Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) will showcase the company’s latest enhancement-mode gallium nitride-based FETs and ICs demonstrating how GaN technology’s superior performance is transforming power delivery for automotive, computing, and robotics at the PCIM Europe 2021 Digital Days.
EL SEGUNDO, Calif.— April 2021 — The EPC team will be delivering two technical presentations, an educational tutorial, an exhibitor webinar, and participating in panel discussions on gallium nitride (GaN) technology and applications at the upcoming PCIM Europe 2021 Digital Days, May 3 – 7. In addition, the company will participate in the event’s virtual exhibition, showing its latest eGaN FETs and ICs in customers’ end products that are rapidly adopting eGaN® technology.
In the virtual exhibition, EPC experts will be available to discuss eGaN devices in several applications including: high performance 48 V DC-DC power conversion for automotive and advanced computing and applications; high power nanosecond pulsed laser drivers for lidar systems used in robotics, drones, and autonomous vehicles; and precision motor drives for robotics and drones.
Technical Presentations and Panels Featuring eGaN FETs and Integrated Circuits by EPC Experts
- Bi-Directional 1/16th Brick 48 V – 12 V Converter using Monolithic GaN ePower™ Stage
Schedule: Tuesday, May 4TH, 9:50 AM Central European Time (CET)
- A 1 kW eGaN FET-Based LLC Resonant Converter in the 1/8th Power Brick Size for 48 V Server Applications
Schedule: Tuesday, May 4TH, 3:45 PM Central European Time (CET)
- Exhibitor Webinar: How GaN is Driving Changes in Autonomy, Automotive, and eMobility
Schedule: Tuesday, May 4th, 4:30 PM – 5:00 PM Central European Time (CET)
- Panel Session hosted by Bodo’s Power Systems
GaN-based 3 kW Bi-directional Converter for 48 V Automotive Power
Schedule: Wednesday, May 5th, 3:55 PM – 4:25 PM Central European Time (CET)
- Educational Tutorial: Maximizing GaN FET and IC Performance
Schedule: Wednesday, May 12th, 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM Central European Time (CET)
Meet with EPC’s GaN Experts During PCIM Europe 2021 Digital Days
EPC’s team of GaN Experts will be online during PCIM to discuss live the latest advances in gallium nitride technology and to support customer design efforts. To schedule a meeting during PCIM EU Digital Days click here.
PCIM Europe (Power Conversion and Intelligent Motion) is the leading international exhibition for