Join EPC at PCIM Europe 2019

Join EPC at the upcoming PCIM Europe 2019 Conference on May 7-9 in Nuremberg Germany

Join EPC at the upcoming PCIM Europe 2019 Conference on May 7-9 in Nuremberg and see eGaN® FETs and ICs in high performance 48 V DC-DC conversion for high-density computing and 48 V automotive, in high-power nanosecond pulsed laser drivers for lidar, in multiple device, large area wireless power, and in precision motor drives for robotics and drones.

PCIM Europe 2019
Date: May 7 - 9, 2019
Location: Nuremberg, Germany
Hall: #7, Booth: #335

48 V automotive,
High-power nanosecond pulsed laser drivers for lidar
DC-DC power data center
Precision motor drives for robotics and drones

To meet with the EPC team during PCIM request a meeting online

What EPC will be talking about at PCIM Europe 2019:

  • Seminar: Evolution of GaN FETs from discrete device through power stages
    Presenter: Michael de Rooij, Ph.D.
    Schedule: Monday, May 6th, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (Arvena Park Hotel Nuremberg)
  • GaN Based High-Density Unregulated 48 V to x V LLC Converters with ≥ 98% Efficiency for Future Data Center
    Speaker: Mohamed Ahmed
    Schedule: Tuesday, May 7th, 11:25 am (Paper - E02-5004, Room - München 1)
  • PSD Panel Session: The Evolution of GaN
    Speaker: Alex Lidow, Ph.D.
    Schedule: Tuesday, May 7th, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm (Hall 7, Stand 543)
  • Bodo’s Podium: GaN – Devices are Mature
    Speaker: Alex Lidow, Ph.D.
    Schedule: Wednesday, May 8th, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm (Hall 7, Stand 543)
  • Efficiency Optimization in Highly Resonant Wireless Power Systems
    Presenter: Michael de Rooij, Ph.D.
    Schedule: Wednesday, May 8th, 1:30 pm (Paper - A04-4936, Room - München 1)
  • Poster Session: GaN Based High Current Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for 48 V Automotive Applications
    Presenter: John Glaser, Ph.D.
    Schedule: Wednesday, May 8th, 3:15 pm – 5:15 pm (Foyer by NCC Mitte Entrance)
  • Poster Session: Optimal GaN FET Scaling for Minimal Power Loss in High Step-down Ratio Half Bridge Converters
    Speaker: Jianjing Wang, Ph.D.
    Schedule: Wednesday, May 8th, 3:15 pm – 5:15 pm (Foyer by NCC Mitte Entrance)

To meet with the EPC team during PCIM Europe 2019 request a meeting online