
GaN in Space: Unlocking Efficiency and Performance in Satellite Systems

The space industry is undergoing a transformative shift to “New Space,” driven by the increasing demand for ubiquitous connectivity and the emergence of innovative business models. One of the key elements of this transformation is the adoption of gallium nitride (GaN) technology in space applications. GaN holds immense potential due to its impressive radiation hardness, high system efficiency and lightweight characteristics.

In a discussion with EE Times Europe, Taha Ayari and Aymen Ghorbel, technology and market analysts at Yole Intelligence, part of Yole Group, explained how New Space—the low Earth orbit (LEO) mission segment, with a typical satellite lifespan of three to five years and lower reliability requirements—has become a focal point for GaN adoption. As a result, power GaN devices are being adopted for various satellite systems, including DC/DC converters, point-of-load systems, motor drives and ion thrusters.

EE Times Europe
October 2023
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宜普電源轉換公司聯合創辦人暨執行長Alex Lidow表示,GaN的成本競爭力亦與Si MOSFET並駕齊驅,潛在爆發力更有過之而無不及,目前最關鍵就是得重塑諸多研究者的老舊觀念,認為GaN昂貴到碰不得。GaN的技術正迎來轉捩點,在先進運算、車用電子、太空電子及消費電子等新型應用設計多數採GaN技術,而非Si MOSFET。


宜普拚GaN成本優勢目標超車Si MOSFET

宜普電源轉換公司聯合創辦人暨執行長Alex Lidow接受DIGITIMES專訪,提到GaN主要會被應用在650V及以下市場。反之碳化矽則是主導650V以上的市場,它可望取代矽基絕緣閘極雙極性電晶體。宜普也在開發對速度及尺寸特性極為要求的400V以下市場。且致力於製造比Si功率元件擁有更高性能、更具成本競爭力的GaN元件。


Product roundup: GaN power semiconductors gain traction

(Image: Yole)

Manufacturers of GaN power semiconductors showcased their latest products, from 100 V to 650-V devices at PCIM Europe. PCIM Europe showcased several presentations about the benefits and use cases of wide bandgap (WGG) semiconductors, including gallium nitride (GaN) and silicon carbide (SiC). Several manufacturers, including EPC, GaN Systems, Infineon, Nexperia, and STMicroelectronics announced several new families of GaN power semiconductors during the week.

Electronic Products
May, 2021
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How GaN Integrated Circuits Are Redefining Power Conversion

Gallium nitride (GaN) power devices have been in production for over 10 years and, beyond just performance and cost improvements, the most significant opportunity for GaN technology to impact the power conversion market comes from the intrinsic ability to integrate multiple devices on the same substrate. This capability will allow monolithic power systems to be designed on a single chip in a more straightforward, higher efficiency, and more cost-effective way.

Power Electronic News
March, 2021
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Podcast: Yes, We GaN: Gallium Nitride and Its Role in Power ICs

In this inaugural episode, guests are Alex Lidow, CEO of Efficient Power Conversion Corp., and Dinesh Ramanathan, co-CEO of NexGen Power Systems. EPC and NexGen both have expertise with gallium nitride technology and GaN power devices. EETimes speaks with both about the technology and about the market for GaN power devices.

August, 2020
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Executive Interview with Alex Lidow on Winning GaN Applications

Ahead of December’s Power Conference in Munich, Bodo Arlt took the opportunity to get an insight into Alex Lidow’s thoughts on where the GaN market is now and where he sees the potential applications for the future. Dr. Lidow is the CEO and Co-founder of Efficient Power Conversion (EPC).

Bodo’s Power Systems
November, 2019
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Semiconductor Engineering

The Amazing New World of Gallium Nitride

From the heart of Silicon Valley comes a new buzzword. Gallium nitride is the future of power technology. Tech blogs are touting gallium nitride as the silicon of the future, and you are savvy enough to get in on the ground floor. Knowing how important gallium nitride is makes you a smarter, better consumer. You are at the forefront of your peer group because you know of an up and coming technology, and this one goes by the name of gallium nitride.

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PSDtv - EPC on Why Silicon is Dead at APEC 2019

In this episode of PSDtv Alex Lidow, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) is at APEC 2019 in Anaheim and discusses why their GaN on Silicon devices make Silicon now dead.

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Electronics Weekly



IEEE Spectrum

Tesla starts Autopilot upgrades tonight

Tesla Motors is releasing a new version of Autopilot overnight, adding features the company says will make it safer and more reliable. Investigators are probing what role the self-driving system played in a pair of fatal crashes in Florida and China.

Silicon Beat
September 21, 2016
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人們用矽材料命名了“矽谷”,而矽材料現正面對全新並具有潛力的競爭對手 - 氮化鎵(GaN)材料。有說氮化鎵元件可以取得300億美元的半導體電源供應產業的市場份額。這個市場涵蓋了所有利用牆上的電源插座取得電源的產品—從Apple(AAPL)的iPhone充電器,以至Tesla(TSLA)的豪華電動汽車。

Investor's Business Daily
Allison Gatlin


宜普電源轉換公司的首席執行長Alex Lidow說矽材料是半導體的主要材料,它一直以來是電子行業背後的推動力。可是,它的性能已經到了極限。位於美國洛杉磯的宜普公司正在探究以具備更高的性能的氮化鎵(GaN)元件顛覆市場並且取得矽元件價值4000億美元(2770億英鎊)的市場份額。Alex說:「這是業界首款比矽元件的成本更低並且具備更高的性能的半導體。」

Wired Magazine
Emma Bryce

Like Drug Companies, Big Chipmakers Are Planning To Spend On M&A Instead of R&D

“The semiconductor industry will become one where there are a lot of large corporations and smaller companies will, in effect, be outsourced R&D, much like the pharmaceutical sector,” says Alex Lidow, CEO of Efficient Power Conversion. He says in this scenario Qorvo Corporation and Intersil Corp. could become attractive targets.

Lidow, however, believes consolidation may bring a dark ages to innovation in the semiconductor industry.

November 23, 2015
By: Antoine Gara
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根據Transparency Market Research公司的全新調查報告指出,全球氮化鎵半導體元件市場在2012年的營銷額爲三億七千九百八十二萬美元,並估計在2019年底該市場的營銷達二十二億零三百七十三萬美元。根據2013年至2019的市場預測,該氮化鎵半導體元件市場的年均複合增長率將達24.6%。

雜誌:Industry Today

Smaller, Faster, Cheaper, Over: The Future of Computer Chips

In recent years, the acceleration predicted by Moore’s law has slipped. However, silicon could give way to new materials for making faster and smaller transistors.

New York Times
By: John Markoff
September 26, 2015
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電子工程界後裔Alex Lidow認爲技術業界的必用材料需要改變。六十歲的Lidow現爲宜普電源轉換公司的首席執行長,是技術業界大力鼓吹利用氮化鎵材料製造電晶體及半導體的提倡者。技術業界一直以來都依靠採用傳統的矽材料製造電晶體及半導體。這是一門非常獲利的生意,根據代表於美國設立的公司的SIA估計,去年全球半導體業界的營收達三千三百五十八億美元。

Fast Company

Alex Lidow's Quest To Replace Silicon And Revolutionize Electronics

The company Alex founded in 2007, called Efficient Power Conversion, or EPC, is wholly dedicated to the task of putting GaN in the forefront for use in a variety of things. Wireless power transmission, Class D audio amplifiers, (using a small circuit board, this would produce less heat, and extend battery life on portable systems); and pulsed lasers, or LiDAR (Light Distancing and Ranging), designed to quickly create 3D images useful in mapping and meteorology.

By: Bruce Rogers
September 3, 2015
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