Alex Lidow, EPC CEO and co-founder, will be presenting results of a newly released family of enhancement mode (GaN®) HEMT transistors designed for high frequency operation into the 10 MHz range. The presentation will also highlight the stability of these devices under radiation exposure making them an ideal choice for high reliability applications.
EL SEGUNDO, Calif. — March, 2014 — Efficient Power Conversion Corporation, the world’s leader in enhancement-mode gallium nitride on silicon (eGaN®) power transistors will be presenting at the 39th Annual Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology (GOMACTech) Conference which will be held in Charleston, South Carolina on April 3rd.
Enhancement-mode gallium nitride transistors have been commercially available since 2010. In that time they have enabled significant efficiency improvement in commercial DC-DC converters in a variety of topologies and at a variety of power levels. Enhancement-mode transistors have also demonstrated remarkable tolerance to gamma radiation and single event effects (SEE). Compared to radiation tolerant power MOSFETs, GaN FETs offer up to a 40 times improvement in key switching performance figures of merits. This enables designers of space-level power supplies to achieve the efficiencies of commercial state-of-the art systems.
“We are excited to have the opportunity to share the results of EPC’s latest generation of high performance eGaN power transistors and their exceptional results in radiation testing. These GaN-on-silicon power transistors, designed for multi-megahertz switching converter applications, allow the designer of radiation tolerant systems to achieve power densities and efficiencies that equal the commercial state-of-the-art,” said Alex Lidow.
About GOMACTech 2014
GOMACTech was established primarily to review developments in microcircuit applications for government systems. Established in 1968, the conference has focused on advances in systems being developed by the Department of Defense and other government agencies and has been used to announce major government microelectronics initiatives such as VHSIC and MIMIC, and provides a forum for government reviews.
About EPC
EPC is the leader in enhancement mode gallium nitride-based power management devices. EPC was the first to introduce enhancement-mode gallium-nitride-on-silicon (eGaN) FETs as power MOSFET replacements in applications such as DC-DC converters, wireless power transfer, envelope tracking, RF transmission, solar micro inverters, remote sensing technology (LiDAR), and Class-D audio amplifiers with device performance many times greater than the best silicon power MOSFETs.
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