
Why experts believe cheaper, better lidar is right around the corner

This article takes a deep dive into lidar technology. It explains how the technology works and the challenges technologists face as they try to build lidar sensors that meet the demanding requirements for commercial self-driving cars.

The bottom line is that while bringing lidar costs down will take a significant amount of difficult engineering work, there don't seem to be any fundamental barriers to bringing the cost of high-quality lidar down below $1,000—and eventually below $100. That means the technology—and ultimately, self-driving vehicles that depend on lidar—should be well within reach for ordinary consumers.

Ars Techinca
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无线充电 - 基于氮化镓场效应晶体管(GaN FET)的大面积无线电源解决方案

如果要无线充电得以普及, 无线充电系统必需从小型充电垫发展成为大面积无线电源。这就需要磁共振系统的线圈、系统架构及功率放大器各方面的基本改变。基于氮化镓器件的放大器已经被证明为可以在广阔的负载范围内发送60 W功率至发射线圈并实现超过90% 的效率。

作者:张远哲及Michael A. de Rooij
Power Electronics Europe杂志
2017年11月/ 12月刊

This Week in Technology – Triangulation Episode 319 “Our Friend Gallium Nitride”

Alex Lidow, CEO of Efficient Power Conversion, talks to Leo Laporte about Gallium Nitride, and how it is being used to create the next generation of microchips and wirelessly power the world.

This Week in Technology
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宜普电源转换公司首席执行官兼共同创办人Alex Lidow展示大面积无线充电技术如何传送电源。

Digital Journal


NextbigFuture访问了EPC公司的首席执行官Alex Lidow。 EPC公司是制造氮化镓晶体管的领导厂商,目前带领业界开启无线充电新时代。在5至10年内,我们将有可能看到全屋或写字楼从采用昂贵的电源线改为在广泛地方采用无线充电解决方案供电。


The Race to Cut the Power Cord is Already Happening

The year is 2022. You sit down at your office desk, back from Ikea with your new lamp. You take it out of the box, place it on the table, and it illuminates the workspace immediately. You then take your MacBook out of your backpack, place it to the right of the lamp, and it starts charging instantly. It sounds unreasonable to think that all this could become reality in just a few years. But behind closed doors, this technology already exists.

“A couple of months ago, we demonstrated an entire table top where everything on it was powered wirelessly,” Alex Lidow, CEO of EPC, tells Inverse. “A lamp, computer monitor, computer, cell phones being charged… all sorts of stuff.”

Inverse Innovation
August, 2017
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Why a world without power cords is now within reach

Since Nikola Tesla first experimented with wireless power during the early 1900s, there has been a quest to “cut the cord” – and go wireless. Today’s applications for wireless power undoubtedly extend far beyond Tesla’s wildest imagination, as we now have the ability to wirelessly charge cell phones, power tools, and even buses while at their scheduled stops, not to mention airborne drones while flying. However, despite strong consumer and business demand for wireless charging, power cords still reign. What explains the lag in our ability to power all of our electronic devices and appliances wirelessly?

August 2, 2017
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Ask The Thought Leaders: What’s The Future Of Furniture?

During our lifetime furniture design has been primarily dictated by style. However, as we become gradually more entangled in the internet of things, function is going to become increasingly important.

Future of Everything
July 20, 2017
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GaN power finds its way, via AirFuel, into Dell’s Lattitude 7285

GaN power element technology has found its way into a major application in the industry with the release of the Dell Latitude computer using the AirFuel standard.

Planet Analog
July 19, 2017
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EPC 無線充電用途向けeGaN FETとパワーキット一覧

EPCが無線充電用途向けeGaN FETとパワーキットに関するデータ一覧





财富中文网 (Fortune China)


业界资深技术专家Alex Lidow的使命,是帮助您对电子设备供电而不需使用电源线`。


GaN FETs Drive Fidelity and Efficiency in Class-D Audio Amplifiers

With the current maturity of Class-D audio amplifier architectures, amplifier fidelity and efficiency limitations are primarily at the device level. Silicon MOSFETs have been evolving for almost forty years, and their progress towards a perfect switch has slowed dramatically. There are some fundamental characteristics of MOSFETs that degrade sound quality and efficiency. In 2010, the enhancement mode Gallium nitride (GaN) power FET was introduced by Efficient Power Conversion (EPC), providing a large step towards the perfect switch.

Audio Engineering Society
May 11, 2017
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48V-to-1V Conversion - the Rebirth of Direct-to-Chip Power

During last week's PCIM Europe event in Nuremberg, Germany, direct 48V-to-1V power conversion architectures were a significant topic. “The use of GaN switches in 48V-to-1V direct dc-dc converters can improve system performance by 30%, compared with today’s best silicon-based designs,” commented Alex Lidow, CEO of Efficient Power Conversion.

May 31, 2017
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This Wireless Desktop Could Foreshadow Our Future Without Cords

Wireless charging promises a cord-free future, one that offers freedom from being tethered to the end of a charging cable. One company might have its finger on the pulse for this wirelessly powered future. Alexander Lidow is the CEO and founder of Efficient Power Conversion, a company looking to expand upon its namesake. EPC most notably displays how it wants to revolutionize wireless charging with a seemingly simple desktop.

Interesting Engineering
May 23, 2017
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如何剪断电源线 -- 这是无线充电发展的重要时刻




氮化镓(GaN)功率晶体管专为高效电源转换而设计,投产已经有7年了。由于氮化镓器件具备优越的开关速度,因此它推动了新兴市场的发展,例如激光雷达、包络跟踪及无线充电市场。 这些市场使得氮化镓产品得以大量投产、实现低生产成本及高可靠性。 这些优势对于就算是比较保守的设计工程师来说,都是十分吸引的,使得他们在诸如DC/DC转换器、AC/DC转换器及汽车应用中,开始了对氮化镓器件进行评估。那么,目前120亿美元的硅基功率MOSFET市场在转为氮化镓晶体管市场的过程中,还有什么阻力吗?信心。

Alex Lidow

功率芯片 – 但是,跟我们所认识的不一样了

Max Smolaks欢迎于电源链(power chain)即将替代硅材料的全新氮化镓材料。

在过去的35年里,电源供电一直采用功率金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管(MOSFET) –利用电压受控的硅器件进行开关及利用电场允许或阻止电流的流通。

Data Center Dynamics


我们被引导相信社会迈向无线智能世界,但目前在电视机背面的电源线告诉我们不一样的故事。正如物联网(IoT)设备需要越来越多的BRIDGE。我们希望实现无线供电家居及如何利用氮化镓(GaN)技术实现无线家居。如果谈及氮化镓的相关发展,我们必定会跟一位创新者谈论 – 他真的改变了我们的世界。他首次与我们分享为什么氮化镓技术可以颠覆硅基技术(EP180)。之后他谈及实现X-Ray药丸的激光雷达技术(203)。 今天他跟我们谈论氮化镓技术如何对任何设备进行无线充电,让我们感到十分兴奋。他就是宜普电源转换公司(EPC)首席执行官暨共同创办人Alex Lidow博士。他将谈论技术发展如何使得电源线消失,以及EPC公司如何带领业界走进无线充电领域。

Tech Blog Writer 播客


参看EPC公司于APEC 2017展示基于氮化镓技术的各种应用。

EDN Network
