How to GaN Webinar Series

Reliability Webinar

Understanding Why GaN is More Robust than Silicon Power MOSFETs

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Watch the on-demand webinar to learn about the critical aspects of GaN power device reliability and how testing gallium nitride devices to failure demonstrates robustness unmatched by silicon power MOSFETs.

Watch the webinar to learn more about:

  • How the key mechanisms impacting dynamic RDS(on) have been identified and used to create more robust designs.
  • How several eGaN® products were tested exhaustively throughout their data sheet safe operating area (SOA), and then taken to failure to probe the safety margins.
  • How eGaN devices are tested to destruction under short-circuit conditions to determine how long and what energy density they withstand before catastrophic failure.
  • How EPC developed a custom system to assess eGaN reliability over long-term lidar pulse stress conditions.

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Alex Lidow

Speaker: Alex Lidow is CEO and co-founder of Efficient Power Conversion Corporation (EPC). Prior to founding EPC, Dr. Lidow was CEO of International Rectifier Corporation. A co-inventor of the HEXFET power MOSFET, Dr. Lidow holds many patents in power semiconductor technology and has authored numerous publications on related subjects, including co-authoring the first textbook on GaN transistors, GaN Transistors for Efficient Power Conversion, now in its third edition published by John Wiley and Sons. Lidow earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Caltech and his Ph.D. from Stanford.

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Reliability Webinar

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