Term: 信頼性
3 post(s) found

八月 03, 2022

CEO Corner-Alex Lidow駁斥氮化鎵元件的價格高於矽元件的神話

Alex Lidow, Ph.D., CEO and Co-founder

早在2015年,Venture Beat就發表了一篇關於氮化鎵晶片取代矽的文章。在那篇文章中,我斷言氮化鎵基功率半導體的廣泛普及是可能的,因為GaN FET將比矽具有更高的性能和更低的成本。 然而,人們仍然普遍誤解氮化鎵元件還沒有達到那個里程碑……這是一個錯誤的迷思。在這篇部落格文章中,我將試圖打破這個神話,並提醒大家,本次討論僅限於額定電壓低于400 V的元件的應用領域,因為這是EPC 的重點產品。

二月 09, 2021

How GaN is Revolutionizing Motor Drive Applications

Marco Palma, Director of Motor Drives Systems and Applications

Rethinking the Ordinary and Overcoming Mental Biases

Motor drive applications span several markets: industrial, appliance, and automotive. A commonality that occurs regardless of market is that when a new technology is proposed, it faces resistance to its adoption; after all, it is human nature to stick with what is known and resist change.

一月 31, 2020

2020 New Year with GaN

Nick Cataldo, Senior Vice President for Global Sales and Marketing

Dear Friends, colleagues and partners of EPC,

Happy New Year to you and your family from all of us at EPC!

2019 was a year to remember for EPC’s GaN innovations and the multiple use cases for GaN that have come to fruition. EPC’s latest generation of GaN products have enabled engineers to gain power stage advantages due to their low RDS(on) characteristics, higher efficiency, enhanced thermal properties, small size and low cost. Now, more than ever, power system designers are switching from silicon devices to higher performance GaN components.