GaN technology is being designed into many end-customer applications. At premier events all over the world, EPC showcases more than 25 applications where GaN technology is Changing the Way We Live. In this series of short videos, EPC application engineering experts present eGaN® FETs and ICs in a wide range of applications including products that customers are currently taking to market.
APEC 2019
EPC on Why Silicon is Dead at APEC 2019
In this episode of PSDtv Alix Lidow, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) is at APEC 2019 in Anaheim and discusses why their GaN on Silicon devices make Silicon now dead.
How eGaN Transistor Technology Improves LiDAR Performance
One big application area for eGaN transistor technology is in the lidar units built into autonomous vehicles and drones. EPC's Alex Lidow explains why eGaN excels at powering lidar lasers and why both solid-state and rotating lidar units will have roles in new robotics.
Why Gate Drivers are Joining eGaN Transistors on the Same Chip
Power transistors made with eGaN technology can switch in a nanosecond or less. The circuit necessary to drive these transistors tend involve a lot of parasitic elements that can contribute to ringing and other sub-optimum effects. As explained by EPC's Alex Lidow, combining the eGaN gate driver on the same chip as the power transistor itself avoids such problems. The resulting gate drive/power transistor can run directly from a CMOS logic chip. This simplifies the design of power electronics as used for wireless power schemes that eliminate the need for ac cords.
Graphics-Intensive Applications Benefit From Power-Dense eGaN DC-DC Converters
A 720-W demo design illustrates the benefits of using eGaN power transistors in dc/dc converters. As explained by EPC's Alex Lidow, the reference board is super small and hits 1,400 W/cubic inch with a 96% energy efficiency and a BOM cost of just six cents per watt. The hard-switching buck converter operating at 700 kHz delivers the kind of power density that comes in handy for high-end video gaming, bitcoin mining, and other applications that make intensive use of graphics processors.
EPC公司首次展示在桌面上可以同時對多個設備進行無線充電。本影片描述在該桌面上,我們可以同時對筆記型電腦、電視顯示器、Google Home、Amazon Alexa、檯燈、床頭燈及手機進行無線充電。除了創新的天線設計,該桌子是基於EPC的氮化鎵(GaN)功率技術。氮化鎵技術不僅僅是對手機進行無線充電,而是可以對我們的智慧家居進行無線充電。
本影片展示出德州儀器公司的48 V、10 A、3相位的氮化鎵逆變器參考設計,採用了LMG5200元件。 基於氮化鎵的解決方案具有更優越的散熱特性/模式–不需散熱器、更低的電感可以縮小元件的尺寸及更輕盈。此外,功耗更低及轉矩漣波(torque ripple)可使得馬達控制更準確。這個參考設計可實現難以置信的98.5% 效率。
面向波峰追蹤應用的eGaN FET
波峰追蹤是一種電源技術,與目前的固定電源系統相比,波峰追蹤技術可透過找出精確的電源需求來提高射頻功率放大器的能效。該技術可以使得基站的效率倍增及延長行動電話的通話時間。在本影片,我們討論60 W、20 MHz帶寬、4相、與LTE相容、基於eGaN FET及面向波峰追蹤應用的演示板的超快速性能。