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Podcast - Spirit Behind the Screen: EPC's Alex Lidow and GaN Reliability

Podcast - Spirit Behind the Screen: EPC's Alex Lidow and GaN Reliability

In this episode, Alex Lidow and Marti McCurdy discusses EPC’s test-to-failure method in improving gallium nitride (GaN) devices. According to Alex, testing to failure has allowed EPC to tease out the exact stressors that cause failure and improve EPC’s GaN devices 10-100 times the reliability of commercial devices, and even 100 times reliability in space applications.

Alex and Marti discuss:

(1:30) Why test to fail
(4:14) Learning from failure data and stressors
(11:38) Safe Operating Area
(14:30) Mechanical stressors
(17:45) EPC Space

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GaN and SiC are the next frontline in power conversion

GaN and SiC are the next frontline in power conversion

Wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductors such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) are the new frontline in power conversion, and that takes design engineers into a whole new frequency spectrum, as well as power density and form factor opportunities.

EDN Editorial Advisory Board
December, 2020
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Executive Interview with Alex Lidow on Winning GaN Applications

Executive Interview with Alex Lidow on Winning GaN Applications

Ahead of December’s Power Conference in Munich, Bodo Arlt took the opportunity to get an insight into Alex Lidow’s thoughts on where the GaN market is now and where he sees the potential applications for the future. Dr. Lidow is the CEO and Co-founder of Efficient Power Conversion (EPC).

Bodo’s Power Systems
November, 2019
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Podcast: Moore's Law and GaN

Podcast: Moore's Law and GaN

Alex Lidow has deep roots in the electronics industry. His father and grandfather founded International Rectifier in 1947. Alex eventually ran the company himself for 12 years. He is currently the CEO of EPC, a company that manufactures gallium nitride-based power transistors and integrated circuits. These products are now found in lidar systems for autonomous vehicles, in 4G/LTE base stations, in DC-DC converters for servers and satellites, and in a wide variety of medical products.

EE Times on Air
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APEC 2019 Video

APEC 2019 Video

Efficient Power Conversion, is at the forefront of GaN-based device development. In this video, EPC CEO Alex Lidow talks with Alix Paultre about the various design-ins at the show that underscore the advantages GaN-based devices can provide.

Embedded Computer Design
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PSDtv - EPC on Why Silicon is Dead at APEC 2019

PSDtv - EPC on Why Silicon is Dead at APEC 2019

In this episode of PSDtv Alex Lidow, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) is at APEC 2019 in Anaheim and discusses why their GaN on Silicon devices make Silicon now dead.

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Podcast: GaN for Connected Vehicles

Podcast: GaN for Connected Vehicles

In this episode of the PSDcast, we’re talking to Alex Lidow from Efficient Power Conversion about gallium nitride’s (GaN) application in connected automobiles.

Power Systems Design
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Spirit Tech Talk with EPC

Spirit Tech Talk with EPC

Spirit's Marti McCurdy and EPC's CEO Alex Lidow discuss the performance and cost benefits of gallium nitride over silicon and how leading companies the world over work with EPC to develop their next gen technologies with the power of GaN.

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The New "Silicon" of Silicon Valley

The New "Silicon" of Silicon Valley

EPC CEO & Co-Founder, Alex Lidow was a featured guest on Cheddar TV sharing how GaN technology is enabling new and disruptive technologies, such as LiDAR for self-driving cars and power conversion transistors and ICs for wide-area wireless power and medtech.

September 11, 2017
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Power chips, but not as we know them

Power chips, but not as we know them

Max Smolaks welcomes gallium nitride, a new material which will replace silicon in the power chain

For the past 35 years, most power supplies have relied on power MOSFETs (metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors) – voltage-controlled devices made of silicon that are used to switch and condition electricity.

Data Center Dynamics
April 19, 2017
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Podcast: Cut the Cord! - How GaN Enables the Wireless Home

Podcast: Cut the Cord! - How GaN Enables the Wireless Home

I was led to believe we were heading for a wireless world but a look behind my TV tells a very different story when I see all those wires everywhere. Not to mention the increasing number of BRIDGES for IoT devices. We were hoping to talk about the wireless powered home and how GaN (gallium nitride) is making that possible! When it comes to gallium nitride, there is only one man to speak with, and he's truly changing the world at EPC. He first appeared on EP180 talking about Why Gallium Nitride Is About To Disrupt Silicon then returned on 203 The LIDAR Technology Behind An X-Ray Pill. But he has returned to today to talk about how it can wireless charge anything, and it will blow your mind. Dr. Alex Lidow, is the CEO and co-founder of Efficient Power Conversion and he is going to talk about how tech will make power cords disappear and how EPC is leading the charge in the wireless space.

The Tech Blog Writer Podcast
April 14, 2017
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The Tech Blog Writer Podcast 180: Why Gallium Nitride Is About to Disrupt Silicon

The Tech Blog Writer Podcast 180: Why Gallium Nitride Is About to Disrupt Silicon

At the CES show in Las Vegas this year, EPC (Efficient Power Conversion) showcased how GaN is a core technology behind autonomous vehicles, the house of the future without power cords, the connected car, and non-invasive colonoscopies with an x-ray system within a pill. Replacing silicon, one of the most prevalent types of semiconductor around, with a different material, Gallium Nitride, commonly abbreviated as GaN — or “eGaN,” EPCS new, improved form of GaN. Silicon enabled Intel to build an entire empire, but could this be displaced by GaN? This is an episode that you can expect to learn a huge amount and how it appears that the days of Silicon are numbered in this digital age where companies must disrupt or face disruption. Anyone interested in technology and where the industry is heading will love this episode. Guest Info Dr. Alex Lidow the CEO and co-founder of Efficient Power Conversion onto the show to learn What is GaN? Why GaN? and where is it heading?

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The Tech Blog Writer Podcast
January 20, 2017

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Podcast: Bloomberg Radio Interview with Alex Lidow at CES 2017

Podcast: Bloomberg Radio Interview with Alex Lidow at CES 2017

EPC CEO and Co-Founder, Alex Lidow, discusses the life changing applications on display at CES with Bloomberg Radio. Applications such as LiDAR for autonomous cars with the potential to disrupt the transportation industry and wireless power with the potential to eliminate power cords are highlighted as well as how GaN enables these new technologies.

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January, 2017

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PSDcast - Alex Lidow of EPC on the state of GaN development

PSDcast - Alex Lidow of EPC on the state of GaN development

In this PSDcast Alex Lidow, CEO and Co-founder of Efficient Power Conversion, talks to Alix Paultre of Power Systems Design about the state of GaN development. Now that the industry has finally embraced what GaN can do with multiple vendors and solutions, we are now seeing real design-ins and products based on GaN power devices.

Power Systems Design
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