
Profiles in Design: Alex Lidow, Ph.D.

DesignCon 2015’s Thursday (January 29th) keynote speaker will be Dr. Alex Lidow, CEO and co-founder of Efficient Power Conversion Corporation (EPC). For most of his career, Alex has focused on improving the efficiency of power conversion in hopes of reducing the environmental impact of energy production and consumption. As an R&D engineer at International Rectifier, he co-invented the HEXFET power MOSFET. The patents from this invention brought in more than $900M. Alex holds numerous additional patents in power semiconductor technology, including basic patents in power MOSFETs as well as in GaN FETs. He recently co-authored the first textbook on GaN transistors, “GaN Transistors for Efficient Power Conversion”. You can catch Alex’s keynote speech at DesignCon 2015 on Thursday, January 29, 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM.

December 3, 2014
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WiGaN: eGaN FETs in Wide Load Range High Efficiency Wireless Power

Practical wireless power systems need to address the convenience factor of such systems. Standards such as the A4WP Class 3 have defined a broad coil impedance range that address the convenience factor and can be used as a starting point to compare the performance of the amplifiers. In this installment of WiGaN both the ZVS Class-D and Class-E amplifiers will be tested at 6.78 MHz to the A4WP Class 3 standard.

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氮化镓(GaN)场效应晶体管随时准备在电压调节器及直流-直流电源应用替代硅功率器件。 与硅MOSFET器件相比,氮化镓晶体管的开关速度快很多及具有更低的导通电阻(RDS(on)),从而可以实现具有更高功效的功率电源,对我们来说是好的。如果你正在使用氮化镓器件设计功率电路,你必需理解器件的开关速度。


How to GaN: Generation 4 eGaN FETs – Widening the Performance Gap with the Aging MOSFET

In this installment of the ‘How to GaN’ series we will discuss a new family of eGaN FETs that is keeping Moore’s Law alive with significant gains in key switching figures of merit that widen the performance gap with the power MOFET in high frequency power conversion.

By: Alex Lidow
October, 2014


根据美国市场研究公司The Information Network指出,碳化硅及氮化镓功率半导体市场于2011年至2017年的复合年均增长率将达63%及营收预测为5亿美元。

Compound Semiconductor

WiGaN: 利用氮化镓场效应晶体管(eGaN FET)支持在高频工作的硬开关转换器应用

本章展示在10 MHz频率开关、采用氮化镓场效应晶体管的硬开关降压转换器的结果及提供转换器功耗的细数。此外,我们将展示采用氮化镓场效应晶体管的转换器目前所取得无可匹敌的高频性能及如果要推动器件工作在更高频率时所面对的限制。

作者:Alex Lidow

Development Boards Make Evaluating eGaN FETs Simple

Long talked about, wide bandgap gallium nitride-on-silicon (GaN-on-Si) transistors are now commercially available. They are being touted for replacing silicon-based MOSFETs, which are turning out to be inefficient for many high-performance power supply designs. Recently, several suppliers of GaN-on-Si-based HEMTs and FETs have emerged in the marketplace, among them Efficient Power Conversion (EPC). To expedite the evaluation of eGAN FETs for power supply designs transitioning from silicon MOSFETs to eGaN FETs, EPC has released several development boards in the last few years.

By Ashok Bindra
Digi-Key Article Library
July 15, 2014
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杂志:Compound Semiconductor



作者:Alex Lidow


氮化镓器件于2020年的销售额预期可达差不多6亿美元并大约需要制造58万片6英寸晶圆。氮化镓器件的市场将于2016年起发展迅猛,至2020年的複合年均增长率达80%,这个预期是基于EV/HEV预计从2018至2019年开始采纳氮化镓得出。于2015年至2018年,电源供电/功率因数校正将成为主要市场并将最后占氮化镓器件销售总额 50%,届时氮化镓器件于车用市场将急起直追。

Yole Development公司

氮化镓器件 – 迅速进驻全新市场


Power Electronics Europe
作者:Alex Lidow博士、Johan Strydom博士及 David Reusch博士

Yole: GaN power challenges SiC

According to the latest report from Yole Développement, the GaN power industry is set for significant growth in the future.

Compound Semiconductor
June 12, 2014
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eGaN FETs for Class A RF Amplifiers

High frequency enhancement mode transistors, such as the EPC8000 series eGaN® FETs from EPC, have been widely available since September 2013 and enable simplified designs at RF frequencies. In this installment, we present the RF characteristics of the EPC8000 series devices and show their implementation in a pulsed class A amplifier. The amplifier is pulsed to allow operation within the thermal operating limits of the device, since RF device power dissipation is typically on the same order of magnitude as the RF power delivered, unlike switching devices, such as the EPC8000 series, that operate well above 95 % efficiency. The EPC8000 series FETs, designed originally for switching power conversion applications, otherwise exhibit excellent RF characteristics and in conclusion will be compared with similar specified LDMOS.

By: Alex Lidow
May 29, 2014



Power Systems Design
作者:Alex Lidow
2014年 5月 27日



杂志:Bodo’s Power Systems
作者:Alex Lidow

在采用D类及E 类放大器的无线电源传送系统应用对增强型氮化镓晶体管的性能进行评估

在过去几年间,无线电源传送应用逐渐流行,尤其是替便携式装置充电的应用。宜普公司在本章讨论使用松散耦合线圈、高度谐振的无线电源解决方案,符合A4WP标准并适合工作在免执照、給工業、科學及醫療用电器设备(ISM)使用的6.78 MHz或13.56 MHz頻率。

杂志:Bodo’s Power Systems
作者:Alex Lidow博士及Michael De Rooij博士

How To GaN: Paralleling High Speed eGaN FETS for High Current Applications

This column evaluated the ability to parallel eGaN® FETs for higher output current applications by addressing the challenges facing paralleling high speed, low parasitic devices, and demonstrated an improved paralleling technique. For experimental verification of this design method, four parallel half bridges in an optimized layout were operated as a 48 V to 12 V, 480 W, 300 kHz, 40 A buck converter, and achieved efficiencies above 96.5%, from 35% to 100% load. The design method achieved superior electrical and thermal performance compared to conventional paralleling methods and demonstrated that high speed GaN devices can be effectively paralleled for higher current operation.

By: Alex Lidow
April, 2014

APEC 2014研讨会由PMBus、氮化镓(GaN)及其它多个议题主导

在德州Fort Worth举行的APEC 2014年度IEEE功率电力电子研讨会已经完满结束。 该研讨会的多个议题让与会者留下深刻印象,其中一个是经历了饶具趣味的进程的氮化镓(GaN)功率晶体管。详情请访问 http://electronicdesign.com/blog/pmbus-gan-and-more-dominate-apec-2014

Electronic Design杂志

EPC公司Michael de Rooij于APEC展示无线电源传送解决方案

EPC公司Michael de Rooij与Power Systems Design 杂志编辑Alix Paultre分享无线电源传送解决方案。

Power Systems Design杂志


由于德国航空太空中心的机械人及机械电子研究院(Robotics and Mechatronics Institute )对改善传感器及功率电子的兴趣很大,我们利用开发全新机械人的机会来评估宜普电源转换公司(EPC)的全新增强型氮化镓场效应晶体管技术并与我们目前最优秀的逆变器设计进行比较。

杂志 :Bodo’s Power Systems
作者:德国航空太空中心 (DLR) Robin Gruber
