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宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)推出面向擴增實景和全自動駕駛汽車應用 的全新eGaN FET,實現極高的解析度

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)推出面向擴增實景和全自動駕駛汽車應用 的全新eGaN FET,實現極高的解析度

全新的EPC2040氮化鎵場效應電晶體(eGaN®FET)具備超快速開關性能,可以支援需要更高解析度及準確性、使用脈衝式鐳射驅動器的應用,諸如在擴增實景(augmented reality)系統及全自動駕駛汽車中,利用光學遙感技術(LiDAR)、三維感測的導航系統。



Radiated EMI Filter Design for an eGaN FET Based ZVS Class D Amplifier in 6.78MHz Wireless Power Transfer

Radiated EMI Filter Design for an eGaN FET Based ZVS Class D Amplifier in 6.78MHz Wireless Power Transfer

In this installment, we present a method to design a suitable EMI filter that can reduce unwanted frequencies to levels within radiated EMI specifications, and do this without negatively impacting the performance of the wireless power coil. In addition, the overall radiated EMI design aspects will also be covered.

EEWeb - Wireless & RF Magazine
Michael de Rooij, Ph.D.
February, 1, 2016
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宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)推出具有50 A最大輸出電流、1 MHz開關頻率功能的開發板,專為負載點應用而設以縮小功率轉換系統的尺寸

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)推出具有50 A最大輸出電流、1 MHz開關頻率功能的開發板,專為負載點應用而設以縮小功率轉換系統的尺寸


宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)推出半橋式開發板(EPC9059),專為大電流、高頻的負載點(POL)應用而設,目的是利用氮化鎵積體電路(eGaN IC)的優勢,縮小功率轉換系統的尺寸。該板具有30 V最高元件電壓、50 A 最大輸出電流。在這應用中,兩個30 V的 eGaN IC(EPC2100)並聯工作並配備板載驅動器,從而可以實現更高的輸出電流。與矽基MOSFET相比,由於氮化鎵元件具有卓越的均流能力,因此更適合並聯操作。


Getting from 48 V to load voltage

Getting from 48 V to load voltage

Improving low-voltage DC/DC converter performance with GaN transistors:
The emergence of commercially available and cost-effective gallium nitride (GaN) power transistors begins a new age in power electronics. There are significant benefits in using enhancement-mode gallium nitride FET (eGaN FET) devices in power converters for existing data center and telecommunications architectures centering around an input voltage of 48 VDC with load voltages as low as 1 VDC. High-performance GaN power transistors can enable new approaches to power data center and telecommunications systems with higher efficiency and higher power density than possible with previous Si MOSFET based architectures.

Power Systems Design
David Reusch, Ph.D., and John Glaser, Ph.D.
January, 25, 2016
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DesignCon 2016 book signing with engineering icons

DesignCon 2016 book signing with engineering icons

Some of the best minds in our industry, like the group that was at a DesignCon 2016 book signing. Among them was Michael de Rooij, Efficient Power Conversion VP of Application Engineering who signed copies of his book Wireless Power Handbook, Second Edition. DesignCon attendees enjoyed browsing and buying books and having the authors autograph them as well. The authors also answered questions and discussed their areas of expertise with inquiring minds in attendance.

EDN Network
January 22, 2016
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宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)推出由業界專家製作合共九個教程單元的高級教學視頻系列,內容涵蓋設計基礎、DC/DC轉換應用無線充電應用元件的可靠性元件的可靠性及氮化鎵場效應電晶體(eGaN FET)及積體電路的各種其它應用。



內含宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)的200 V氮化鎵場效應電晶體的開發板可實現高達30 MHz的效率

內含宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)的200 V氮化鎵場效應電晶體的開發板可實現高達30 MHz的效率

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)的全新開發板幫助功率系統設計師容易並且快速地 對應用於E類放大器、電流模式D類放大器及push-pull轉換器的200 V氮化鎵電晶體進行評估,其工作效率可以高達30 MHz。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈推出高頻、基於氮化鎵電晶體並採用差分模式的開發板,可以在高達30 MHz下工作。 推出開發板的目的是幫助功率系統設計師利用簡易方法對氮化鎵電晶體的優越性能進行評估,使得他們的產品可以快速量產。


EPC CEO Alex Lidow Receives 2015 SEMI Award for North America

EPC CEO Alex Lidow Receives 2015 SEMI Award for North America

Award Recognizes Innovation in Power Device Technology for Enabling the Commercialization of GaN

EL SEGUNDO, Calif, — January 2016 — Today, Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) announced that its CEO Alex Lidow was selected as the recipient of the 2015 SEMI Award for North America for the innovation of power device technology, enabling the commercialization of GaN. Dr. Lidow is being honored for his work in the area of Process and Technology Integration.


EPC received the Readers’ Choice Company of the Year award from Powerpulse.net

EPC received the Readers’ Choice Company of the Year award from Powerpulse.net

According to Powerpulse.net, “This selection is based on EPC's domination of the 50 most-read product news stories for 2015. EPC products account 8 of the top 50 product stories for 2015 (as measured by readership). This is the first time that a single company has accounted for such a large number of product news stories (that amounts to 2 per quarter), including 1 in the Top 10 and 5 in the Top 20.”

January 4, 2016
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L.A. Tech Execs Make 2016 Predictions

L.A. Tech Execs Make 2016 Predictions

With the backdrop of slower global economic growth and expected higher interest rate in 2016, Alex Lidow, CEO of Efficient Power Conversion Corporation opines that companies looking for late-stage financing will see a greater emphasis on fundamentals such as revenue, margin and cash flow, and a lower emphasis on less-tangible metrics, such as the size of an audience without strong monetization.

Los Angeles Business Journal
December 23, 2015
By: Garrett Reim
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The shrinking chip sector

The shrinking chip sector

With mega deals for mergers and acquisitions took place in the past year, would innovations be stalled? Alex Lidow, CEO of Efficient Power Conversion Corporation said if you look at semiconductor end sales in this century, we have only seen a 5% compounded annual growth rate. It’s clearly showing signs of an end market that is very large and very mature and in the same time, the cost for a new facility or new product has skyrocketed.

Market Watch
December 23, 2015
By: Therese Poletti
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矽基增强型氮化鎵場效應電晶體之全球領導廠商宜普電源轉換公司(www.epc-co.com.tw ) 宣佈其高頻、低價格的氮化鎵場效應電晶體(eGaN FET)- EPC2035(60 V)及 EPC2036(100 V) 被評選爲《EDN》雜誌2015年度最熱門產品百强之一。




在2014年,美國的數據中心用上了1000億千瓦小時(KWh)能量。雪上加霜的是,這個快速增長的所需能量,大部份是由基於超過一世紀前設立的基建、非常低效的供電網路支持。浪費了的能量有多嚴重?供電網路為一個數字晶片提供150 W功率,而實際上,它可能只需要100 W。 此外,由於在電源轉換過程中,每一瓦功耗會轉化為熱量,因此實際上所浪費的能量更大。而我們必需利用昂貴及耗電的空調機來為伺服器群散熱。空調機大約需要1 W來除去1 W的功耗,這相等於已經低的能源轉換效率將再降低一倍。


Datacenter Dynamics
作者:Alex Lidow






作為宜普電源轉換公司的教科書《氮化鎵電晶體—高效功率轉換元件》的增刊及一本新增了內容的實用指南,本書提供詳細分析如何逐步設計完成基於氮化鎵電晶體的無線電源傳送系統,內容涵蓋如何比較元件,例如在放大器設計中,對氮化鎵場效應電晶體(eGaN®FET)與MOSFET進行比較,並配以實驗證明在這種高性能的應用中,採用eGaN FET如何比採用MOSFET的放大器更為卓越。


Nick Cataldo加入宜普電源轉換公司擔任全球銷售及市場行銷高級副總裁

Nick Cataldo加入宜普電源轉換公司擔任全球銷售及市場行銷高級副總裁

Cataldo先生帶領宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)的銷售及市場行銷團隊,幫助客戶採用氮化鎵場效應電晶體(eGaN FET)及積體電路實現領先的功率轉換系統。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈Nick Cataldo加入EPC的管理團隊,擔任全球銷售及市場行銷高級副總裁職位,以配合宜普公司正在加速發展的步伐。Cataldo先生在半導體業界擁有超過35年的市場行銷及銷售營運的經驗。他的主要職責是制定及執行銷售及市場行銷策略,從而達到公司的全球銷售目標。


How to get 500W in an eighth-brick converter with GaN, part 1

How to get 500W in an eighth-brick converter with GaN, part 1

DC-DC “brick” converters are familiar to many engineers, and have wide usage in telecommunications, networking, data centers, and many other applications. This is due in large part to adoption of a common footprint defined by the Distributed-power Open Standards Alliance (DOSA) and generally accepted input/output voltage ranges. These converters provide isolation and voltage step-down, and have become increasingly sophisticated, with features that enable advanced system optimization and control.

EDN Network
November 23, 2015
By: John Glaser
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