
GaN Technology from EPC Space Exhibits Extreme Robustness for Space Missions

Space exploration has always demanded cutting-edge technology, reliability, and resilience. The latest breakthrough in power electronics, gallium nitride (GaN) technology, has emerged as a game-changer for space-based systems offering superior radiation tolerance and unmatched electrical performance compared to traditional silicon MOSFETs. In this article, we delve into the reasons why GaN power devices are the ultimate choice for power conversion applications in space and how their resistance to radiation makes them an extremely robust solution for space missions.

Components in Electronics
October 2023
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GaN in Space: Unlocking Efficiency and Performance in Satellite Systems

The space industry is undergoing a transformative shift to “New Space,” driven by the increasing demand for ubiquitous connectivity and the emergence of innovative business models. One of the key elements of this transformation is the adoption of gallium nitride (GaN) technology in space applications. GaN holds immense potential due to its impressive radiation hardness, high system efficiency and lightweight characteristics.

In a discussion with EE Times Europe, Taha Ayari and Aymen Ghorbel, technology and market analysts at Yole Intelligence, part of Yole Group, explained how New Space—the low Earth orbit (LEO) mission segment, with a typical satellite lifespan of three to five years and lower reliability requirements—has become a focal point for GaN adoption. As a result, power GaN devices are being adopted for various satellite systems, including DC/DC converters, point-of-load systems, motor drives and ion thrusters.

EE Times Europe
October 2023
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EPC Space Brings GaN to the Edge of the Atmosphere

Bringing GaN to the final frontier, EPC Space introduced two new radiation-hardened GaN transistors for high-current switching in space-based applications. As the number of commercial satellites continues to increase, designers require more options for space-ready power electronics with improved current handling.

All About Circuits
September, 2023
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GaN HEMT Package Improves Paralleling Of Devices In Space Power Applications

As more processing power and more complex loads are placed on-orbit or into deep space missions, it is sometime necessary to parallel two or more power switches. However, conventional power device packages, such as the FSMD-A/B/C/D and their I/O pad provisioning make it difficult to accomplish paralleling these devices in a performance-conscious manner. When paralleled, the gate and source-sense pads on these packages either serve to block the most efficient/shortest interconnect from package-to-package for the drain and source connections or for the gate and source-sense pads. So in parallel configurations, there is always a compromise between optimized drain-source load-circuit performance and gate-source-sense drive-loop performance. This article introduces the FSMD-G discrete HEMT package and explains how the reconfiguration of its I/O pads overcomes these limitations when paralleling GaN HEMTs.

September, 2023
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EPC Aims High with 300V space-grade GaN power transistor

EPC Space has introduced radiation-hardened gallium nitride devices for space-borne power converters and other rugged environments.

Electronics Weekly
August, 2023
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GaN Technology Revolutionizing Space Missions: Enhancing Efficiency, Reliability, and Sustainability

GaN devices offer a plethora of benefits that align well with the demands of the space industry, addressing challenges related to reliability, radiation survivability, and space heritage.

Power Electronics News
August, 2023
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GaN-based Power Management Solution for AMD Space-Grade Versal Adaptive SoC

In this article, Renesas Electronics explains how using a discreet GaN based power supply in the ISLVERSALDEMO2Z reference design for the core offers several advantages for power management in space avionics systems.

Power Electronics News
July, 2023
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Podcast: EPC’s Progress in GaN Reliability in RadHard and New Space Applications

In this episode of Spirit: Behind the Screen, Spirit Electronics CEO Marti McCurdy chats with EPC’s CEO Alex Lidow and Marketing Director Renee Yawger about the progress of GaN. They discuss GaN’s performance under high radiation as well as the extensive testing, failure modes and device lifespan detailed in EPC’s Phase 15 reliability report. With the full potential of GaN still to be explored and new EPC products releasing frequently, including new half-bridge drivers, low-side drivers and full power stage, GaN is especially useful in New Space and commercial space applications.

Spirit: Behind the Screen
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本文介紹了基於氮化鎵元件、具有120 VDC輸入電壓、工作頻率爲 6.7 MHz 的兩相 DC/DC轉換器。 120 VDC 是國際太空站 (ISS) 二次電路系統中的標準電壓水平。

使用具備高功率密度和開關超快等優勢的GaN FET ,Tell-I 公司新開發的 SDK 電路板使用兩相來超越正常的開關速度。 多相配置支持用於 ISS 等系統的標準120-V 匯流排電壓,讓交錯轉換器在 3 MHz、5 MHz 和 6.87 MHz 下實現高效開關。使用四個 EPC2019 GaN FET和支持小型閘極驅動及功率迴路的兩個 LMG1210 閘極驅動器,可實現最佳和緊凑的佈局。

Power Electronics News

Motor Driver Applications in Space

As the outer reaches of the Earth’s atmosphere and space are opened to commercial development, motors will become increasingly important to systems places there for various functions. With the inevitability of manufacturing in space, motors – including their drivers – will take on even more functions. Of equal importance will be the motor drivers selected to drive those motors efficiently and reliably.

Components in Electronics
October, 2021
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Exploring the Frontiers of GaN Power Devices

Gallium nitride (GaN) power semiconductors allow for innovation in the harsh radiation environments of space applications.

Electronics Weekly
September, 2021
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Microchip 和 EPC 公司新推抗輻射場效應電晶體以抵抗輻射

航太應用的技術發展是 2021 年的重要組成部份,因此更多的抗輻射元件即將問世。 最近新推兩款新型場效應電晶體,它們給航太領域帶來了甚麽?

All About Circuits
2021 年 6 月

GaN in Space Applications

Gallium nitride power device technology enables a new generation of power converters in space operating at higher frequencies, higher efficiencies, and greater power densities than everachievable before. GaN power devices can also exhibit superior radiation tolerance compared with Silicon MOSFETs depending upon their device design.

Power Electronics Europe
December, 2020
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面向快速發展的關鍵應用的GaN HEMT,它的性能優於MOSFET

矽功率MOSFET未能跟上電力電子行業的發展變化,而效率、功率密度和更小的外型尺寸等因素是行業的主要需求。 矽MOSFET元件的性能已達到其理論極限,並且由於電路板的空間非常寶貴,因此功率系統設計人員必需找出替代方案。 氮化鎵(GaN)元件是一種高電子遷移率電晶體(HEMT),這種半導體正為新興應用不斷增值。



氮化鎵功率電晶體是面向嚴苛航太任務的功率和射頻應用的理想元件。 通過全新基於eGaN®元件的解決方案,EPC Space公司提供專門為商業衛星關鍵應用而設計的氮化鎵元件,可確保元件的耐輻射性能和對單粒子效應的免疫能力。 這些元件具有極高的電子遷移率、低溫度系數和非常低的導通阻抗。



增強型氮化鎵(eGaN®)技術使能新一代功率轉換器,讓轉換器能夠在更高的頻率、更高的效率和前所未有的高功率密度下工作。 與矽MOSFET元件相比,eGaN元件還具有更優越的耐輻射性能。

Bodo’s Power Systems

GaN in Space

This article discussed an oft forgotten or little-noticed part of the spacecraft enabling travel into outer space---power management in the space vehicle. Wide bandgap semiconductors like gallium nitride (GaN), silicon carbide (SiC), as well as diamond, are looking to be the most promising materials for future electronic components since the discovery of silicon. These technologies, depending upon their design, offer huge advantages in terms of power capability (DC and microwave), radiation insensitivity, high temperature and high frequency operation, optical properties and even low noise capability. Therefore, wide bandgap components are strategically important for the development of next generation space-borne systems. eGaN devices are quickly gaining momentum in the space industry and we will see many more applications for them by NASA and commercial contractors in future programs like Artemis and other programs in countries around the globe pursuing efforts into Space.

Power Systems Design
November, 2019
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GaN Powers Small Satellites

Small satellites bring a more cost-effective approach to low-Earth-orbit (LEO) missions, helping to deliver low-cost internet access across the globe. For this application, GaN FETs partnered with a radiation tolerant pulse width modulation controller and GaN fet driver allow more efficient switching, higher frequency operation, reduced gate drive voltage and smaller solution sizes compared to the traditional silicon counterparts.

Electronics Weekly
July, 2019
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美國加州MILPITAS - 2016年5月 25日美通社專訊 --佔領電源管理和精確模擬解決方案的市場領導地位的Intersil Corporation (納斯達克指數NASDAQ代號: ISIL) 宣佈計劃進一步擴大其業界領先、面向衛星應用的耐輻射產品系列,在衛星及其他惡劣環境採用具備高可靠性的氮化鎵(GaN)電源轉換積體電路。
