

電池供電的應用,例如新一代的機器人、無人機和電動工具,需要減少空間並簡化設計以控制電動馬達。優化尺寸和組件可以在不損失效率和性能的情況下,在小空間中包含更多功能,從而實現創新解決方案。EPC ePower™ Stage ICs 技術有助於簡化和改進先進電機控制應用中的逆變器設計。

Bodo’s Power Systems

Power Packaging for the GaN Generation of Power Conversion

Since the launch of GaN-on-Si enhancement mode power transistors in March 2010 there has been a slow but monotonic shift towards adoption and replacement of silicon-based power MOSFETs. Initial adoption came from risk-taker visionaries in applications such as lidar, high-end audio amplifiers, robots, vehicle headlamps, and high-performance DC-DC converters. For the expansion of GaN for power conversion to get beyond the early adopters, a more user-friendly format than the WLCP needed to be developed. This format, however, needed to preserve the key attributes of small size, low RDS(on), high speed, excellent thermal conductivity, and low cost. In other words, the best package would be the least amount of package technically possible. Enter the PQFN…

Bodo’s Power Systems
March, 2023
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GaN’s Evolution from Science Project to Mainstream Power Conductor

Power-conversion technologies are experiencing the first tectonic shift since the move from bipolar to MOS. That shift, of course, is due to the viral adoption of wide-bandgap power devices. At this point, GaN is more than a specialty technology; it is a broad-scale replacement for silicon MOSFETs in applications ranging from 30 V up to 650 V — a multibillion-dollar market.

Power Electronics News
December, 2022
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Dispelling Myths: Don’t believe it when they say you need a bipolar gate drive for eGaN FETs

GaN devices have gone from initial R&D to mainstream designs over the last 15 years. Unfortunately, there are many misunderstandings left-over from those early-stage bipolar drive circuit developments or dead-end technology branches. One of the most pernicious is the topic of bipolar drive. In actuality, unipolar drives are the best way to drive eGaN® FETs.

Power Electronics Tips
October, 2022
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GaN vs. Silicon Smackdown

One way to tell when a new technology has passed the tipping point of adoption is by the voices advocating the status quo. The more conservative voices tend to cite older information that, given the fast change of trajectory that occurs at a tipping point, can lead to poor decisions for new designs. In the world of GaN power devices the tipping point occurred in the past two years when the rate of new GaN-based designs started to double year-on-year, and the legacy MOSFET designs started to face critical supply shortages due to their finely tuned, but less flexible supply chains. GaN devices, on the other hand, have remained in stock at most major distributors due to their relatively new and flexible supply chains utilizing older silicon foundries, but affording these foundries a new and vibrant future. In this article we will address some of the common misconceptions still showing up in articles and at conferences, usually presented by advocates of the status quo.

Bodo’s Power Systems
May, 2022
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我們將在本文討論客戶爲何遲遲未採用氮化鎵技術的一些最常見原因,氮化鎵技術顯然是較舊的矽基功率MOSFET的替代技術。在不深入詳細研究統計數據的情况下,按最常發生推導出一系列原因,並理解某些應用比其他應用更側重氮化鎵技術的某些特性。我們的討論僅限於額定電壓低於400 V的元件,因爲這是EPC公司的氮化鎵場效應電晶體和積體電路的重點應用。

2022 年3月

CES 2022: GaN Technology for the Next Future

The year 2021 was a transitional year in which the world decided to open its doors to GaN. In this interview with Power Electronics News during CES week, GaN industry experts confirmed that GaN is now proving its superiority over silicon.

Power Electronics News
January, 2022
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GaN Devices for Smaller, Lighter, Smoother Motor Drives

Today, the permanent magnet motor, also known as DC brushless motor (BLDC), is widely used and offers higher torque capability per cubic inch and higher dynamics when compared to other motors. So far, silicon-based power devices have been dominant in the inverter electronics, but today their performance is nearing their theoretical limits. There is an increasing need for higher power density. Gallium nitride (GaN) transistors and ICs have the best attributes to satisfy these needs.

Power Systems Design
November, 2021
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FET Roundup: eGaN FETs, Next-gen SiC FETs, and “RibbonFETs” Hit the Scene

This month has been a busy one in the FET space. Here are a few FETs from EPC, UnitedSiC, and Intel that depart from traditional silicon transistors in interesting ways.

All About Circuits
October, 2021
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應對用於超薄計算應用的超薄、具高功率密度的 48 V DC/DC 轉換器的電源和磁性設計挑戰

在過去十年中,計算機、顯示器、智能手機和其他消費電子系統變得更薄,同時功能也變得更强大。因此,市場對具有更高功率密度的更薄電源解决方案的需求不斷增加。本文研究了額定功率爲 250 W、超薄的48 V / 20 V轉換器,它可以採用各種非隔離型 DC/DC 降壓拓撲的可行性。我們研究了各種非隔離型拓撲的優缺點,從而瞭解拓撲如何影響功率電晶體和磁性元件的選擇,特別是電感器,因爲這兩個元件產生轉換器的大部分損耗。本文還詳細分析了爲這些應用設計薄型電感器所面對的挑戰,包括電感器損耗的因素、電感器尺寸和設計權衡,包括對EMI的影響。我們是以選擇、構建和測試了超薄多電平轉換器拓撲。從該轉換器獲得的實驗結果,用於進一步優化操作設置和元件的選擇,從而實現超過98%的峰值效率。

EPC公司Michael de Rooij
Würth Elektronik 公司Quentin Laidebeur

IEEE Power Electronics Magazine

爲甚麽採用 GaN 的馬達控制器更小、更快、更精準?

隨著採用氮化鎵(GaN)元件的應用越來越多,Bodo Arlt 借此機會與 EPC公司的首席執行長兼共同創辦人 Alex Lidow 談及他認爲這種不斷發展的技術的下一個重點市場。

Bodo’s Power Systems
2021 年 9 月

Bodo 寬能隙專家演講 – 氮化鎵半導體專題 - 2021 年 6 月

由 Bodo Power Systems 主辦的氮化鎵行業專家圓桌會議的嘉賓包括:

  1. EPC公司的首席執行長兼共同創始人Alex Lidow
  2. Power Integrations公司的市場行銷與應用工程副總裁Doug Bailey
  3. Nexperia 公司的氮化鎵功率技術行銷戰略總監Dilder Chowdhury
  4. Navitas Semiconductor公司的市場行銷戰略高級總監Tom Ribarich

Using GaN FETs can be as simple as using Silicon FETs – an example in 48V systems

In this article, the author introduces a GaN FET compatible analog controller that yields a low bill-of-material count and give designers the ability to design a synchronous buck converter in the same simple way as using silicon FETs, and offers superior performance for 48 V power systems.

Power Electronics News
April, 2021
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Bodo’s Power Systems

GaN Is Revolutionizing Motor Drive Applications

In last month’s Safety & Compliance column in How2Power, “WBG Semiconductors Pose Safety And EMI Challenges In Motor Drive Applications,”[1]Kevin Parmenter made some assertions about the difficulties of using SiC, and to a lesser extent GaN, power semiconductors in large motor-drive applications. This commentary is a response to that article, showing that GaN can be a game changer in low-voltage integrated motors.

February, 2021
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Layout Considerations for GaN Transistor Circuits

Gallium nitride (GaN) transistors have been in mass production for over 10 years. In their first few years of availability, the fast switching speed of the new devices – up to 10 times faster than the venerable Si MOSFET – was the main reason for designers to use GaN FETs. As the pricing of GaN devices normalized with the MOSFET, coupled with the expansion of a broad range of devices with different voltage ratings and power handling capabilities, much wider acceptance was realized in mainstream applications such as DC-DC converters for computers, motor drives for robots, and e-mobility bikes and scooters. The experience gained from the early adopters has led the way for later entrants into the GaN world get into production faster. This article is the first in a series of articles discussing three topics that can help power systems designers achieve the most out of their GaN-based designs at the lowest cost. The three topics are: (1) layout considerations; (2) thermal design for maximum power handling; and, (3) EMI reduction techniques for lowest cost.

Bodo’s Power Systems
January, 2021
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面向快速發展的關鍵應用的GaN HEMT,它的性能優於MOSFET

矽功率MOSFET未能跟上電力電子行業的發展變化,而效率、功率密度和更小的外型尺寸等因素是行業的主要需求。 矽MOSFET元件的性能已達到其理論極限,並且由於電路板的空間非常寶貴,因此功率系統設計人員必需找出替代方案。 氮化鎵(GaN)元件是一種高電子遷移率電晶體(HEMT),這種半導體正為新興應用不斷增值。



就像生活要面對現實一樣,老年人離開舞臺而讓位給年輕人,矽元件也是需要向現實低頭。 隨著氮化鎵元件的問世和普及,正逐步淘汰舊有可靠的矽元件。 在過去的四十年中,隨著功率MOSFET元件的結構、技術和電路拓撲的創新與不斷增長的電力需求同步發展,電源管理的效率和成本一直以來得以穩步改善。 但是,在業界發展的新時代,隨著矽功率MOSFET元件接近其理論極限,其演進速度下降了很多。 同時,新材料氮化鎵的理論性能極限穩步發展,其性能極限比老化的MOSFET元件高出6,000倍,並且比目前市場上最好的氮化鎵產品高出300倍。

2020年7 月16日

虛擬圓桌會議 : 用於D類音訊放大器的氮化鎵元件與矽元件的比較(第2部份,共2部份)

在EEWorld “虛擬圓桌會議” 關於D類音訊的討論的第二部份中,我們的小組成員深入探討了新興氮化鎵元件(GaN)對D類設計的影響:矽元件在哪方面仍然佔主導地位? 在D類放大器中使用GaN的性能優勢是什麼? D類放大器中GaN與矽的未來預期趨勢如何?

參加這個虛擬圓桌會議包括Analog Devices公司音訊系統架構師Joshua LeMaire(JL)、 宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)戰略技術銷售副總裁Steve Colino(SC)和 英飛淩(Infineon )D類音訊應用工程主管Jens Tybo Jensen(JTJ)。

EEWorld Online

氮化鎵與48 V應用 – 目前的發展及何去何從?

中壓氮化鎵場效應電晶體(eGaN FET)的成本在三年前已經比等效額定功率MOSFET器件的成本更低。當時,EPC公司決心利用氮化鎵場效應電晶體的性能及成本效益優勢,積極研發及支持48 V輸入或輸出的應用。車用及電腦應用的48 V 轉換逐漸成為全新的架構,也成為了功率系統的全新標準。

Power Systems Design