
Why GaN circuits make better Lidar

In this short video, EPC's Alex Lidow explains why GaN FETs can comprise circuits able to deliver Lidar resolutions down to a couple inches. Conventional silicon FETs performing the same tasks would be able to resolve images only down to a few feet. The secret is in the super-fast rise and fall times made possible by the GaN FETs.

Design World
April 11, 2016
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宜普電源轉換公司的首席執行長Alex Lidow說矽材料是半導體的主要材料,它一直以來是電子行業背後的推動力。可是,它的性能已經到了極限。位於美國洛杉磯的宜普公司正在探究以具備更高的性能的氮化鎵(GaN)元件顛覆市場並且取得矽元件價值4000億美元(2770億英鎊)的市場份額。Alex說:「這是業界首款比矽元件的成本更低並且具備更高的性能的半導體。」

Wired Magazine
Emma Bryce

Highlights from APEC 2016 – GaN, 48V POL, wireless charging and more!

Emerging applications such as 48V-to-point-of-load (POL), wireless power and USB Type-C had a lot of interest. Google joined the Open Compute Project a few weeks ago and proposed a computer server-rack architecture based on a 48V power-distribution bus to improve overall system efficiency. While the 48V bus has been around for a long time, the push (and challenge) is for high-efficiency 48V-to-POL voltage regulators. EPC showcased TI’s 48V-to-1V EVM which uses the LMG5200 GaN module (driver and FETs), announced at APEC last year, and a new TI analog controller (TPS53632G).

TI E2E Community
Pradeep Shenoy
Mar 28, 2016
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我就是這麼想,在加州Long Beach舉行的APEC會議上,與多位工程師及與會者見面以找出本屆APEC的內幕消息。我們比較了APEC與去年研討會的盛況、目前業界的主要發展方向及各公司對APEC研討會的評價。

作者:Kasey Panetta



How2Power Today
David Morrison

Multiple Charging Modes from a single amplifier

Though there are two standards for charging appliances wirelessly, a single circuit can be devised to serve as a charging node for both of them.

Design World
Michael de Rooij, Ph.D., Vice President, Applications Engineering
March, 2016
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Alex Lidow – 於波峰追蹤應用採用eGaN元件可發揮功率管理技術的優勢

Alex Lidow與工程師分享於先進的波峰追蹤應用採用氮化鎵元件可以發揮功率管理技術的優勢。如果放大器系統具備跟隨信號的功能並且只輸出所需功率,可節省大量能源及提高性能。



Alex Lidow是一个有使命感的人。他在美国加州成立的宜普电源转换公司(EPC)在全新应用中使用氮化镓(GaN)晶片而摒弃硅基技术。这些应用包括无线电源充电、4G LTE、扩增实景(AR)及全自动驾驶车辆等令人感到兴奋的应用领域。


Fox Business
作者:Steve Tobak



EE Times
半導體產業分析師、顧問Stephan Ohr


Alex Lidow獲得Stanford大學應用物理學博士學位後,於國際整流器公司(IR)工作了30年。IR公司是半導體製造商,是他的父親Eric Lidow於1940年代成立的上市公司。

Alex開拓IR公司的功率管理技術、共同發明該公司的主要產品的共有專利權,以及在1995年與Derek Lidow 兩兄弟擔任IR公司的共同首席執行長。於1999年,Derek離開IR公司並成立iSupply市場調查研究公司後,Alex成為IR公司的首席執行長。

Steve Tobak

Rethinking Server Power Architecture in a Post-Silicon World

The demand for information in our society is growing at an unprecedented rate. With emerging technologies, such as cloud computing and the Internet of Things, this trend for more and faster access to information is showing no signs of slowing. What makes the transfer of information at high rates of speed possible are racks and racks of servers, mostly located in centralized data.

Alex Lidow, Ph.D., David Reusch, Ph.D., and John Glaser, Ph.D.
March, 2016
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eGaN Technology Reliability and Physics of Failure

In this series we will look at the various ways the reliability of eGaN® technology has been validated, and how we are developing models from our understanding of the physics of failures that can help predict failure rates under almost any operating condition. In this first installment and the next, we will look at the field experience from the past six years of GaN transistors use in a variety of applications from vehicle headlamps to medical systems to 4G/LTE telecom systems. Diving into the failure of each and every part leads to some valuable lessons learned.

Planet Analog
Chris Jakubiec, Robert Strittmatter, Ph.D., and Alex Lidow, Ph.D.
March 1, 2016
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Thoughtful Board Design Unlocks the Promise of GaN

Power transistors with faster switching speeds will enable power supplies with smaller form factors and higher energy transfer efficiencies. Indeed, the elimination of heat sinks will give designers the ability to visualize entirely new form factors for power bricks and modules, including those enabling wireless power transfers. Gallium-nitride (GaN) transistors fabricated on silicon substrates can boost efficiencies and help shrink the footprint of power supplies.

Electronic Design
March, 2016
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採用eGaN FET設計的波峰追蹤電源支援20 MHz LTE頻寬

本篇文章闡述面向使用第四代移動通信技術(4G)LTE頻寬的無線通訊基站基礎設施並採用EPC8004高頻氮化鎵場效應電晶體設計的波峰追蹤電源。基於eGaN® FET並採用四相位拓撲的軟開關降壓轉換器可以準確地跟蹤峰均比(PAPR)為7 dB的20 MHz LTE包絡信號,提供60 W以上的平均負載功率,而總效率可高達92%。這種設計的可擴展性能可以支援不同的功率級別,工程師只需選擇不同的EPC場效應電晶體設計不同的系統,從而可以滿足不同功率級別的要求。

Bodo’s Power Systems
張遠哲博士及 Michael de Rooij博士

Radiated EMI Filter Design for an eGaN FET Based ZVS Class D Amplifier in 6.78MHz Wireless Power Transfer

In this installment, we present a method to design a suitable EMI filter that can reduce unwanted frequencies to levels within radiated EMI specifications, and do this without negatively impacting the performance of the wireless power coil. In addition, the overall radiated EMI design aspects will also be covered.

EEWeb - Wireless & RF Magazine
Michael de Rooij, Ph.D.
February, 1, 2016
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Getting from 48 V to load voltage

Improving low-voltage DC/DC converter performance with GaN transistors:
The emergence of commercially available and cost-effective gallium nitride (GaN) power transistors begins a new age in power electronics. There are significant benefits in using enhancement-mode gallium nitride FET (eGaN FET) devices in power converters for existing data center and telecommunications architectures centering around an input voltage of 48 VDC with load voltages as low as 1 VDC. High-performance GaN power transistors can enable new approaches to power data center and telecommunications systems with higher efficiency and higher power density than possible with previous Si MOSFET based architectures.

Power Systems Design
David Reusch, Ph.D., and John Glaser, Ph.D.
January, 25, 2016
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DesignCon 2016 book signing with engineering icons

Some of the best minds in our industry, like the group that was at a DesignCon 2016 book signing. Among them was Michael de Rooij, Efficient Power Conversion VP of Application Engineering who signed copies of his book Wireless Power Handbook, Second Edition. DesignCon attendees enjoyed browsing and buying books and having the authors autograph them as well. The authors also answered questions and discussed their areas of expertise with inquiring minds in attendance.

EDN Network
January 22, 2016
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EPC received the Readers’ Choice Company of the Year award from Powerpulse.net

According to Powerpulse.net, “This selection is based on EPC's domination of the 50 most-read product news stories for 2015. EPC products account 8 of the top 50 product stories for 2015 (as measured by readership). This is the first time that a single company has accounted for such a large number of product news stories (that amounts to 2 per quarter), including 1 in the Top 10 and 5 in the Top 20.”

January 4, 2016
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L.A. Tech Execs Make 2016 Predictions

With the backdrop of slower global economic growth and expected higher interest rate in 2016, Alex Lidow, CEO of Efficient Power Conversion Corporation opines that companies looking for late-stage financing will see a greater emphasis on fundamentals such as revenue, margin and cash flow, and a lower emphasis on less-tangible metrics, such as the size of an audience without strong monetization.

Los Angeles Business Journal
December 23, 2015
By: Garrett Reim
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The shrinking chip sector

With mega deals for mergers and acquisitions took place in the past year, would innovations be stalled? Alex Lidow, CEO of Efficient Power Conversion Corporation said if you look at semiconductor end sales in this century, we have only seen a 5% compounded annual growth rate. It’s clearly showing signs of an end market that is very large and very mature and in the same time, the cost for a new facility or new product has skyrocketed.

Market Watch
December 23, 2015
By: Therese Poletti
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