Emerging computing applications demand more power in much smaller form factors. In addition to the expanding needs of the server market, some of the most challenging applications are multi-user gaming systems, autonomous cars, and artificial intelligence. Additionally, automotive systems are moving from 12 V distribution systems to 48 V systems. This change is driven by the increase of power-hungry electronically driven functions and the emergence of autonomous vehicles creating additional demands from systems such as lidar, radar, camera, and ultrasonic sensors upon the power distribution system. In this webinar learn how GaN-based reference designs can help you meet the higher demands of today’s power converters across a myriad of applications, power demands, and topologies.
In this webinar, we'll discuss:
網路研討會時間表 - 請點擊這裡
朱修春于2005年毕业于湖北汽车工业学院,拥有电子信息科学与技术学士学位。现任宜普电源转换(EPC)公司高级现场应用工程师,负责氮化镓技术支持及产品和应用的推广,以与客户携手构建基于氮化镓器件的高效解决方案。Richard在加入EPC公司之前任职于Power Integrations公司,负责IGBT驱动的技术支持,从事风力发电、光伏、电力机车以及电动汽车电控等应用的市场推广和技术支持,经验丰富。
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