EPC9097 - Development Board

EPC9097: 100 V, 20 A Half-Bridge Development Board

EPC9097 Development Board

The EPC9097 development board is a 100 V maximum device voltage, 20 A maximum output current, half bridge with onboard gate drives, featuring the EPC2204 enhancement mode (eGaN®) field effect transistor (FET).

The EPC9097 development board is 2” x 2” and contains two EPC2204 eGaN FETs and one EPC2038 eGaN FET in a half bridge configuration using the uPI Semiconductor uP1966E gate driver.

To simplify the evaluation process of the EPC2204 GaN FET, all the critical components are included on a single board that can be easily connected into any existing converter. Video: How to Turn an EPC Development Board into a Prototype

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