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Using GaN FETs to Burst Through 5 kW/in3 in a 48 V to 12 V LLC Converter

Using GaN FETs to Burst Through 5 kW/in3 in a 48 V to 12 V LLC Converter

LLC resonant converters have emerged as the preferred topology for an intermediate 48 V to 12 V conversion due to their high efficiency, high power density and good dynamic response. The outstanding performance resulting from the combination of this topology with GaN transistors has been demonstrated in the past. This article presents how the newest generation of GaN devices, such as those from EPC, continues to push the envelope even further.

Bodo’s Power Systems
November, 2023
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EPC的100 V GaN FET助力實現更小的電機驅動器, 用於電動自行車、機器人和無人機

EPC的100 V GaN FET助力實現更小的電機驅動器, 用於電動自行車、機器人和無人機


宜普電源轉換公司宣佈推出三相BLDC馬達控制逆變器參考設計(EPC9194)。它的工作輸入電源電壓範圍為14V~60V,可提供高達60 Apk(40 ARMS)的輸出電流。此電壓範圍和功率使該解決方案非常適合用於各種三相BLDC馬達控制器,包括電動自行車、電動滑板車、無人機、機器人和直流伺服馬達。


GaN in Space: Unlocking Efficiency and Performance in Satellite Systems

GaN in Space: Unlocking Efficiency and Performance in Satellite Systems

The space industry is undergoing a transformative shift to “New Space,” driven by the increasing demand for ubiquitous connectivity and the emergence of innovative business models. One of the key elements of this transformation is the adoption of gallium nitride (GaN) technology in space applications. GaN holds immense potential due to its impressive radiation hardness, high system efficiency and lightweight characteristics.

In a discussion with EE Times Europe, Taha Ayari and Aymen Ghorbel, technology and market analysts at Yole Intelligence, part of Yole Group, explained how New Space—the low Earth orbit (LEO) mission segment, with a typical satellite lifespan of three to five years and lower reliability requirements—has become a focal point for GaN adoption. As a result, power GaN devices are being adopted for various satellite systems, including DC/DC converters, point-of-load systems, motor drives and ion thrusters.

EE Times Europe
October 2023
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宜普電源轉換公司聯合創辦人暨執行長Alex Lidow表示,GaN的成本競爭力亦與Si MOSFET並駕齊驅,潛在爆發力更有過之而無不及,目前最關鍵就是得重塑諸多研究者的老舊觀念,認為GaN昂貴到碰不得。GaN的技術正迎來轉捩點,在先進運算、車用電子、太空電子及消費電子等新型應用設計多數採GaN技術,而非Si MOSFET。



宜普拚GaN成本優勢目標超車Si MOSFET

宜普拚GaN成本優勢目標超車Si MOSFET

宜普電源轉換公司聯合創辦人暨執行長Alex Lidow接受DIGITIMES專訪,提到GaN主要會被應用在650V及以下市場。反之碳化矽則是主導650V以上的市場,它可望取代矽基絕緣閘極雙極性電晶體。宜普也在開發對速度及尺寸特性極為要求的400V以下市場。且致力於製造比Si功率元件擁有更高性能、更具成本競爭力的GaN元件。



EPC Space Brings GaN to the Edge of the Atmosphere

EPC Space Brings GaN to the Edge of the Atmosphere

Bringing GaN to the final frontier, EPC Space introduced two new radiation-hardened GaN transistors for high-current switching in space-based applications. As the number of commercial satellites continues to increase, designers require more options for space-ready power electronics with improved current handling.

All About Circuits
September, 2023
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在功率转换、电机驱动和激光雷达等应用中,15 V至350 V范围内的氮化镓(GaN)异质结场效应功率晶体管显示出比硅具有显著优势的,无论是在效率、尺寸、速度和成本方面。这些优势源于关键电场的数量级比硅高出一个数量级,具体而言,尤其是高三倍的带隙方面有3倍的优势,和高1.3倍的电子迁移率方面有1.3倍的优势。

Bodo’s Power Systems 2023年9月
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GaN HEMT Package Improves Paralleling Of Devices In Space Power Applications

GaN HEMT Package Improves Paralleling Of Devices In Space Power Applications

As more processing power and more complex loads are placed on-orbit or into deep space missions, it is sometime necessary to parallel two or more power switches. However, conventional power device packages, such as the FSMD-A/B/C/D and their I/O pad provisioning make it difficult to accomplish paralleling these devices in a performance-conscious manner. When paralleled, the gate and source-sense pads on these packages either serve to block the most efficient/shortest interconnect from package-to-package for the drain and source connections or for the gate and source-sense pads. So in parallel configurations, there is always a compromise between optimized drain-source load-circuit performance and gate-source-sense drive-loop performance. This article introduces the FSMD-G discrete HEMT package and explains how the reconfiguration of its I/O pads overcomes these limitations when paralleling GaN HEMTs.

September, 2023
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GaN FET可實現5130 W/in3 的基準功率密度,支持人工智慧和先進計算應用

GaN FET可實現5130 W/in3 的基準功率密度,支持人工智慧和先進計算應用

EPC9159是一款1 kW、48 V/12 V的LLC轉換器,佔板面積僅為17.5 mm x 22.8 mm,可實現 5130 W/in3 最先進的功率密度。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈推出EPC9159參考設計。這是一款48 V/12 V的LLC轉換器,專為48 V高功率密度伺服器電源和DC/DC轉換器而設計。該參考設計可在17.5 mm x 22.8 mm的微小封裝內提供高達1 kW的功率,其功率密度為5130 W/in3。這是在初級側和次級側電路中採用於高開關頻率工作的氮化鎵(GaN)功率元件才可以實現的。


Predicting GaN Device Lifetimes In Solar Microinverters And Power Optimizers

Predicting GaN Device Lifetimes In Solar Microinverters And Power Optimizers

Microinverters and power optimizers are widely utilized in modern solar panels to maximize energy efficiency and conversion. Such topologies and implementations usually require a minimum of 25 years of lifetime, which is becoming a critical challenge for market adoption. Low-voltage gallium nitride (GaN) power devices (VDS rating < 200 V) are a promising solution and are being used extensively by an increasing number of solar manufacturers.

In this article, a test-to-fail approach is adopted and applied to investigate the intrinsic underlying wear-out mechanisms of GaN transistors. The study enables the development of physics-based lifetime models that can accurately project the lifetimes under the unique demands of various mission profiles in solar applications.

August, 2023
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A high efficiency, 3 kW capable, 2-phase, 3-level Converter using paralleled eGaN FETs

A high efficiency, 3 kW capable, 2-phase, 3-level Converter using paralleled eGaN FETs

As the revolution of renewable energy as well as transportation electrification progresses, the need for residential energy storage systems is increasing. A high efficiency DC-to-DC converter is usually required to exchange energy generated from renewable sources, such as solar panels, with a battery. The fast-switching speed and low RDS(on) of gallium nitride (GaN) FETs can help save energy by reducing power consumption inside the DC-to-DC converter. This article shows how to design a high efficiency 100 – 250 V to 40 - 60 V DC-to-DC converter.

Power Electronics Europe
May, 2023
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汽車電子用於低壓配電的演變—從 ICE 、MHEV 到目前的BEV汽車應用

汽車電子用於低壓配電的演變—從 ICE 、MHEV 到目前的BEV汽車應用

汽車電子在過去30年内經歷了幾個時代的演變。 從主要採用機械或發動機驅動系統的純內燃機 (ICE),到添加電力動力的輕度混合動力 (MHEV),再到全電池電動汽車 (BEV)應用。 在這三個時代中,用於轉換和分配電力的架構甚至基本半導體元件都發生了重大的變化。 本文討論了這個進化過程和對將來進化的方向做出了一些推測。

Power Systems Design


小型化的低壓 GaN FET的準確表徵

小型化的低壓 GaN FET的準確表徵

低壓 GaN FET 可實現更小、冷却要求最小化和效率更高的解決方案

與採用傳統的矽基功率 MOSFET的應用相比,低壓 GaN FET(即 100 V)可實現更小,冷却要求最小化和效率更高的解決方案。 本文討論了氮化鎵元件如何應對動態性能需要重複和可靠的表徵的挑戰。 定制氮化鎵夾具和測試板的機械和電氣設計仔細、周全,就可以克服其中許多挑戰,使您能够在設計功率轉換器時,自信地使用這些新型寬能隙元件。

Power Electronics News


40 V Rad Hard GaN FETs Set New Performance Standards for Demanding Space Applications

40 V Rad Hard GaN FETs Set New Performance Standards for Demanding Space Applications

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) expands its family of radiation-hardened (rad-hard) gallium nitride (GaN) products for power conversion solutions with two new 40 V devices rated at 62 A and 250 A to address critical spaceborne and other high-reliability applications.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.— July 2023 — EPC announces the introduction of two new 40 V rated radiation-hardened GaN FETs.EPC7001 is a 40 V, 4 mΩ, 250 APulsed, rad-hard GaN FET in a small 7 mm2 footprint. EPC7002 is a 40 V, 14.5 mΩ, 62 APulsed, rad-hard GaN FET in a tiny 1.87 mm2 footprint.  Both devices have a total dose radiation rating greater than 1,000K Rad(Si) and SEE immunity for LET of 83.7 MeV/mg/cm2 with VDS up to 100% of rated breakdown. These new devices, along with the rest of the Rad Hard family, are offered in a chip-scale package.  Packaged versions are available from EPC Space.


In-situ RDS(on) Characterization and Lifetime Projection of GaN HEMTs under Repetitive Overvoltage Switching

In-situ RDS(on) Characterization and Lifetime Projection of GaN HEMTs under Repetitive Overvoltage Switching

Transient voltage overshoot is a common phenomenon in GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) under high slew rate switching conditions. The dynamic parametric instability under such stress is a critical concern for GaN applications. This work, for the first time, accurately characterized the evolution of dynamic on-resistance (RDS(on)) in GaN HEMTs under repetitive voltage overshoot up to billions of switching cycles. The dynamic RDS(on) increase was found to be the dominant device degradation under overvoltage switching. Such findings were obtained from a high-frequency, repetitive, unclamped inductive switching (UIS) test with active temperature control and accurate in-situ RDS(on) monitoring. A physics-based model was proposed to correlate the dynamic RDS(on) drift with the peak overvoltage, and a good agreement with experimental data was achieved. This model was further used to project the lifetime of GaN HEMTs. For 100 V rated GaN HEMTs switched under 100 kHz and 120 V spikes, the model projects less than 10% dynamic RDS(on) shift over 25 years of continuous operation. This work addresses the major concerns of overvoltage switching reliability of GaN HEMTs and provides new insights of the electron trapping mechanism.

IEEE Xplore
Ruizhe Zhang, Ricardo Garcia, Robert Strittmatter, Yuhao zhang, Shengke Zhange
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