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Podcast: How is GaN Powering Wireless Charging Advances?

Podcast: How is GaN Powering Wireless Charging Advances?

Join host Dr. Sanjay Gupta and guest Alex Lidow, CEO of Efficient Power Conversion – or EPC – in episode 5 as they explore the ways GaN is advancing the future of wireless charging. As wireless power increases in maturity and adoption, the industry needs solutions that improve performance, efficiency, and user experience. Gallium Nitride is essential to enabling higher power applications than can be achieved with traditional silicon, opening the door for charging multiple devices and more diverse devices, such as laptops, drones, robots, power tools, eBikes, and industrial equipment. Wireless charging circuits employing GaN transistors are also five to ten times smaller than silicon devices able to handle the same power levels.

AirFuel Alliance
May, 2022
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宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈推出EPC9173,它是一款三相無刷直流馬達驅動逆變器,採用具備嵌入式閘極驅動器功能的EPC23101 eGaN®積體電路和一個3.3 mΩ 導通電阻的浮動功率氮化鎵場效應電晶體。EPC9173在20 V和85 V之間的輸入電源電壓下工作,峰值電流可高達50 Apk(35 ARMS)。這種電壓範圍和功率水平使該解決方案成為各種馬達控制應用的理想元件,包括電動自行車、滑板車、城市汽車、無人機和機器人。


EPC新推最小型化的40 V、1.1 mΩ 場效應電晶體,可實現最高功率密度

EPC新推最小型化的40 V、1.1 mΩ 場效應電晶體,可實現最高功率密度

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)新推40 V、1.1 mΩ的氮化鎵場效應電晶體(EPC2066),為設計工程師提供比矽MOSFET更小、更高效的元件,用於高性能、佔板面積受限的應用。

全球行業領先供應商宜普電源轉換公司為業界提供增强型氮化鎵(eGaN®)功率場效應電晶體和集成電路,新推40 V、典型值爲0.8 mΩ的EPC2066氮化鎵場效應電晶體,為客戶提供更多可選的低壓氮化鎵電晶體和可以立即發貨。


Sensitron and EPC Collaborate to Introduce a High-Power Density 350 V Gallium Nitride (GaN) Half Bridge Intelligent Power Module (IPM) That is 60% Smaller Than Comparable Silicon Solutions and Lower C

Sensitron and EPC Collaborate to Introduce a High-Power Density 350 V Gallium Nitride (GaN) Half Bridge Intelligent Power Module (IPM) That is 60% Smaller Than Comparable Silicon Solutions and Lower C

Sensitron introduces the SPG025N035P1B GaN half-bridge module using the 350 V EPC2050 eGaN® FET from Efficient Power Conversion (EPC)

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.— May 2022, Reducing size and cost were key concerns of Sensitron when designing their latest generation GaN power modules. By replacing traditional silicon FETs with EPC’s 350 V, EPC2050 GaN FET, Sensitron was able to reduce the size of their solution by 60% while also improving the module’s already excellent junction-to-case thermal conduction. The SPG025N035P1B from Sensitron is a high-power density 350 V, 20 A GaN half bridge with an integrated gate drive, optimized for stray inductance and switching performance at 500 khz. Rated at 20 A, the module can be used to control over 3 kW. Sensitron’s proprietary topside cooling technology on this ultra-small, lightweight high power density package (1.10" x 0.70" x 0.14") allows for optimal thermal performance. The SPG025N035P1B was designed for commercial, industrial, and aerospace applications.


EPC新推最小型化的100 V、2.2 mΩ 氮化鎵場效應電晶體

EPC新推最小型化的100 V、2.2 mΩ 氮化鎵場效應電晶體

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)新推100 V、2.2 mΩ的氮化鎵場效應電晶體(EPC2071),爲設計工程師提供比矽MOSFET更小、更高效的元件,用於高性能、佔板面積受限的應用。

全球行業領先供應商宜普電源轉換公司為業界提供增强型氮化鎵(eGaN®)功率場效應電晶體和集成電路,最新推出100 V、典型值爲1.7 mΩ的EPC2071氮化鎵場效應電晶體,爲客戶提供更多可選的低壓氮化鎵電晶體和可以立即發貨。


GaN vs. Silicon Smackdown

GaN vs. Silicon Smackdown

One way to tell when a new technology has passed the tipping point of adoption is by the voices advocating the status quo. The more conservative voices tend to cite older information that, given the fast change of trajectory that occurs at a tipping point, can lead to poor decisions for new designs. In the world of GaN power devices the tipping point occurred in the past two years when the rate of new GaN-based designs started to double year-on-year, and the legacy MOSFET designs started to face critical supply shortages due to their finely tuned, but less flexible supply chains. GaN devices, on the other hand, have remained in stock at most major distributors due to their relatively new and flexible supply chains utilizing older silicon foundries, but affording these foundries a new and vibrant future. In this article we will address some of the common misconceptions still showing up in articles and at conferences, usually presented by advocates of the status quo.

Bodo’s Power Systems
May, 2022
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EPC新推實現超低導通電阻的200 V抗輻射電晶體, 用於要求嚴格的航太應用

EPC新推實現超低導通電阻的200 V抗輻射電晶體, 用於要求嚴格的航太應用

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)擴展了其抗輻射氮化鎵產品系列,新推的200 V產品用於要求嚴格的機載和其他高可靠性環境下的電源轉換解決方案,它具備超低導通電阻和極小型化等優勢。

EPC公司宣佈推出200 V、25 mΩ、80 APulsed的抗輻射GaN FET EPC7007。尺寸小至5.76 mm2,其總劑量等級大於1 Mrad,綫性能量轉移(LET)的單一事件效應(SEE)抗擾度為85 MeV/(mg/cm2)。與商用eGaN FET和IC系列相同,採用芯片級封裝。 封裝元件將由EPC Space提供。





Electronic Specifier


EPC在PCIM 歐洲2022展會上展示GaN技術如何 改變電源供電和實現先進自動駕駛系統

EPC在PCIM 歐洲2022展會上展示GaN技術如何 改變電源供電和實現先進自動駕駛系統

EPC公司的氮化鎵專家將在PCIM 歐洲展會分享多項現場演示以闡釋卓越的氮化鎵技術如何爲許多應用的功率轉換帶來革命性突破,包括計算、通訊和e-mobility。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)團隊將於5月10日至12日在德國紐倫堡舉行的PCIM 歐洲2022展覽進行多場關於氮化鎵技術的演講和專業研討會,詳請如下。 此外,我們將在展位(9號廳、113號展臺)展出採用新型eGaN®FET 和 IC的客戶的最新終端產品。


Wine Down Friday with Alex Lidow

Wine Down Friday with Alex Lidow

In this video, Alex Lidow shares thoughts on his career, his family, his time at university, and his Ph.D. course, but also about energy trends, the shift to GaN that the power electronics ecosystem is ready to make, and the following weekend, with the finest wine!

Power Electronics News
April 22, 2022
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宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈推出通過車規認證的電晶體和積體電路最新成員,面向飛行時間(ToF)光達應用,讓客戶實現具有更高的性能和更小的解決方案,用於機器人、無人機、3D 感測器和自動駕駛車輛等應用。

EPC公司宣佈推出 EPC2221,這是一款共源雙路氮化鎵場效應電晶體,額定電壓爲100 V、58 mΩ 和 20 A脈衝電流,可用於機器人、監控系統、無人機、自動駕駛車輛和吸塵器的光達系統。




本文介紹了基於氮化鎵元件、具有120 VDC輸入電壓、工作頻率爲 6.7 MHz 的兩相 DC/DC轉換器。 120 VDC 是國際太空站 (ISS) 二次電路系統中的標準電壓水平。

使用具備高功率密度和開關超快等優勢的GaN FET ,Tell-I 公司新開發的 SDK 電路板使用兩相來超越正常的開關速度。 多相配置支持用於 ISS 等系統的標準120-V 匯流排電壓,讓交錯轉換器在 3 MHz、5 MHz 和 6.87 MHz 下實現高效開關。使用四個 EPC2019 GaN FET和支持小型閘極驅動及功率迴路的兩個 LMG1210 閘極驅動器,可實現最佳和緊凑的佈局。

Power Electronics News


EPC 新推 350 V的氮化鎵功率電晶體,比同類矽元件小 20 倍及成本更低

EPC 新推 350 V的氮化鎵功率電晶體,比同類矽元件小 20 倍及成本更低

氮化鎵功率電晶體EPC2050專爲功率系統設計人員而設計,在極小的晶片級封裝中實現 350 V、80 mΩ 最大 RDS(on)和26 A 峰值電流,是多電平轉換器、電動汽車充電、太陽能逆變器、光達和 LED 照明的理想元件。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈推出 EPC2050,這是一款 350 V GaN 電晶體,最大 RDS(on) 為 80 mΩ,脉衝輸出電流爲 26 A。 EPC2050 的尺寸僅為 1.95 mm x 1.95 mm。與採用等效矽元件的解決方案相比,基於EPC2050的解決方案的佔板面積小十倍。




以碳化矽(SiC)、氮化鎵(GaN)材料為主流的寬能隙(WBG)半導體功率元件,在節能永續意識抬頭的今日成為各種電源系統應用的寵兒;2022年Tech Taipei系列研討會首度以WBG元件為題,邀請業界重量級業者,從設計、製造、測試等不同面向與現場超過400位聽眾分享最新技術與應用趨勢...

EE Times Taiwan


用於國際通用交流輸入、240 W USB PD3.1 “全氮化鎵”快充參考設計, 實現功率密度基準

用於國際通用交流輸入、240 W USB PD3.1 “全氮化鎵”快充參考設計, 實現功率密度基準

EPC9171 評估板可將 90 V~265 V通用交流輸入電壓轉換為可調15 V~48 V直流輸出電壓。該參考設計可在 48 V 輸出電壓和 5 A 負載電流下,提供 240 W 的最大輸出功率。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈推出EPC9171,可將 90 V~265 V通用交流輸入電壓轉換為15 V~48 V直流輸出電壓,專為USB PD3.1超快速充電器而設計。此參考設計可在 48 V 輸出電壓和 5 A 負載下,提供 240 W 最大輸出功率。在初級側和次級側電路採用在高頻率下開關的氮化鎵功率元件,可實現約1.1 W/cm3的功率密度。


Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) Releases Lowest On-Resistance Rad Hard Transistor Available on the Market for Demanding Space Applications

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) Releases Lowest On-Resistance Rad Hard Transistor Available on the Market for Demanding Space Applications

Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) expands its family of radiation-hardened (rad-hard) gallium nitride (GaN) products for power conversion solutions in critical spaceborne and other high reliability environments with a device that has the lowest on-resistance of any rad hard transistor currently available on the market.

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.— March 2021 — EPC announces the introduction of the EPC7019 radiation-hardened eGaN FET. The EPC7019, a 40 V, 1.5 mΩ, 530 APulsed, rad-hard eGaN FET in a small 13.9 mm2 footprint. The EPC7019 has a total dose rating greater than 1 Mrad and SEE immunity for LET of 85 MeV/(mg/cm2). These devices are offered in a chip-scale package, the same as the commercial eGaN FET and IC family.  Packaged versions will be available from EPC Space.


EPC與ADI公司携手推出 基於氮化鎵場效應電晶體、高達2 MHz的開關頻率、最高功率密度的DC/DC轉換器

EPC與ADI公司携手推出 基於氮化鎵場效應電晶體、高達2 MHz的開關頻率、最高功率密度的DC/DC轉換器

EPC公司和ADI公司推出參考設計,採用完面優化的新型模擬控制器來驅動EPC公司的氮化鎵場效應電晶體(GaN FET)。新型類比LTC7890同步氮化鎵降壓控制器與EPC公司的超高效eGaN® FET相結合,可實現高達2 MHz的開關頻率,從而實現高功率密度和低成本的DC/DC轉換。

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)宣佈推出EPC9160,這是一款雙輸出同步降壓轉換器参考設計,開關频率為2 MHz,可將9 V~24 V的输入電壓转换为3.3 V或5 V的輸出電壓,兩個輸出的連續電流可高達15 A。由於開關頻率高,轉換器的尺寸非常小,兩個輸出都只有23 mm x 22 mm和電感器的厚度只有3 mm。
