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EPC團隊將於5月7日至9日在德國的Nuremberg、歐洲PCIM展覽及研討會的會場,進行7場關於氮化鎵(GaN)技術及應用的演講,並於7號展館、335展覽攤位與工程師會面並分享最新的、基於eGaN® FET及積體電路的終端客戶產品。


車規級80 V EPC2214 eGaN FET使得雷射雷達系統看得更清晰

車規級80 V EPC2214 eGaN FET使得雷射雷達系統看得更清晰

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)進一步擴大車規級氮化鎵產品系列 -- 全新成員是面向具有高解析度的雷射雷達系統、80 V的EPC2214氮化鎵場效應電晶體,該元件成功通過國際汽車電子協會所制定的AEC Q101應力測試認證。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈再多一個車用氮化鎵(eGaN)元件(80 V的EPC2214)成功通過AEC Q101測試認證,可在車用及其他嚴峻環境支持多種全新應用。


氮化鎵技術可以提升面向伺服器及汽車應用的48 V DC/DC 功率轉換的效率

氮化鎵技術可以提升面向伺服器及汽車應用的48 V DC/DC 功率轉換的效率

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)推出兩個全新100 V氮化鎵元件,可以支援伺服器及汽車應用的48 V轉換的要求。 我將在處理器、車用及能量存儲系統等方面探討48 V伺服器的功率轉換解決方案(可參考我的文章 “雙向DC/DC電源供電: 我們應該如何取向?”),未來將在EDN文章中看到。氮化鎵功率電晶體必需是這些不同架構的一部份 -- 我相信沒有其他更優越的元件可以替代氮化鎵元件了 。

Planet Analog

APEC 2019影片

APEC 2019影片

宜普電源轉換公司的基於氮化鎵的元件乃前沿技術。在本影片,宜普公司的首席執行長Alex Lidow於APEC展會現場與 Alix Paultre分享多個design in項目,從而展示基於氮化鎵的元件的各種優勢。

Embedded Computer Design

EPC partners with Würth Elektronik eiSos to present Trilogy of Wireless Power Transfer

EPC partners with Würth Elektronik eiSos to present Trilogy of Wireless Power Transfer

The Trilogy of Wireless Power Transfer consists of three parts: Basics Principles of Wireless Power Transmission, Wireless Power Transfer Systems and Applications. The first part of the book explains the basic physical principles and the different methods of contactless power transmission. Furthermore, the leading standards are presented in this part. The second part describes wireless power transfer systems, the different topologies of wireless power transmission, the right selection of transmitter and receiver coils required to increase efficiency, and the selection of transistors, for instance. The third part is dedicated to practical applications. This includes applications within the scope of the Qi standard, as well as examples of proprietary solutions. An overview of EMI-relevant topics for closely and loosely coupled systems, as well as an example of a multimode wireless power transmission system round out the practical part. The authors of the "Trilogy of Wireless Power Transfer" are Cem Som, Division Manager Wireless Power Transfer at Würth Elektronik eiSos; and Dr. Michael de Rooij, Vice President Applications Engineering at Efficient Power Conversion Corporation, Inc. The book costs 19 euros and can be ordered from Würth Elektronik eiSos or through bookstores.

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宜普電源轉換公司首席執行長兼共同創辦人Alex Lidow於APEC 2019展覽會的Ridley Engineering展覽攤位進行演講,題目是“矽已經死亡”。


PSDtv - EPC on Why Silicon is Dead at APEC 2019

PSDtv - EPC on Why Silicon is Dead at APEC 2019

In this episode of PSDtv Alex Lidow, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) is at APEC 2019 in Anaheim and discusses why their GaN on Silicon devices make Silicon now dead.

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Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) Expands 100 V eGaN FET Family Offering Designers Best-in-Class Performance and Cost for 48 V DC-DC Conversion

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) Expands 100 V eGaN FET Family Offering Designers Best-in-Class Performance and Cost for 48 V DC-DC Conversion

EPC introduces 100 V, 3.8 milliohm EPC2053 eGaN® FET, joining the EPC2045, EPC2052, and EPC2051 to offer a comprehensive 100 V family of GaN transistors that are more efficient, smaller, and lower cost for high performance 48 V DC-DC conversion.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. — April 2019 — Efficient Power Conversion Corporation, the world’s leader in enhancement-mode gallium nitride on silicon (eGaN) power FETs and ICs advances the performance capability while lowering the cost of off-the-shelf gallium nitride transistors with the introduction of the EPC2053 (3.8 mΩ, 100 V) eGaN FET.


宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)推出面向48 V DC/DC電源轉換、馬達控制及雷射雷達應用的100 V氮化鎵(eGaN)功率電晶體

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)推出面向48 V DC/DC電源轉換、馬達控制及雷射雷達應用的100 V氮化鎵(eGaN)功率電晶體

專為功率系統設計師而設的EPC2052功率電晶體是一種100 V、13.5 mΩ並採用超小型晶片級封裝的電晶體,可實現74 A脈衝輸出電流。面向48 V-12 V DC/DC功率轉換器,這些新一代氮化鎵場效應電晶體工作在500 kHz頻率下,可實現超過97%的效率。如果工作在1 MHz時,則實現超過96%的效率。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈推出100 V的EPC2052氮化鎵場效應電晶體,其占板面積只是2.25平方毫米、最大導通阻抗(RDS(on))為13.5 mΩ及脈衝輸出電流高達74 A 以支援高效功率轉換。


It's Time to Rethink Power Semiconductor Packaging

It's Time to Rethink Power Semiconductor Packaging

When the issue invariably turns to the packaging of the power semiconductor – transistor, diode, or integrated circuit – the requests for improvement fall into six categories:

1. Can you make the package smaller?
2. Can you reduce the package inductance?
3. Can you make the product with lower conduction losses?
4. Can you make the package more thermally efficient?
5. Can you sell the product at a lower price?
6. Can you make the package more reliable?


Powering graphics processors from a 48-V bus

Powering graphics processors from a 48-V bus

New converter topologies and power transistors promise to reduce the size and boost the efficiency of supplies that will run next-generation Artificial Intelligence (AI) platforms. In all the topologies with 48 VIN, the highest efficiency comes with using GaN devices. This is due to their lower capacitance and smaller size. With recent pricing declines in GaN power transistors, the cost comparison with silicon-based converters now strongly favors GaN in all the leading-edge solutions.

Power Electronic Tips
March, 2019
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Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) to Showcase Industry-Leading Performance in High Power Density DC-DC Conversion and Multiple High-Frequency Applications Using eGaN Technology at APEC 2019

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) to Showcase Industry-Leading Performance in High Power Density DC-DC Conversion and Multiple High-Frequency Applications Using eGaN Technology at APEC 2019

EPC will exhibit live demonstrations showing how GaN technology’s superior performance is transforming power delivery for entire industries including computing, communications, and automotive.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. — March 2019 — The EPC team will be delivering eleven technical presentations on gallium nitride (GaN) technology and applications at APEC 2019 in Anaheim, California from March 17th through the 21st. In addition, the company will demonstrate its latest eGaN FETs and ICs in customers’ end products that are enabled by eGaN technology.


The Power and Evolution of GaN, Part 6: GaN Technology Adoption and Roadmap

The Power and Evolution of GaN, Part 6: GaN Technology Adoption and Roadmap

In the final installment of this series, how GaN has met the requirements to displace silicon is explored. As the adoption rate of GaN explodes, it is important to remember that, while GaN has made many advancements in just a few short years, it is still far from its theoretical performance limitations and thus there are profound improvements that can continue to be achieved. In time, the performance and cost advantages of GaN-on-silicon will result in a majority of applications currently using silicon-based devices converting to the smaller, faster, cheaper, and more reliable GaN technology.

Power Systems Design
February, 2019
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宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)的第十階段可靠性測試報告的亮點是 車規級氮化鎵元件超越AEC-Q101應力測試的認證標準

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)的第十階段可靠性測試報告的亮點是 車規級氮化鎵元件超越AEC-Q101應力測試的認證標準




Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) to Sponsor Inaugural ‘GaN Con’ with Yole Développement (Yole) and SEMI Covering the Entire Power GaN Industry from Manufacturers to End Users

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) to Sponsor Inaugural ‘GaN Con’ with Yole Développement (Yole) and SEMI Covering the Entire Power GaN Industry from Manufacturers to End Users

In this conference GaN market and technology status will be addressed and its future evolution will be debated by mixing visions from designers, manufacturers, and end users.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. — January 2019 — Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) is joining forces with Yole Développement (Yole) and SEMI to sponsor the first ever ‘GaN Con,’ an industry networking event covering the entire power GaN industry from manufacturers to end users. The theme of GaN Con is “Power GaN: From promises to possible market explosion” and is focused on the emerging GaN market and the state-of-the-art for its underlying technology.


GaN 的功率和演變- 第5部分:採用eGaN FET和積體電路構建低成本、高效的12 V - 1 V 負載點轉換器

GaN 的功率和演變- 第5部分:採用eGaN FET和積體電路構建低成本、高效的12 V - 1 V 負載點轉換器

氮化鎵元件對提升主流應用的效率的貢獻很大,例如在傳統矽基12 V - 1 V負載點 DC/DC轉換器。基於eGaN積體電路的12 V轉到1 V、12 A負載轉換器在5 MHz的頻率下,可以實現78%峰值效率及1000 W/in3 功率密度,而成本則低於每瓦0.2美元。

Power Systems Design





Electronics Weekly


車規級eGaN FET使得雷射雷達系統看到更清晰、更高效, 並且降低48 V車用功率系統的成本

車規級eGaN FET使得雷射雷達系統看到更清晰、更高效, 並且降低48 V車用功率系統的成本

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)進一步擴大車規級氮化鎵產品系列 -- 再多兩個產品成功通過國際汽車電子協會所制定的AEC Q101離散式元件應力測試認證。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈再多兩個車用氮化鎵(eGaN)元件成功通過AEC Q101測試認證,可在車用及其他嚴峻環境支持多種全新應用。EPC2206EPC2212是採用晶圓級晶片規模封裝(WLCS) 、分別是80 VDS 和100 VDS的離散電晶體。


氮化鎵的強大推動力及演進 - 第四章:eGaN FET和積體電路為手術用的機械人帶來精准的控制

氮化鎵的強大推動力及演進 - 第四章:eGaN FET和積體電路為手術用的機械人帶來精准的控制


Power Systems Design


宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)於CES 2019展覽展示 基於GaN技術的家居無線電源系統及針對全自動駕駛車輛的高解析度雷射雷達技術

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)於CES 2019展覽展示 基於GaN技術的家居無線電源系統及針對全自動駕駛車輛的高解析度雷射雷達技術

EPC公司將於國際消費電子展CES® 2019 的hospitality suite展示基於氮化鎵(GaN)元件的家居無線電源系統及應用於全自動駕駛車輛的、領先業界的雷射雷達系統。

EPC公司將於2019年1月8日至11日在美國拉斯維加斯舉行的國際消費電子展(CES® 2019)展示eGaN®技術如何實現兩種改變業界遊戲規則的消費電子應用 -- 分別是無線電源及應用於全自動駕駛車輛的雷射雷達(LiDAR)。
