
Power Product News from ‘Virtual APEC’

Starting on page 13 of this story, EPC discusses with David Morrison the latest GaN developments meant for APEC. Alex Lidow, CEO and co-founder of EPC, discussed his company’s new power stage ICs, their development of GaN-based reference designs using a multi-level topology and various demos that were originally bound for APEC.

How2Power Today
April, 2020
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氮化鎵與48 V應用 – 目前的發展及何去何從?

中壓氮化鎵場效應電晶體(eGaN FET)的成本在三年前已經比等效額定功率MOSFET器件的成本更低。當時,EPC公司決心利用氮化鎵場效應電晶體的性能及成本效益優勢,積極研發及支持48 V輸入或輸出的應用。車用及電腦應用的48 V 轉換逐漸成為全新的架構,也成為了功率系統的全新標準。

Power Systems Design

Gallium Nitride Integration: Breaking Down Technical Barriers Quickly

An integrated circuit made using GaN-on-Si substrates has been in production for over five years. The ultimate goal is to achieve a single component IC that merely requires a simple digital input from a microcontroller and produces a power output that drives a load efficiently, reliably under all conditions, in the smallest space possible, and economically. Discrete power transistors, whether silicon-based or GaN-on-Si, are entering their final chapter. Integrated GaN-on-Si can offer higher performance in a smaller footprint with significantly reduced engineering required.

IEEE Power Electronics Magazine
March 2020
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矽功率MOSFE追不上目前功率電子業界的演進步伐 -- 業界需要具備高效、高功率密度及細小的外型尺寸的元件。業界看到矽MOSFET已經達到它的理論極限,從而需要找出全新元件。氮化鎵(GaN)是一種HEMT元件,具備附加增值的優勢,被證明為可以支持全新應用的要求。

Power Electronics News

Just How Fast is GaN Fast?

A recent design for an ultra-high speed, low-impedance pulse generator to evaluate oscilloscope probe performance and for determining the feasibility of an in-socket load for ASIC emulation using EPC eGaN™ FET, EPC2037 reveals just how fast these power devices are.

Signal Integrity
March 12, 2020
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Power Systems Design


知名企業領袖 - 宜普電源轉換公司(EPC)首席執行官Alex Lidow於2009年在市場推出第一個氮化鎵電晶體。 經過了10年的氮化鎵產品銷售,DESIGN & ELEKTRONIK 雜誌編輯Ralf Higgelke與Alex會面並談論氮化鎵技術的最新發展。




Electronics Weekly

Go-Ahead for GaN

Smaller, faster, lower cost, and more integrated, GaN-on-Silicon devices have the confidence of designers across a spectrum of power conversion applications. In this article, Alex Lidow explains why it’s getting harder to avoid using GaN power transistors and ICs.

Electronic Specifier
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宜普電源轉換公司首席執行長Alex Lidow 在是次硏討會討論氮化鎵技術如何大大改善系統的效率、尺寸及成本,從而加快磁共振及AirFuel共振技術的普及。


Go-ahead for GaN

It’s getting harder to avoid using GaN power transistors and ICs, says Alex Lidow. There are many reasons to use GaN-on-Si power transistors such as eGaN FETs, in telecoms, vehicles, healthcare and computing. Smaller, faster, lower cost, and more integrated, GaN-on-Si devices have spent a decade gaining the confidence and trust of designers across the spectrum of power conversion applications.

Electronic Specifier
November 20, 2019
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Qualifying and Quantifying GaN Devices for Power Applications

It’s okay to start using gallium-nitride (GaN) devices in your new designs. GaN transistors have become extremely popular in recent years. These wide-bandgap devices have been replacing LDMOS transistors in many power applications. For example, GaN devices are broadly being adopted for new RF power amplifiers used in cellular base stations, radar, satellites, and other high-frequency applications. In general, their ability to endure higher voltages and operate at frequencies well into the millimeter-wave (mmWave) range have them replacing traditional RF power transistors in most amplifier configurations.

Electronic Design
November, 2019
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GaN in Space

This article discussed an oft forgotten or little-noticed part of the spacecraft enabling travel into outer space---power management in the space vehicle. Wide bandgap semiconductors like gallium nitride (GaN), silicon carbide (SiC), as well as diamond, are looking to be the most promising materials for future electronic components since the discovery of silicon. These technologies, depending upon their design, offer huge advantages in terms of power capability (DC and microwave), radiation insensitivity, high temperature and high frequency operation, optical properties and even low noise capability. Therefore, wide bandgap components are strategically important for the development of next generation space-borne systems. eGaN devices are quickly gaining momentum in the space industry and we will see many more applications for them by NASA and commercial contractors in future programs like Artemis and other programs in countries around the globe pursuing efforts into Space.

Power Systems Design
November, 2019
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Executive Interview with Alex Lidow on Winning GaN Applications

Ahead of December’s Power Conference in Munich, Bodo Arlt took the opportunity to get an insight into Alex Lidow’s thoughts on where the GaN market is now and where he sees the potential applications for the future. Dr. Lidow is the CEO and Co-founder of Efficient Power Conversion (EPC).

Bodo’s Power Systems
November, 2019
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Semiconductor Engineering


氮化鎵技術為業界實現以前不可能達到的目標。EPC公司的Alex Lidow闡析醫療護理如何更好地利用氮化鎵技術,實現重大的改進。

Electronic Specifier

DC-DC Conversion for 48 V – 12 V Automotive Applications

GaN transistors, with favorable figures of merit (FOM) for 48 V applications, can provide a reduction in size, weight, and bill of material costs. This article presents a five-phase, fully regulated, bidirectional 48 V to 12 V DC-DC converter. An advancedthermalmanagement solution suitable for use with eGaN FETs results in a system that can provide 3kW of power at an efficiency exceeding 97.5% into a 14.5 V battery.

Power Systems Design
July, 2019
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GaN Powers Small Satellites

Small satellites bring a more cost-effective approach to low-Earth-orbit (LEO) missions, helping to deliver low-cost internet access across the globe. For this application, GaN FETs partnered with a radiation tolerant pulse width modulation controller and GaN fet driver allow more efficient switching, higher frequency operation, reduced gate drive voltage and smaller solution sizes compared to the traditional silicon counterparts.

Electronics Weekly
July, 2019
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根據預測,到2025年,我們的數據將會超過175 zettabyte。當發明了 5G並將最早於2020年在日本舉行的奧運採用、以及通過人工智慧(AI)及機器學習(ML)的發展,建立數據中心和其部署、以及提升目前較舊的數據中心的效能,將進入突飛猛進的時代。

我深信氮化鎵(GaN)功率電晶體是數據中心功率架構的最理想元件,因為需要小型化、高效及快速開關的元件。氮化鎵元件在具48 VIN的所有拓撲,都可以實現最高的效率。





Bodo’s Power Systems
