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小型化的低壓 GaN FET的準確表徵

小型化的低壓 GaN FET的準確表徵

低壓 GaN FET 可實現更小、冷却要求最小化和效率更高的解決方案

與採用傳統的矽基功率 MOSFET的應用相比,低壓 GaN FET(即 100 V)可實現更小,冷却要求最小化和效率更高的解決方案。 本文討論了氮化鎵元件如何應對動態性能需要重複和可靠的表徵的挑戰。 定制氮化鎵夾具和測試板的機械和電氣設計仔細、周全,就可以克服其中許多挑戰,使您能够在設計功率轉換器時,自信地使用這些新型寬能隙元件。

Power Electronics News


GaN-Based Low-Voltage Inverter for Electric Scooter Drive System

GaN-Based Low-Voltage Inverter for Electric Scooter Drive System

This paper deals with the application of the latest generation low voltage (up to 80 V) Gallium Nitride (GaN) devices for motor drive applications in the field of electric micro-mobility. A two-level inverter topology oriented to light electric traction (such as electric scooters) with a power rate of 1500 W has been considered. An experimental board using two GaN FETs in parallel connection for each switch of an inverter leg has been arranged. The intrinsic parameters spread of the device, as well as the leakage inductances of both the circuit and the PCB, to evaluate the impact on the current share during both the transient phase and in the steady state have been investigated. In the paper, several simulation runs have been carried out and described. Furthermore, the inverter experimental board has been used to evaluate the phase voltages and currents at different load conditions. Finally, the temperature limits versus phase current variation have been evaluated.

IEEE 2022 AEIT International Annual Conference (AEIT)
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