GaN Talk a blog dedicated to crushing silicon
Term: Data Center
7 post(s) found

Jan 07, 2022

How to Design a 12 V to 48 V / 500 W 2-Phase Boost Converter Using eGaN FETs and the Renesas ISL81807 Controller with Same BOM Size as Silicon, Offering Superior Efficiency and Power Density

Jianglin Zhu, Senior Applications Engineer

48 V is being adopted in many applications, including AI systems, data centers, and mild hybrid electric vehicles. However, the conventional 12 V ecosystem is still dominant, so a high power density 12 V to 48 V boost converter is required. The fast-switching speed and low RDS(on) of eGaN FETs can help address this challenge. In this post, the design of a 12 V to 48 V, 500 W DC-DC power module using eGaN® FETs directly driven by eGaN FET compatible ISL81807 controller IC from Renesas in the simple and low-cost synchronous boost topology is evaluated.

Apr 24, 2019

Building the Smallest, Most Cost Effective, Highest Efficiency Non-isolated 48 V to 5 - 12 V DC to DC Converters using latest Generation 100 V eGaN FETs

Rick Pierson, Senior Manager, Digital Marketing

The latest generation of 100 V GaN devices increase the efficiency, shrink the size, and reduce system cost for 48 V power conversion. The EPC2045, shown in figure 1, is rated at 100 V with 7 mΩ on- resistance that can carry a continuous current of 16 A. The EPC2045 is nearly one-tenth the footprint of a comparable Si MOSFET and has lower parasitic capacitances and can switch much faster than equivalent silicon devices, yielding lower switching loss even at higher switching frequency.

The EPC2053, shown in figure 2, is rated at 100 V with 4 mΩ on-resistance that can carry a continuous current of 32 A. The EPC2053 has lower parasitic capacitances and on-resistance than its silicon counterparts, yielding faster switching speed and lower power losses even at higher switching frequencies. These characteristics enable increasing the output power while shrinking the volume of the converter.

Apr 03, 2019

Exceeding 98% Efficiency in a Compact 48 V to 12 V, 900 W LLC Resonant Converter Using eGaN FETs

Rick Pierson, Senior Manager, Digital Marketing


The rapid expansion of the computing and telecommunication market is demanding an ever more compact, efficient and high power density solution for intermediate bus converters. The LLC resonant converter is a remarkable candidate to provide a high power density and high-efficiency solution. eGaN® FETs with their ultra-low on-resistance and parasitic capacitances, benefit LLC resonant converters by significant loss reduction that is challenging when using Si MOSFETs. A 48 V to 12 V, 900 W, 1 MHz LLC DC to DC transformer (DCX) converter employing eGaN FETs such as EPC2053 and EPC2024 is demonstrated, yielding a peak efficiency of 98.4% and a power density exceeding 1500 W/in3.

Apr 11, 2017

Four Ways GaN Technology Helps Save the Planet

Alex Lidow, Ph.D., CEO and Co-founder

Gallium nitride (GaN) is a better semiconductor than silicon. There are many crystals that are better than silicon, but the problem has always been that they are far too expensive to be used in every application where silicon is used. But, GaN can be grown as an inexpensive thin layer on top of a standard silicon wafer enabling devices that are faster, smaller, more efficient, and less costly than their aging silicon counterparts.

Nov 11, 2016

My Predictions for 2017

Alex Lidow, Ph.D., CEO and Co-founder

In January of 2016 I made several predictions for the then-nascent year. Predictions were made for new markets such as wireless charging, augmented reality, autonomous vehicles, and advances in medical diagnostics and internet access. Progress in these markets was made on all fronts, sometimes faster and sometimes slower than anticipated. So here we are about to start a new year and, perhaps foolishly I am ready once again to predict the future.

Oct 13, 2016

Forget Everything You Thought You Knew About Semiconductors

Alex Lidow, Ph.D., CEO and Co-founder

In past postings , we looked at the applications that have emerged because of new capabilities available with #GaN technology. We also discussed the transformational nature of some of these applications in areas like medicine, telecommunications,human-machine interfaces, and the delivery of electrical power itself (wireless power transfer). GaN technology is entering an era similar to the 80’s and 90’s when the utility of technological improvement was apparent across broad commercial markets. Consequentially, consumers will be willing to pay a premium for the life-style improvements enabled by these improvements thereby accelerating growth of GaN applications for the foreseeable future.

Jul 26, 2016

Rethinking Server Power Architecture in a Post-Silicon World: Getting from 48 Vin – 1 Vout Directly

David Reusch, Ph.D., Principal Scientist, VPT

The demand by our society for information is growing at an unprecedented rate. With emerging technologies, such as cloud computing and the internet of things (IoT), this trend for more and faster access to information is showing no signs of slowing. What makes the transfer of information at high rates of speed possible are racks and racks of servers, mostly located in centralized data centers.