GaN Talk podcast. A podcast dedicated to crushing silicon

GaN Talk Podcast

Gallium nitride is the leading candidate for taking electronic performance to the next level and reactivating the positive momentum of Moore's Law. GaN's ability to conduct electrons more than 1000 times more efficiently than silicon while being manufactured at a lower cost than silicon has now been well established. Silicon is out of gas, and new, higher-performing semiconductor material is emerging – GaN is on the rise. The GaN Talk Podcast is a series of interviews with the people behind the rise of Gallium Nitride in the power electronics industry. This interview-style podcast series talks to the power electronics industry's visionaries, leaders, researchers, and engineers.

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Introduction to GaN and Motor Drives

Monday, May 6, 2024

The Gan Talk podcast Episode 3 features an interview with Marco Palma, Director of Motor Drive Systems and Applications at EPC. Marco discusses the transformative impact of Gallium Nitride (GaN) technology on motor drives, highlighting its advantages over traditional silicon-based semiconductors. The conversation delves into the fundamental differences between GaN and Silicon, the challenges and solutions in GaN-based motor drive design, and the future trends and innovations driving the widespread adoption of GaN in various industries, particularly in sustainable energy and electric transportation.