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Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) CEO and Co-Founder Inducted into the ISPSD Hall of Fame 2019

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) CEO and Co-Founder Inducted into the ISPSD Hall of Fame 2019

EPC proudly announces the induction of Dr. Alex Lidow, CEO and co-founder into the ISPSD Hall of Fame 2019

El Segundo, Calif. – May 2019 – Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) Corporation proudly announces that Dr. Alex Lidow, CEO and co-founder, is inducted into the ISPSD Hall of Fame 2019. This prestigious honor is bestowed upon an honored contributor to advancing power semiconductor technology and sustaining the success of ISPSD. This Hall of Fame award was announced on May 20th, 2019 at 31st IEEE International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD) 2019 at the Marriott Parkview Hotel, Shanghai, China.

On thanking the ISPSD committee regarding his induction, Dr. Lidow said, “This is a great honor. I share this honor with Tom Herman, with whom I undertook the foundational work on the power MOSFET, and with my co-founders at EPC, Joe Cao and Bob Beach, who had the courage to join me on our mission to develop gallium nitride power devices to crush silicon. I look forward to continue working with our customers who are innovating new designs with GaN.”

Dr. John Shen, advisory committee chair said, “We are very pleased to have Alex inducted into the Hall of Fame this year. Contributions to our semiconductor industry have been most important in furthering our betterment of the whole world, as well as changing the way we live. We will continue to achieve further contributions, only through our inductees’ unremitting efforts in innovating and contributing to power semiconductor technology, which is indispensable in our daily lives.”


ISPSD is the premier forum for technical discussions in all areas of power semiconductor. The conference rotates on a four-year cycle across the world. ISPSD brings together the world’s foremost experts and leading companies on power devices and integrated circuit technology. Since the first meeting held in Tokyo in 1988, ISPSD has become the premier international forum for technical discussions in all aspects of power semiconductor devices and integrated circuits.

About EPC

EPC is the leader in enhancement mode gallium nitride based power management devices. EPC was the first to introduce enhancement-mode gallium-nitride-on-silicon (eGaN) FETs and integrated circuits as power MOSFET replacements in applications such as DC-DC converters, wireless power transfer, envelope tracking, automotive, power inverters, remote imaging and sensing technology (Lidar), and Class-D audio amplifiers with device performance many times greater than the best silicon power MOSFETs. EPC also has a growing portfolio of eGaN-based integrated circuits that provide even greater space, energy, and cost efficiency.

eGaN is a registered trademark of Efficient Power Conversion Corporation, Inc.

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