
