
GaN in Space Applications

Gallium nitride power device technology enables a new generation of power converters in space operating at higher frequencies, higher efficiencies, and greater power densities than everachievable before. GaN power devices can also exhibit superior radiation tolerance compared with Silicon MOSFETs depending upon their device design.

Power Electronics Europe
December, 2020
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氮化镓(GaN)技术已实现重大改进,而且它极具成本效益,可以替代MOSFET器件。 从2017年开始,采用氮化镓器件的48 V DC/D转换器开始成为市场上重要的应用。 各种拓扑诸如多相和多级降压转换器,实现具备更高效率的全新解决方案,可以满足IT和车载市场的能源需求。

Power Electronics News

GaN ePower™ Ultrafast Switch with Integrated Gate Driver for Indirect Time-of-Flight Laser Drivers

Gallium nitride FETs have continued to gain traction in many power electronic applications, but GaN technology is still in the early part of its life cycle. While there is much room to improve basic FET performance figures of merit an even more promising avenue is the development of GaN power ICs.

Bodo’s Power Systems
November, 2020
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25 Autonomous Vehicles Influencers to Follow by 2020

The ultimate aim of Artificial Intelligence is to provide machines the ability to operate autonomously. One such area which is projected to grow exponentially over the next decade is Autonomous Vehicles. With Artificial Intelligence coupled with the rapid advances in electronics and computer technology, the word driverless will soon take over the roads.

AI Time Journal
October, 2020
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分立式功率晶体管,无论它是硅基还是硅基氮化镓,都进入了最后发展阶段。 硅基氮化镓集成电路可以在较小的占板面积内实现更高的性能,并且显著降低成本和减少所需的器件工程。 本文详细阐析氮化镓器件的崛起和硅基氮化镓集成电路如何重新定义功率转换。

Bodo’s Power Systems

Testing Gallium Nitride Devices to Failure Under Extreme Voltage and Current Stress

Standard qualification testing for semiconductors typically involves stressing devices at-or-near the limits specified in their data sheets for a prolonged period of time, or for a certain number of cycles, with the goal of demonstrating zero failures. By testing parts to the point of failure, an understanding of the amount of margin beyond the data sheet limits can be developed, but more importantly, an understanding of the intrinsic failure mechanisms of the semiconductor can be found.

Bodo’s Power Systems
September, 2020
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面向快速发展的关键应用的GaN HEMT,它的性能优于MOSFET

硅功率MOSFET未能跟上电力电子行业的发展变化,而效率、功率密度和更小的外形尺寸等因素是行业的主要需求。 硅MOSFET器件的性能已达到其理论极限,并且由于电路板的空间非常宝贵,因此功率系统设计人员必需找出替代方案。 氮化镓(GaN)器件是一种高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT),这种半导体正为新兴应用不断增值。




Power Systems Design
2020年7月/8月刊 – 第39页

Podcast: Yes, We GaN: Gallium Nitride and Its Role in Power ICs

In this inaugural episode, guests are Alex Lidow, CEO of Efficient Power Conversion Corp., and Dinesh Ramanathan, co-CEO of NexGen Power Systems. EPC and NexGen both have expertise with gallium nitride technology and GaN power devices. EETimes speaks with both about the technology and about the market for GaN power devices.

August, 2020
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GaN Reliability Testing Beyond AEC Proves Robustness for Automotive Lidar Applications

Gallium nitride (GaN) power devices have been in volume production since March 2010 and have established a remarkable field-reliability record. An automotive application using GaN power devices in high volume is lidar (light detection and ranging) for autonomous vehicles. Lidar technology provides information about a vehicle’s surroundings, thus requiring high accuracy and reliability to ensure safety and performance. This article will discuss a novel testing mechanism developed by Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) to test eGaN devices beyond the qualification requirements of the Automotive Electronics Council (AEC) for the specific use case of lidar.

eeNews Europe
July 30, 2020
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就像生活要面对现实一样,老年人离开舞台而让位给年轻人,硅器件也是需要向现实低头。 随着氮化镓器件的问世和普及,正逐步淘汰旧有可靠的硅器件。 在过去的四十年中,随着功率MOSFET器件的结构、技术和电路拓扑的创新与不断增长的电力需求同步发展,电源管理的效率和成本一直以来得以稳步改善。 但是,在业界发展的新时代,随着硅功率MOSFET器件接近其理论极限,其演进速度下降了很多。 同时,新材料氮化镓的理论性能极限稳步发展,其性能极限比老化的MOSFET器件高出6,000倍,并且比目前市场上最好的氮化镓产品高出300倍。

2020年7 月16日

虚拟圆桌会议 : 用于D类音频放大器的氮化镓器件与硅器件的比较(第2部分,共2部分)

在EEWorld “虚拟圆桌会议” 关于D类音频的讨论的第二部分中,我们的小组成员深入探讨了新兴氮化镓器件(GaN)对D类设计的影响:硅器件在哪方面仍然占主导地位? 在D类放大器中使用GaN的性能优势是什么? D类放大器中GaN与硅的未来预期趋势如何?

参加这个虚拟圆桌会议包括Analog Devices公司音频系统架构师Joshua LeMaire(JL)、 宜普电源转换公司(EPC)战略技术销售副总裁Steve Colino(SC)和 英飞凌(Infineon )D类音频应用工程主管Jens Tybo Jensen(JTJ)。

EEWorld Online


氮化镓功率晶体管是面向严苛航太任务的功率和射频应用的理想器件。 通过全新基于eGaN®器件的解决方案,EPC Space公司提供专门为商业卫星关键应用而设计的氮化镓器件,可确保器件的耐辐射性能和对单粒子效应的免疫能力。 这些器件具有极高的电子迁移率、低温度系数和非常低的导通阻抗。


Going for GaN in Converter Designs

A high power 1/16th brick converter using GaN FETs could increase maximum load current in these designs.

Electronics Specifier
July, 2020
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增强型氮化镓(eGaN®)技术使能新一代功率转换器,让转换器能够在更高的频率、更高的效率和前所未有的高功率密度下工作。 与硅MOSFET器件相比,eGaN器件还具有更优越的耐辐射性能。

Bodo’s Power Systems

改善GaN 和SiC器件的可靠性


Semiconductor Engineering


在超过四十年中,随着功率MOSFET器件的结构、技术和电路拓扑的创新,可满足不断增长的电力需求,因此改善了电源管理的效率和成本。 然而,在这新世纪的发展,随着硅功率MOSFET器件已经接近其理论极限,其改进速度已大为减慢。 与此同时,一种全新材料 - 氮化镓(GaN)- 正朝着新的理论性能领域的方向,稳步发展,其性能是老化的MOSFET器件的6,000倍,以及是目前市场的最优越GaN器件的300倍。


Designing An Ultra-Thin Stepdown Converter: Multiphase Vs. Multilevel

Over the past decade computers, displays, smart phones and other consumer electronics systems have become thinner while also becoming more powerful. As a result, the market continues to increase its demand for thinner power supply solutions with greater power density. This article examines the feasibility of adopting various non-isolated dc-dc stepdown topologies for an ultra-thin 48-V to 20-V, 250-W power solution.

May, 2020
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Integrated GaN Power Stage for eMobility

Brushless DC (BLDC) motors are a popular choice and are finding increasing application in robotics, drones, electric bicycles, and electric scooters. All these applications are particularly sensitive to size, weight, cost, and efficiency. A monolithically integrated GaN power stage is demonstrated powering a 400 W capable BLDC motor with low switching losses and significant savings in size and weight.

Power Electronics Europe
May, 2020
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GaN Integrated Power Stage – Redefining Power Conversion

Beyond just performance and cost improvement, the most significant opportunity for GaN technology to impact the power conversion market comes from its intrinsic ability to integrate multiple devices on the same substrate. GaN technology, as opposed to standard silicon IC technology, allows designers to implement monolithic power systems on a single chip in a more straightforward and cost-effective way.

Bodo’s Power Systems
May, 2020
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