Within our booth, we will demonstrate our latest eGaN FETs and ICs in customers’ end products. For example, we will be announcing products that deliver benchmark DC-DC efficiency, size, and cost for 48 V – 12 V, non-isolated, regulated power conversion used in advanced computing, AI, and gaming.
Two of our customers’ LiDAR systems will be on display, while our own LiDAR demo will show how eGaN FETs and ICs are speeding the deployment of autonomous vehicles by enabling faster images, higher resolution, and a longer viewing distance with ultra-narrow, and very high current laser pulses.
Also, in our booth will be a desk implementing a resonant wireless charging solution capable of generating 300 W to wirelessly power a wide range of devices including cell phones, notebook computers, monitors, wireless speakers, smart watches, and table lamps.
We will showcase two new eGaN IC products. One of the products is an integrated gate driver plus 200 V FET in a 3.2 mm2 footprint. The second new product, in the same tiny footprint, has dual 150 V FETs plus integrated gate drivers. Both operate up to 7 MHz, driven from low power CMOS logic, making them ideal for applications such as wireless power, class d audio, and high frequency DC-DC conversion. Monolithic integration of multiple functions in GaN increases performance, lowers cost, and simplifies design.
Interested in finding out more about this higher performance, lower cost semiconductor technology? Join us at APEC and discuss the GaN revolution in the world of power electronics.
Request a private meeting.