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eGaN FETs Enable More Than 4-kW/in3 Power Density for 48 V to 12 V Power Conversion

eGaN FETs Enable More Than 4-kW/in3 Power Density for 48 V to 12 V Power Conversion

Growing computational power and miniaturization of electronics in computing and data centers is increasingly putting pressure on 48-V power delivery and conversion systems. High-efficiency and high-power–density converters enable a reduction in power losses at the system level while allowing smaller form factors. In this context, LLC resonant topologies combined with GaN technology succeed to deliver outstanding performance, as it has been demonstrated with multiple examples. This article will show the key design parameters and components to achieve beyond 4 kW/in3 of power density in a 48-V to 12-V LLC converter using eGaN® FETs.

Power Electronics News
December, 2022
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Dispelling Myths: Don’t believe it when they say you need a bipolar gate drive for eGaN FETs

Dispelling Myths: Don’t believe it when they say you need a bipolar gate drive for eGaN FETs

GaN devices have gone from initial R&D to mainstream designs over the last 15 years. Unfortunately, there are many misunderstandings left-over from those early-stage bipolar drive circuit developments or dead-end technology branches. One of the most pernicious is the topic of bipolar drive. In actuality, unipolar drives are the best way to drive eGaN® FETs.

Power Electronics Tips
October, 2022
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GaN vs. Silicon Smackdown

GaN vs. Silicon Smackdown

One way to tell when a new technology has passed the tipping point of adoption is by the voices advocating the status quo. The more conservative voices tend to cite older information that, given the fast change of trajectory that occurs at a tipping point, can lead to poor decisions for new designs. In the world of GaN power devices the tipping point occurred in the past two years when the rate of new GaN-based designs started to double year-on-year, and the legacy MOSFET designs started to face critical supply shortages due to their finely tuned, but less flexible supply chains. GaN devices, on the other hand, have remained in stock at most major distributors due to their relatively new and flexible supply chains utilizing older silicon foundries, but affording these foundries a new and vibrant future. In this article we will address some of the common misconceptions still showing up in articles and at conferences, usually presented by advocates of the status quo.

Bodo’s Power Systems
May, 2022
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我們將在本文討論客戶爲何遲遲未採用氮化鎵技術的一些最常見原因,氮化鎵技術顯然是較舊的矽基功率MOSFET的替代技術。在不深入詳細研究統計數據的情况下,按最常發生推導出一系列原因,並理解某些應用比其他應用更側重氮化鎵技術的某些特性。我們的討論僅限於額定電壓低於400 V的元件,因爲這是EPC公司的氮化鎵場效應電晶體和積體電路的重點應用。

2022 年3月


Better thermal management of eGaN FETs

Better thermal management of eGaN FETs

A few simple thermal management guidelines can help conduct heat away from GaN FETs. Enhancement-mode gallium nitride (eGaN) FETs offer high power-density with ultra-fast switching and low on-resistance, all in a compact form factor. However, the power levels these high-performance devices provide can be limited by extreme heat-flux densities. If not managed properly, the generated heat can compromise reliability and performance. Fortunately, chip-scale packaging for eGaN FETs can be leveraged at the board-side and the backside (i.e., case) to better dissipate heat.

Power Electronics Tips
February, 2022
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EPC Releases Phase 14 Report on GaN Reliability and the use of Physics-Based Models to Project eGaN Device Lifetime

EPC Releases Phase 14 Report on GaN Reliability and the use of Physics-Based Models to Project eGaN Device Lifetime

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) publishes Phase-14 Reliability Report, which adds to the extensive knowledge and demonstrates a robustness capability unmatched by silicon power devices.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.— February 2022 — EPC announces its Phase-14 Reliability Report, documenting the strategy used to achieve a remarkable field reliability record. The rapid adoption of GaN devices in many diverse applications calls for the continued accumulation of reliability statistics and research into the fundamental physics of failure in GaN devices. The Phase-14 Reliability Report presents the strategy used to measure and predict lifetime based upon tests that force devices to fail under various conditions. This information can be used to create more robust and and higher performance products for applications such as lidar for autonomous cars, robotics, security, and drones, high power density computing, and satellites, to name just a few.


EPC新推採用ePower晶片的2 kW、48 V/14 V雙向穩壓轉換器参考設計

EPC新推採用ePower晶片的2 kW、48 V/14 V雙向穩壓轉換器参考設計

EPC9170演示板是一款两相、可調輸出電壓的48 V/14 V雙向轉換器,提供2 kW功率和實現96.8 %峰值效率。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈推出EPC9170演示板,這是一款2kW、两相48 V /14 V雙向轉換器,在小尺寸内實現96.8%的峰值效率。該板採用100 V、65 A 的ePower™ IC晶片组,包含EPC23101 eGaN® IC和 EPC2302 eGaN® FET,可實現的解決方案的最大電壓為100 V、負載電流可高達65 A和開關頻率可超過1 MHz。


Low-Cost Motors Match Premium Motor Drive Performance with eGaN FETs for eBikes, eMotion, Drones, and Robots

Low-Cost Motors Match Premium Motor Drive Performance with eGaN FETs for eBikes, eMotion, Drones, and Robots

The EPC9145 GaN-based inverter enhances the performance of the motor for range, precision, torque, and, as a bonus, eliminates the electrolytic capacitors for lower overall system cost and higher reliability. The extremely small size allows integration into the motor housing for the lowest EMI, highest density, and lowest weight.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.— November, 2021 — EPC announces the availability of the EPC9145, a 1 kW, 3-phase BLDC motor drive inverter using the EPC2206 eGaN® FET


基於eGaN FET的2 kW、48V/12V DC/DC轉換器, 讓輕度混合動力汽車實現更高效、更小、更快的雙向轉換器

基於eGaN FET的2 kW、48V/12V DC/DC轉換器, 讓輕度混合動力汽車實現更高效、更小、更快的雙向轉換器

EPC9163是一款兩相48 V/12 V雙向轉換器,可提供2 kW的功率和實現96.5%的效率,是適用於輕度混合動力汽車和備用電池裝置的小型化解決方案。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈推出EPC9163,這是一款 2 kW、兩相的48 V /12 V雙向轉換器演示板,可在非常小的佔板面積上實現96.5%的效率。該演示板的設計具有可擴展性 – 並聯兩個轉換器可以實現4 kW的功率,或者並聯三個轉換器以實現6 kW。該板採用8個100 V 的eGaN® FET(EPC2218),並由模塊控制,該模塊採用Microchip公司的dsPIC33CK256MP503 16位數位控制器。


50 W、12 V/60 V且基於eGaN FET的升壓轉換器, 爲筆記型電腦和PC顯示器背光提供高效、簡單和低成本的解決方案

50 W、12 V/60 V且基於eGaN FET的升壓轉換器, 爲筆記型電腦和PC顯示器背光提供高效、簡單和低成本的解決方案

50 W、12 V/60 V且基於eGaN® FET的同步升壓轉換器採用簡單、低成本的拓樸結構,可實現 95.3%的峰值效率和低温升。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈推出雙向降壓或反向升壓轉換器演示板(EPC9162)。該演示板用於同步轉換器時採用100 V的EPC2052元件,以及用於同步自舉FET電路時,採用EPC2038元件。


New Textbook, GaN Power Devices and Applications from Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) Now Available

New Textbook, GaN Power Devices and Applications from Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) Now Available

GaN devices and applications, such as lidar, DC-DC conversion, motor drive, and low-cost satellites using gallium nitride FETs and ICs, form the focus of this book, GaN Power Devices and Applications.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. — October 2021 — Efficient Power Conversion Corporation, the world’s leader in enhancement-mode gallium nitride on silicon (eGaN) power FETs and ICs, announces the publication of a valuable learning resource for professional engineers, systems designers, and electrical engineering students seeking the latest information on gallium nitride technology and applications. 


應對用於超薄計算應用的超薄、具高功率密度的 48 V DC/DC 轉換器的電源和磁性設計挑戰

應對用於超薄計算應用的超薄、具高功率密度的 48 V DC/DC 轉換器的電源和磁性設計挑戰

在過去十年中,計算機、顯示器、智能手機和其他消費電子系統變得更薄,同時功能也變得更强大。因此,市場對具有更高功率密度的更薄電源解决方案的需求不斷增加。本文研究了額定功率爲 250 W、超薄的48 V / 20 V轉換器,它可以採用各種非隔離型 DC/DC 降壓拓撲的可行性。我們研究了各種非隔離型拓撲的優缺點,從而瞭解拓撲如何影響功率電晶體和磁性元件的選擇,特別是電感器,因爲這兩個元件產生轉換器的大部分損耗。本文還詳細分析了爲這些應用設計薄型電感器所面對的挑戰,包括電感器損耗的因素、電感器尺寸和設計權衡,包括對EMI的影響。我們是以選擇、構建和測試了超薄多電平轉換器拓撲。從該轉換器獲得的實驗結果,用於進一步優化操作設置和元件的選擇,從而實現超過98%的峰值效率。

EPC公司Michael de Rooij
Würth Elektronik 公司Quentin Laidebeur

IEEE Power Electronics Magazine


EPC推出由氮化鎵場效應電晶體驅動且可擴展的 1.5 kW 48 V/12 V DC/DC演示板,為輕混電動車和電池備用裝置提供 更高效、更小、更快的雙向轉換器

EPC推出由氮化鎵場效應電晶體驅動且可擴展的 1.5 kW 48 V/12 V DC/DC演示板,為輕混電動車和電池備用裝置提供 更高效、更小、更快的雙向轉換器

EPC9137是一款兩相是48 V/12 V雙向轉換器,以小型化解决方案提供1.5 kW功率,效率爲97%,適用於輕混電動車和電池電源備用裝置。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈推出EPC9137,這是一款1.5 kW的兩相48 V/12 V雙向轉換器,占板面積小,效率爲97%。 該演示板的設計是可擴展的 – 並聯兩個轉換器可實現3 kW,或者並聯3個轉換器可實現4.5 kW。該板使用4個100 V的eGaN®FET(EPC2206),幷且由一個包括Microchip dsPIC33CK256MP503 16位數字控制器的模組控制。


宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)eToF 雷射驅動器IC 助力革新光達系統設計

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)eToF 雷射驅動器IC 助力革新光達系統設計


宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈推出雷射驅動器IC(EPC21601),在單個晶片上集成了40 V、10 A 場效應電晶體、閘極驅動器和3.3 V邏輯電平輸入,面向採用飛時測距(ToF)技術的光達系統,用於機器人、監控保安系統、無人機、全自動駕駛車輛和吸塵器。


Thermal Management of Chip-Scale GaN Devices

Thermal Management of Chip-Scale GaN Devices

This article discusses the challenges that thermal management raises due to increase power density, especially with chip-scale packaging (CSP). What is sometimes overlooked, however, is that CSP eGaN® power FETs and integrated circuits have excellent thermal performance when mounted on standard printed circuit board (PCBs) with simple methods for attaching heat sinks. Simulations, supported by experimental verification, examine the effect of various parameters and heat flow paths to provide guidance on designing for performance versus cost.

Bodo’s Power Systems
February, 2021
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