EPC9181: 80 V, 125 A pulsed laser diode driver evaluation board
The EPC9181 evaluation board is primarily intended to drive laser diodes with high current pulses with pulse
widths in the single digit nanosecond range. The board uses the fully automotive qualified EPC2204A.
The board ships with the EPC9989 interposer board to provide the user with a simple means of mounting a small
set of commercially available lasers. The EPC9989 has a collection of breakaway 5 mm square interposer PCBs
with footprints for different lasers and various alternative loads. The use of the interposers allows many
different lasers or other loads to be mounted on the evaluation boards. The boards do not include a laser
diode or load, which must be supplied by the user.
- High current pulse generation with nanosecond pulse width
- Integrated high bandwidth measurements for key waveforms
- Optional narrow pulse generator to simplify operation with typical pulse and function generators
- Single-ended or differential logic inputs
- Lidar systems – detecting objects in autonomous vehicle applications, where speed and accuracy
of detection is critical
- Autonomous vehicles
- Automated guided vehicles (AGV)
- Robotics
- Drones