
How to Integrate GaN Power Stages for Efficient Battery-Powered BLDC Motor Propulsion Systems

This article discusses the advantages of GaN-based power stages and introduces a sample device from EPC, implemented in a half-bridge topology. It explains how to use associated development kits to quickly get started on a project. In the process, designers will learn how to measure the parameters of a BLDC motor and operate it in sensorless field orientation control (FOC) with minimal programming effort using Microchip Technology’s motorBench Development Suite.

Digi-Key Electronics
April, 2023
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企業采訪 - 宜普電源轉換公司

Easy Engineering媒體採訪了宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)的市場行銷總監Renee Yawger,瞭解目前氮化鎵元件應用的情況和氮化鎵技術的未來。

Easy Engineering

Utilizing GaN Inverters for Battery-Powered Motor Drive Applications

GaN transistors and ICs increase power density in motor drive applications. An optimal lay-out approach allows obtaining ring-free output switching waveforms and clean current reconstruction signals either from leg shunts or from in-phase shunts.

October, 2021
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用於以電池供電的馬達控制應用且基於氮化鎵元件的 1.5kW 逆變器


Bodo’s Power Systems
2021 年 6 月

Product roundup: GaN power semiconductors gain traction

(Image: Yole)

Manufacturers of GaN power semiconductors showcased their latest products, from 100 V to 650-V devices at PCIM Europe. PCIM Europe showcased several presentations about the benefits and use cases of wide bandgap (WGG) semiconductors, including gallium nitride (GaN) and silicon carbide (SiC). Several manufacturers, including EPC, GaN Systems, Infineon, Nexperia, and STMicroelectronics announced several new families of GaN power semiconductors during the week.

Electronic Products
May, 2021
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Bodo’s Power Systems



Power Systems Design
2021年3月 (第36-39頁)

How GaN Integrated Circuits Are Redefining Power Conversion

Gallium nitride (GaN) power devices have been in production for over 10 years and, beyond just performance and cost improvements, the most significant opportunity for GaN technology to impact the power conversion market comes from the intrinsic ability to integrate multiple devices on the same substrate. This capability will allow monolithic power systems to be designed on a single chip in a more straightforward, higher efficiency, and more cost-effective way.

Power Electronic News
March, 2021
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Laser Driver IC Could Spur Burst Of Activity In Lidar Applications

New family of laser driver IC products will enable faster adoption and increased ubiquity of ToF solutions across a wider array of end-user applications.

March, 2021
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Gallium Nitride Integration: Breaking Down Technical Barriers Quickly

An integrated circuit made using GaN-on-Si substrates has been in production for over five years. The ultimate goal is to achieve a single component IC that merely requires a simple digital input from a microcontroller and produces a power output that drives a load efficiently, reliably under all conditions, in the smallest space possible, and economically. Discrete power transistors, whether silicon-based or GaN-on-Si, are entering their final chapter. Integrated GaN-on-Si can offer higher performance in a smaller footprint with significantly reduced engineering required.

IEEE Power Electronics Magazine
March 2020
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APEC 2019影片

宜普電源轉換公司的基於氮化鎵的元件乃前沿技術。在本影片,宜普公司的首席執行長Alex Lidow於APEC展會現場與 Alix Paultre分享多個design in項目,從而展示基於氮化鎵的元件的各種優勢。

Embedded Computer Design


宜普電源轉換公司首席執行長兼共同創辦人Alex Lidow於APEC 2019展覽會的Ridley Engineering展覽攤位進行演講,題目是“矽已經死亡”。


The Growing Ecosystem for eGaN FET Power Conversion

In recent years, GaN-based power conversion has increased in popularity due to the inherent benefits of eGaN FETs over conventional Si transistors. Migrating a converter design from Si to GaN offers many system-level improvements, which require consideration of all the components in that system. This trend has subsequently spurred a growth in the ecosystem of power electronics that support GaN-based designs.

Power Systems Designs
By Edward A. Jones, Michael de Rooij, and David Reusch
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Why experts believe cheaper, better lidar is right around the corner

This article takes a deep dive into lidar technology. It explains how the technology works and the challenges technologists face as they try to build lidar sensors that meet the demanding requirements for commercial self-driving cars.

The bottom line is that while bringing lidar costs down will take a significant amount of difficult engineering work, there don't seem to be any fundamental barriers to bringing the cost of high-quality lidar down below $1,000—and eventually below $100. That means the technology—and ultimately, self-driving vehicles that depend on lidar—should be well within reach for ordinary consumers.

Ars Techinca
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eGaN技術的可靠性及元件失效的物理原因 – 閘極電壓應力測試

本系列的第四章中,我們探討了採用晶圓級晶片尺寸封裝的eGaN元件的熱機械可靠性。同樣重要的是,我們需要瞭解有閘極偏置時,元件有可能發生的故障模式。本章探討氮化鎵(GaN)場效應電晶體的閘極在偏置電壓時失效的物理原因。我們把eGaN FET的閘極控制電壓提升至特定的最大極限值和極限值以上,從而分析該元件在失效前的性能。

Planet Analog
Chris Jakubiec


在本系列的第一、二及第三章中,我們詳細講解了關於EPC增強型氮化鎵場效應電晶體(eGaN FET)及積體電路(IC)的現場可靠性及它們被認證通過應力測試。在應用中,我們把元件置於預期的工作條件下並施加應力,其測試結果引證了氮化鎵元件的現場可靠性。同樣重要的是明白eGaN元件固有的物理特性,它如何在被施加應力後並超出預期工作條件時(例如數據表的參數及安全工作區(SOA))而失效。本章將進一步深入探討失效的物理原因 -- 採用晶圓級晶片尺寸封裝(WLCSP)的eGaN元件的熱機械可靠性。

Planet Analog
Chris Jakubiec



Planet Analog
Chris Jakubiec

eGaN技術的可靠性及元件失效的物理原因–確證eGaN FET的現場可靠性

宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)的增強型氮化鎵場效應電晶體(eGaN® FET)及積體電路正在驅動最終用戶應用的發展,包括LiDAR、無線充電、DC/DC電源轉換、射頻發射基站、衛星系統及音訊放大器等應用。

從現場可靠性數據可以確證eGaN® FET及積體電路於客戶應用的品質。在本章節,我們分享eGaN® FET的可靠性及現場數據的概述,包括在過去六年間我們對量產及已經付運的eGaN產品所收集的可靠性現場數據,以及分析超過170億小時受測元件的現場數據。最後所得的FIT比率(109小時內發生失效的元件)大約是0.24,這是目前最好的現場可靠性測試結果。

Plant Analog
作者:Chris Jakubiec
2016年5月1 日